Dove way of life

NgInE said:
let me put it this way: girls have less problems with sexual relationships with people from their own gender. somehow most girls seems to be bi- or semi-bi-sexual. guys just aren't that felxible.

...a shame too. Actually it seems guys can be flexible - just less willing to ever admit it. A lot of males do have curiosities.

fun fact: did you know that there are alot of gay/bi/lesbian people in the Goth scene, compared to other inner-cultures?

Yep! Normally I would say that's an improper stereotype - but it actually seems to be true, in my experience anyways. More bi than anything... I associate with people in the goth/punk/ska scene. Our parties are legendary! :D
UJ and Ozrat know what I'm talking about - they've seen the pictures! ;)
NgInE said:
and i don't like the sexual 'looseness' that alot of people have these days. it's like people choose kwanity above quality in sexual relationships...a real shame if you ask me. but what do i know eh?

Actually no, I agree. I was raised to be really conservative. For instance, kissing is a HUGELY intimate thing to me, yet a lot of people don't even think twice about it.

well...i'm into punk and ska, but most guys (ok, punk guys, ska people seem to be more loose) are pretty straight....

I meant the girls. :P
My guy friends haven't done anything like that to my knowledge.
Katja said:
NgInE said:
and i don't like the sexual 'looseness' that alot of people have these days. it's like people choose kwanity above quality in sexual relationships...a real shame if you ask me. but what do i know eh?

Actually no, I agree. I was raised to be really conservative. For instance, kissing is a HUGELY intimate thing to me, yet a lot of people don't even think twice about it.

well...i'm into punk and ska, but most guys (ok, punk guys, ska people seem to be more loose) are pretty straight....

I meant the girls. :P
My guy friends haven't done anything like that to my knowledge.

good to see not all the people in the world have gone crazy with sexual lust :) indeed, i find kissing and sex to be a very special thing and i wouldn't kiss a girl if i wouldn't really like her (read: have fallen in love with her).

and today that isn't called conservative but 'rebelish' :D when you are doing something that is the opposite of what most people do, you are a misfit...or rebel.
My father in law's wife's daughter is making Marylin Manson's clothing. Jade DeVangelis ,don't recall her last name correctly, but it's something like that.

MM is a shy little boy in person :P
Don't deny it, Dove: you look really sexy on that pic! :wink: Please tell me you don't have the Marylin Manson teeth though...

I was raised to be very conservative too, but it seems a shame to miss out on such pleasurable moments as could be spent with a person of the opposite sex (or a shemale, come to that).

Am I the only one who's glad that Mr *nudge nudge wink :violent: * isn't posting on this topic?
the guys a loon and not very versatile in his posts. he's probably just a clone instead of an acctual unique poster.
Nope, no Manson teeth. I don't think he has those chrome teeth anymore, and I'm glad. Those were hideous.

I'm really flattered by all the attention, but I think we need to change this to a different thread, I wasn't supposed to be the main focal point here. I'm surprised Kharn or Odin hasn't said anything about this yet. If anybody out there can move these posts to a different thread they are welcome to. I really don't want to clog this thread with crap about me, let's let other people post their pics here.

Oh and I'm surprised I did'nt get bashed by everybody, actually maybe those posts were deleted. Hmmm.
I doubt they were deleted, Dove, the mods here are cool and everything. Ironic though: it isn't people posting pictures of themselves revealing freakiness (no offense) but rather posts revealing stupidity in thought that brings board cop ire.

Hell, I really couldn't give a flying fuck how a person looks, their sexual preference or anything like that, as long as you can string together a coherent sentence and debate rationally. Thankfully you appear to be able to do both. Score one for the good guys!

And about moving this stuff about you, I would be inclined to leave it. The sticky factor gives noobs an idea of this boards mentaility, hopefully discouraging some of the less open-minded viewers from joining.
Aha, makes sense Murdoch. Although sometimes I can't even think in straight sentences after I take my pills, but thanks. I just expected more of a thrashing, considering I get them everyday I go out dolled up. I even had a guy call me faggot when I arrived at the venue for a concert I was performing at. Needless to say I screamed at him for a while. Eventually he threw a punch and was arrested. After the security for the show tossed him around for a while :wink: .
Cool, thanks Odin. I don't want to be a pain the ass. That thread was opened for different reasons than talking bout little ol me.
Murdoch said:
And about moving this stuff about you, I would be inclined to leave it. The sticky factor gives noobs an idea of this boards mentaility, hopefully discouraging some of the less open-minded viewers from joining.

