DOOM the Movie

Lionh34rt said:
"The movie is doomed (pardon the pun) to fail. C'mon! The friggin guy who made House of the Dead directed it!"

That says it all right there....doomed.

DUDE one post is enough to say your mind. If you don't like it get out of your moms basement and friggin get a life. Please don't rebutal I don't hate U.
Mad Max said:
DUDE one post is enough to say your mind. If you don't like it get out of your moms basement and friggin get a life. Please don't rebutal I don't hate U.
Now that was a completely uncalled for flame. Don't do that, he has as much right to say he thiinks the game is doomed as anyone else. Although his post does borderline on spam.
And for that matter, Lionh34rt, your post did not add anything new to the thread. 'I agree' posts are seen as spam, so could you refrain from posting those in the future?
Yes it's true, my post did not add anything to the discussion. So next time I will make sure my future posts are spam free.
Lionh34rt said:
Yes it's true, my post did not add anything to the discussion. So next time I will make sure my future posts are spam free.

LOL, you just did it again.

Anyways, my cousin is at the movie theaters right now watchin' this flick, I'll get his thoughts on it up here when I see him again (should be real soon).

If anyone else sees the movie today, tell us about it, I'm curious to know if its any good.

I liked The Rundown a lot, which also starred the Rock, so I'm hoping this one is on par with that one.
1. Shit, how do I skip this cut scene? This fucking sucks, it's been going on for like 30 minutes.
Going to watch it later. Barely any theaters showing it, and it's on tiny screens.


It was ok, really. Generic action movie, I didn't expect anything else. The FPS scene was more like the original Doom than Doom 3.
I thought it was okay, aside from the fac that the movie didn't go with the story of the games and the "first person" thing was only three fraggin' miinutes long! Good graphics... It was okay. I'd not pay money to see it again though...