Does Bethesda listen to feedback?


Water Chip? Been There, Done That
Games Radar posted an interview with Bethesda's community manager Matt Grandstaff. They talk about fans' feedback and, of course, there are some bits about feedback on Fallout 3.
<blockquote>GR: Do developers really listen to gamers? Or should gamers stick to gaming and leave developing to developers?

Matt: The folks at our office definitely listen to what the fans have to say. On any given day, you'll even see devs actively participating in discussion within our own forums or commenting on our blog. Additionally, I spend a lot of my time informing guys of any feedback, good and bad, that I feel the developers should be aware of.

GR: Have ideas generated within the community - on your own forums, for example - ever made it into your games?

Matt: Definitely. With Fallout 3, we ran a community contest allowing one fan's 'perk' to be included in the game. In another instance, this past summer I saw a huge demand for modding tools for Star Trek: Legacy and talked to some of our producers on that game about it. We had guys here volunteer to put together scripting tools during their free time so we could release them for the community to use. Beyond that we obviously get an awful lot from people on the forums when they actually get to play our games and provide feedback on that experience. That’s always important for us as we look to what we want to do in our future games.

GR: Does community feedback genuinely help to make better games? Has the industry as a whole benefited from the rise of communities?

Matt: I believe it does. With online gaming communities being as vocal as they are, developers can't help but be cognisant of what people think they're doing right vs. what they're doing wrong. I think our team learned quite a bit from feedback we've received from Oblivion, and folks will see how we've responded in Fallout 3 and in future games. The feedback we get in all its forms from the community only furthers our ability to understand what worked and what didn’t work so that we can do better next time.

GR: How are ideas/suggestions offered within the community relayed to the rest of the team for consideration? Do you have dedicated meetings for that kind of thing?

Matt: Generally I pass on these ideas either face to face with individuals at the office, or simply send an email over to the appropriate person. For instance, we've had some recent discussions about the Pip-boy 3000 diary Istvan Pely wrote for our Fallout 3 website. When I see interesting feedback about the Pip-boy, I try to loop in Istvan so he knows what folks are thinking. </blockquote>Link: Games Radar: Are Developers Ever Listening?.
and folks will see how we've responded in Fallout 3 and in future games.

And we will cry at the debacle, but until then we're stuck with shouting our lungs out while they laugh from their crystal palaces.

Fakking 'ell... :falloutonline:
That interview seriously depressed me.

I mean, I know it's tough to hang around places like this, where you'll often hear your company get trashed every day (and granted, Bethsoft IS one of the companies that deserves it) but it boggles my mind that folks like Grandstaff can sit there and say "yea, we listen to the fan community, we're a part websites that talk about our products," and then goes to list his own company's forum as this wonderfully unbiased fount of fan feedback.

A great PR guy would be able to take the heat on websites like this, maybe even own up to their mistakes rather than saying that "certain" fan communities are too "rabid" and should thus be ignored at all costs.

Very, very sad.
I've got the impression that they only listen to those fans who have already shown their willingness to embrace B's new vision of Fallout, dismissing any negative criticism that comes from communities like NMA as too radical.
Of course they do. Someone at TES forums yelled "itd cool if Bethesda (I luv u guys lol) made Oblivion but in the future, you know, with gunz"

And here it is.
Actually, I'm responsible for Bethesda having bought Fallout. But of course you won't believe me, otherwise I'd be dead... I gave them the idea. Back then when I still was a noob (also before they released Oblivion, of course), I mailed them telling them they should make something Fallout like. Two months later, if memory serves me right, Fallout 3 rights were bought...

-_- Anyway, it's not my fault they are a bunch stupid and hypocritical game developers...

Pete even mailed me back saying something like "We don't take game ideas from fans"...

I don't know if it was pete, the sender was named pete hines...
instead of taking a hint from the way Blizzard approaches SC2 they are starting to rely on fake PR stunts like .. create yer own perk
Morbus said:
Actually, I'm responsible for Bethesda having bought Fallout.


Pete even mailed me back saying something like "We don't take game ideas from fans"...

That's what lawyers always tell them to say.
Morbus said:
Actually, I'm responsible for Bethesda having bought Fallout. But of course you won't believe me, otherwise I'd be dead... I gave them the idea. Back then when I still was a noob (also before they released Oblivion, of course), I mailed them telling them they should make something Fallout like. Two months later, if memory serves me right, Fallout 3 rights were bought...

Morbus said:
Actually, I'm responsible for Bethesda having bought Fallout. But of course you won't believe me, otherwise I'd be dead... I gave them the idea. Back then when I still was a noob (also before they released Oblivion, of course), I mailed them telling them they should make something Fallout like. Two months later, if memory serves me right, Fallout 3 rights were bought...
Are you kidding, right? If no, if you're fucknig serious, then you really should be dead. :evil:
Frog said:
But hey, they let the crowd to pick a perk ! :roll:

Actually, THEY picked a perk. If they let the crowd pick a perk they would have had the decision be spread out over a few months (I hate to use the comparison) "American Idol" style with the fans voting on and eliminating perks til they were left with one choice that the fans actually made.
More than having Bethesda listen to the fan community, I would rather have them communicate with them. Share their ideas, what they think they like and what they think they don't like.

Not them just randomly surfing through the pages, thinking some little random idea looks cool and implementing it in their game without letting the people know what they like and why they like it.
Actually, I'm responsible for Bethesda having bought Fallout. But of course you won't believe me, otherwise I'd be dead... I gave them the idea. Back then when I still was a noob (also before they released Oblivion, of course), I mailed them telling them they should make something Fallout like. Two months later, if memory serves me right, Fallout 3 rights were bought...
:violent: :slap:
Wasteland Stories said:
Oh, I hope that he'll say something about NMA, but they talked about Oblivion freaks :puke:
Yeah, because fallout freaks > oblivion freaks.
goffy59 said:
Why can't they listen to us?
We vants turnbased isometric!!11
Stg Granite said:
Morbus said:
Actually, I'm responsible for Bethesda having bought Fallout. But of course you won't believe me, otherwise I'd be dead... I gave them the idea. Back then when I still was a noob (also before they released Oblivion, of course), I mailed them telling them they should make something Fallout like. Two months later, if memory serves me right, Fallout 3 rights were bought...
Are you kidding, right? If no, if you're fucknig serious, then you really should be dead. :evil:
Morbus has destroyed your life! Noes! You must have revenge!
draeke said:
[insert negative bethsoft fan comment here]
Can't even think of something constructive anymore?
fedaykin said:
I've got the impression that they only listen to those fans who have already shown their willingness to embrace B's new vision of Fallout, dismissing any negative criticism that comes from communities like NMA as too radical.
I've got the impression here most people here just like bashing on Bethsoft, even if it were tb iso. What do you expect? That they'd suddenly go tb iso?