Or not...-shrug-

Truth be told, Dove, I'm not saying I wouldn't do a double take at you in Walmart, I just wouldn't see anything more into it, which is alot more than I can say for most people. :(

Anyway, the whole goth culture and philosophy has always intrigued me. I respect and in some way admire anyone who is secure enough about themself to adopt such a way of life.

hats off.
IMO everybody has the right to dress, fuck, and say whatever they want to ( well, excluding child porn/rape of course ;) ), I'm absolutely against any kind of opression/discrimination to people who are different in one thing or another. I'm pretty much into the punk scene, and the marvelous country I live in is full of "anti-different" boneheads/hools starting fights with just around anybody that doesn't fit the "normal" label.

Examples: Last week some skins kicked to death a gay guy in a city 200km from me, a friend's brother hasn't got his forehead bone because he got a " take-that-longhair-fag " brick surgery.

Seriously, some of you guys make me a little sad when you say you'd kick somebody's ass just for the looks :/
Well, I'd rather think you were just kidding... ah. whatever.

Ngine: I used to play drums too :P
I wear makeup, because I am a really shy person. It makes me feel like I can say or do what I want, because I feel like a different person.

And It's really tough sometimes to dress this way, but I crave attention.

And a closed minded neanderthal beat my cousin to death for being gay. So you can see why when I deny being gay I have to vehemently deny it, or I don't know what will happen.

ps. Thanks for all the attention :wink:
Dove said:
And about the song link, I think Elissar is trying to get someone to host it. He'll give me the link when it's up.

Wah??? Huh?? What?? Did a agree to do this?? Was I drunk when i said it? Hmm.... I can host it on TO i guess...

tomorro.. goin to bed now.... gotta look sharp for my Promotion to Specialist tomorro.
Good luck Elissar, but there might be problems with hosting the song.

Mostly I think if it's widely distributed, ie posted on a website or forum, then the person hosting would be resposible for paying royalties, because most of my stuff is covers of copyrighted material. So I guess if anybody wants to hear a song from me I guess I'll have to directly send it. I think I can do that without getting into trouble.
Well Kat- I think the reason why guys are usually offended when a homosexual guy hits on them has much to do with their own sense of identity.

To have a gay hit on them raises the question, "Is there something about my character that says 'homosexual'?" or "Why am I coming up in your Gaydar?"

From the homosexuals that I know, there are really no tell-tale signs of "gayness." Just about anyone can be. So this reaction is kind of immature. The more you come into contact with homosexuals the more you find yourself at ease around them.

Besides, homosexuals usually have the best parties.

But for younger males this is very threatening. In our society there is a strong sense of the masculine that defines what the common stereotypes of being "a guy" are, and many guys have the misconception that gays are feminine or prissy.

The sexual identity of a person- their desire for someone of the opposite or the same sex, is one of the most personal issues that a person carries with them. It is often something, especially for young folks, that raises many uncertainties during those periods when they ask themselves "what am I am about?"

Women do this quite a bit but so do men. But it is the role of men that doesn't get addressed. Actually I think this has been one of the unexplored questions of this age. We talk about the role of women in terms of equal rights and what the modern woman should be all about. We have done that so much that many young women don't want to discuss that or be placed into more expectations of what a "modern woman" should be. But in all this emphasis on the changing role of women, we have forgotten the role of men.
Hey, nice pic, Dove. And to think everybody over at TO thought you were a girl and started hitting on you! :lol:
Not everybody ratty, UJ knew he was guy... although DID hit on him..

And as for the steriotyping of gays as prissy and whatnot... I've actually met a few of those "flaming homo's".. They had the lisp and acted like a couple of 12 year old girls.

I'm a fairly tolerant person, but they were all over eachother in a mall while i was trying to buy christmas presents for my nieces and nephews... made me sick.