Does Ulysses Not Have Yes-Man Dialogue?


Wept for Zion
So I'm doing an Independent Run in New Vegas you see, and this is my first time doing Lonesome Road as an Independent. I've nearly completed the game by this point, I usually make it a point to make Lonesome Road the last thing I do before Hoover Dam. So when I step out of Hopesville Bunker, Ulysses starts talking to me, and I expect him to insult or compliment me on my choice to hoard Vegas for myself, but instead he acts like I'm working with Mr. House. What? He talks of old world ghosts and saying the lights of Vegas have blinded me to the old man's intentions, and my main response out of the dialogue options are "If you're scared of Mr. House and Vegas, you should be."

The thing is, though, I never did a single quest for Mr. House in this run. In fact, I blew up the Securitron Army and then killed House just to see how that would effect the Independent ending. So why is the game acting like my courier is buddy buddy with Mr. House despite the fact I killed him and, just before I started Lonesome Road, I not only installed Yes-Man on the computer but also got the mission for dealing with Kimball? Is this a bug or does Ulysses simply not have dialogue for an Independent player?
Ulysses's dialogue is based on your faction rep.

I got independent dialogue by not doing any factions quests and going into Lonesome Road.
Ulysses's dialogue is based on your faction rep.

I got independent dialogue by not doing any factions quests and going into Lonesome Road.

Well I'm not allied with NCR or Legion. NCR is Neutral towards me and Legion is Soft Hearted Devil. And House has been dead a very long time. So.. what? In order to actually get Independent dialogue with Ulysses I have to do Lonesome Road before interacting with anyone? Because I didn't do any faction quests for anyone other than Yes Man yet the game is treating me like I'm in bed with Mr. House.
What is your Strip Rep?

Ahhh, I'm Liked by the Strip. I didn't realize that faction was connected with House but then again I guess that should have been obvious. Thankfully I have a Faction reputation setter thing, so I'll just set my Strip rep to Neutral and hopefully that'll fix the problem. Thanks!
So what happens if you're idolized by more than one faction? Both the NCR and the Strip are in love with me this playthrough.
So what happens if you're idolized by more than one faction? Both the NCR and the Strip are in love with me this playthrough.

I remember the first time I did Lonesome Road I was Idolized by both NCR and the Strip. However, since I was a pro-NCR Courier and had done a lot of missions for NCR, including For The Republic, Part II, Ulysses treated me like NCR trash instead of being an Old World dreamer. So I guess if you're idolized by more than one group it comes down to how close you are to the end game for either House or NCR.
Hmm, it seems like they really fucked up the faction specific Ulysses dialogue, I wonder what would happen if I progressed through multiple faction lines at the same pace; maybe that'll be my next playthrough.