Done one run > The Yes Man


First time out of the vault
Hi, just finished the game and i choose to align with the yes man.
It took me 85 hours to finish my first run with one ending and besides the numerous freezes the game gave me, i am pleased so far.
What did not make sense really, was [spoiler:82e979a00c]that death npc's returned to tell what they did after the story ends?!?!?

I wasn't able to fight any of the final boss fight really, [spoiler:82e979a00c]so i had to do it with barter and speech.
Legate's i could defeat, but the NCR just killed me right there with 2 shots.[/spoiler:82e979a00c]

The funny thing was, i even killed [spoiler:82e979a00c]Caesar with his bodyguards. I used the Fatman for that. People were talking after this, but it did not matter to the game as a whole. I used to jump down between the arena and the tent. I also put a lot of plasma mines and pulse mines on the way there. Plus dynamite. My npc i had to place far away since boone always got killed.

The most powerful weapon i think, at least for me, was the Ballistic Fist. My unarmed skill are low, but i still was able to kill most enemies with it.

So for me, less fight in the end, but a fairly good ending. Right now i will try to do Mr.House and i think all the other ones too. :)
yeah, one would assume that both, the death of caesar and mr. house would have a slightly biger effect on the game world (not just the end game really if anything).
I finished completing with 3 endings.
To be honest, i think the Yes Man is the better ending so far.
My path of finishing went like this.

1) Yes Man
2) NCR
3) Mr. House

or from ok to worst. But i haven't tried the legion so far. So can not say about that.
I assume it ranks 4.
Crni Vuk said:
yeah, one would assume that both, the death of caesar and mr. house would have a slightly biger effect on the game world (not just the end game really if anything).

Caesar I agree with, but House? Securitrons are his only real presence on the outside and they run automatically. House's death doesn't really change anything immediately.
So far I just done the independent ending, yet now I'm working on doing the NCR ending.

I just need motivation to play it again, most of the quests really feel too boring at times.
Crni Vuk said:
yeah, one would assume that both, the death of caesar and mr. house would have a slightly biger effect on the game world (not just the end game really if anything).

Indeed! I killed all the Legion camp and then House and transfered yesman to Lucky38... and nothing happened! The main story is not going anywhere (or leading you - for a better wording)
I done the NCR ending and completely wiped out Cottonwood Cove and The Fort and all I got from the NCR was the occasional couple of caps and pat on the backs, Even when I fixed the misfits no one acknowledged it, I felt like killing the misfits!
Mr Krepe said:
I done the NCR ending and completely wiped out Cottonwood Cove and The Fort and all I got from the NCR was the occasional couple of caps and pat on the backs, Even when I fixed the misfits no one acknowledged it, I felt like killing the misfits!

The misfits are, what? Five soldiers?

You kill more than that just walking from one town to another.
There four of them actually.

No I didn't kill them, I fixed them! Anyway when I talked to the guy who instigated the quest (the guy in charge of the camp) he didn't even acknowledge it, it wasn't even a dialogue option.
Now, where's my pliers....
And i've just noticed today your having a streak of twisting my words, please stop, or the thing I said about the pliers will come true.
Tagaziel said:
Crni Vuk said:
yeah, one would assume that both, the death of caesar and mr. house would have a slightly biger effect on the game world (not just the end game really if anything).

Caesar I agree with, but House? Securitrons are his only real presence on the outside and they run automatically. House's death doesn't really change anything immediately.
That not, but you would assume that something happens. No clue. I mean look you killed one of the most important figures in the wastes. Maybe with House its not that important. But at least with legion it should have been a bit of a change somewhere. I mean what would have happend if someone killed Hitler in 1942 or something ? You know that kind of thing.

The thing with house might be because Obsidian doesnt want to push something, so anything that happens is only because "you" triger it. Hence this "you ready to attack now or should we wait ?" dialogues which I find a bit forced and artificaly. I mean the huge wave or attack or what ever telling you how urgent time is ! But you no way you have the possibility to spend 2 months in he wasteland doing nothing ;)

I think some parts in The Witcher have been better, where some of your decisions trigered different events which would later lead to different situations without dialogues. There is the situation with the goods which contain food and weapons which you either hand out to the elves or not and later you would find out that the elves killed some informant with the weapons if you decided to give them the goods. Sadly the Witcher contains only a few of those decisions. But still very well done. Vegas seems to be more trying to fitt both worlds with a rich story/quests that have many different outcomes and to present you with some open world sand box world. The Witcher contains not many side quets for example and those have usualy not much to do with your story (kill monster x for money etc.). Vegas is here offering better diversity. But still killing Caesar or House should have left a biger change or trigering something. Its mainly that many times it feels artifical like the attack on the legion with the NCR where everyone keeps telling you how "bad" their situation is but before the battle you still "can take your time, come backwhen you are rady, even if it takes half a year"
Erny said:
Crni Vuk said:
yeah, one would assume that both, the death of caesar and mr. house would have a slightly biger effect on the game world (not just the end game really if anything).

Indeed! I killed all the Legion camp and then House and transfered yesman to Lucky38... and nothing happened! The main story is not going anywhere (or leading you - for a better wording)

I killed them too. But i needed the help of the Fatman.
Btw. can you, by loosing the quest 'renter unto cesar' still do the ending with the legion?
Tagaziel said:
Crni Vuk said:
yeah, one would assume that both, the death of caesar and mr. house would have a slightly biger effect on the game world (not just the end game really if anything).

Caesar I agree with, but House? Securitrons are his only real presence on the outside and they run automatically. House's death doesn't really change anything immediately.

Well problem is, two quest require already that house dies. The only benefit of house alive is, that you get rich and that the waste is securely controlled via bots.
I still favored Yes man over all the other endings. It seemed to be a better win for everyone.
Sadly, the followers suffered by all endings. I wished you could had the option to help them for a better future.
yester64 said:
I wasn't able to fight any of the final boss fight really, [spoiler:d0e4ae4303]so i had to do it with barter and speech.
Legate's i could defeat, but the NCR just killed me right there with 2 shots.[/spoiler:d0e4ae4303]

[spoiler:d0e4ae4303]Try updating your melee skills, using Knock-Knock and Turbo when facing the NCR. Oliver and his rangers wasn't able to even touch me. LOL
If you speech or bater are high, you don't need to fight. ;) [/spoiler:d0e4ae4303]

It's interesting that all end games have his pro/cons, no one is black and white.
I didn't particularly like the Independent Vegas ending.

[spoiler:fb1abface2]The whole Yes-Man jumping out from behind the fence at the very end and saying he was taking over was kinda sudden and felt tacked on. Also I didn't fight Caesar, just the Legate. Is that normal? I'm going for a Legion ending for my next game, hope it comes out a little better. Don't get me wrong though, I liked it, just didn't feel all that well put together.[/spoiler:fb1abface2]