
Montez said:
ConstinpatedCraprunner said:
Think of it this way: In WW2, 25% of our soldiers fired a wepon. Why? Draft, alot of peopel joining who did'nt want too. Now the number is about 2 times that.

Off topic, but did you ever read a book called "On Killing"? (by Lt. Col. Dave Grossman, in case anyone is interested) If not, I highly recommend it - it's a very in-depth book about that subject.
No. I just have a good memory from statistics on Crossfire. Sounds interesting though, but I'm swamped in a good half dozen books right now.
Load of crap

The idea of a draft is too upsetting for me to form logical and thought out responses at this time. My husband is in the army and 110% against any form of the draft too. I'll add stuff when I can think straight.

I just can't believe this would be taken seriously. Anyone can planly see this would cause massive and unending backlash. It would be worse then the prohibition, and get repealed eventually.
Big_T_UK said:
Paladin Solo said:
But just as long as we are killing terrorists, I think America will not care much for war, since it was brought to our doorsteps, brutally on September 11.
Brought to yor doorstep by Al-Qaeda, not by Saddam.
Paladin Solo said:
But Al Qaeda was the fuel to the fire.
Paladin Solo, does it mean NOTHING to you that Sadaam and Al Qaeda were enemies of each other?

I have commended you for your increase in critical thinking skills lately, but you really are lacking them here. Think about this more carefully.
No I knew that...but I was simply stating...Al Qaeda was the fuel to the fire, and you could consider the fire GWB, or the US, whatever suits your fancy. My point was this, Al Qaeda attacked the US, the US got pissed. What we did in Afghanistan was a good decision, what we did in Iraq, is controversial. I'm not saying Saddam was involved at all, I'm just saying, and said many times but people don't seem to understand, without the 9/11 attacks, Bush would have a very difficult, if not any chance at all, to attack Saddam.
Paladin Solo said:
No I knew that...but I was simply stating...Al Qaeda was the fuel to the fire, and you could consider the fire GWB, or the US, whatever suits your fancy. My point was this, Al Qaeda attacked the US, the US got pissed. What we did in Afghanistan was a good decision, what we did in Iraq, is controversial. I'm not saying Saddam was involved at all, I'm just saying, and said many times but people don't seem to understand, without the 9/11 attacks, Bush would have a very difficult, if not any chance at all, to attack Saddam.

Ozrat, I think he's saying that; "he knows that Bush is using the "War on Terror" as an excuse for Iraq, and that the whole thing became more possable...
Paladin Solo said:
...because of the attacks on 9/11, the American people became more accepting of war, and casualties,
and thus the American people, driven into a cynical patriotism, were willing to step aside to let Bush invade Iraq to secure his precious Babylonian Oil."

So there, he was agreeing with you, but didn't phrase it correctly.
Kind of funny that a President that dodged the draft by "joining" the Air National Guard.

What are they going to draft women for? They can't fight. Cooking? cleaning? Making Airplanes and Tanks like Rosie? :lalala:
What do you mean women can't fight. Of course they can fight. Cannon fodder is cannon fodder. :twisted:

They will not be able to get this approved unless they get invaded or the US suffers a series of terrible terrorist attacks, so the government can decide to strike while the iron is hot.

Search for HR 163 here if you want to see why people (congress members) are supporting this. There are 15 (out of 291 that it needs to pass) that have voiced support for this bill at the current time but there is still a year before it is voted upon.

Or look here


Unsure if that link will work if not search above.

I am skeptical that it will pass but I feel that it is important that people know that it does infact exist. We don't need another Vietnam on our hands which maybe what this is turning into.
Actually there is something humorous about the idea that the person dropping a bomb on a muslim fundamentalist in Afghanistan might be a 25 year old blond chick, well educated, who flies her own plane and drives a car and is sexually promiscuous.

But the draft...

Paladin Solo- making the argument that the US invaded Iraq because of what the Osama and is buddies pulled is a bit too much path dependency. The 9/11 tragedy was and is being used as an excuse to justify a policy.
welsh said:
Paladin Solo- making the argument that the US invaded Iraq because of what the Osama and is buddies pulled is a bit too much path dependency. The 9/11 tragedy was and is being used as an excuse to justify a policy.
Thank you Welsh.
Could someone please shorten the link in Albatross' post down a bit? It's distorting the page width.
Maybe replace this:
Or look here

<snip big URL>
with this:

Paladin Solo said:
That's the worst use of straw I have seen in my entire life. It's completely stupid.

Plus, there isn't that much difference between America now and America during Vietnam.

How quaint then.
What the fuck is that supposed to mean? Stop making imbecilic personal attacks or distorting someone's viewpoints and actually make a point.
Alright... let's not discuss the draft anymore. Its not going to happen.

And why did Bush invade Iraq qith no problem? BECAUSE AMERICANS ARE STUPID. Yep, I feel that a shitload of people who actually vote bush are idiots. It's common knowledge. No one researches info on things either. They allowed everything to happen, and now its too late for anyone to say anything. The US cannot invade any other country, unless it thins itself out in the middle east. I still want to know why we didn't go after... say.. SAUDI ARABIA... instead of Iraq. I know Bush wanted to get revenge for the death threat against his father, but really... at least go after someone who hosts terrorists who have attacked this country.
Meanwhile, concerned citizens in Albany, Oregon, try to ban a book.

'Cos it makes fun of Santa Claus.
Obviously, the United States will never attack Saudi Arabia. The two countries are great allies. Besides, the terrorists come from Saudi Arabia, they are not government sanctioned (terrorists caught by the Saudi government would wish that they were caught by the Americans). It's like suggesting that we place the United States under martial law because most murders in America are committed by Americans.
Kotario said:
Obviously, the United States will never attack Saudi Arabia. The two countries are great allies. Besides, the terrorists come from Saudi Arabia, they are not government sanctioned (terrorists caught by the Saudi government would wish that they were caught by the Americans). It's like suggesting that we place the United States under martial law because most murders in America are committed by Americans.
If America ever considerd attacking the anyplace in the Hijaz there'd be as many dead Americans as Arabs. No way, 9/11 was commited on the grounds that American soldiers where placed in Arabia to help the government, imagine what would happen if we actually attacked Saudi Arabia?
I don't want to be a soldier(*sniff* Devil Dogs *sniff*), but if I got drafted I would MAKE them send my ass to Ft. Benning and I would make the best out of being an 11 Bang Bang!


Mohrg :twisted: