
Re: Load of crap

Commissar Lauren said:
The idea of a draft is too upsetting for me to form logical and thought out responses at this time. My husband is in the army and 110% against any form of the draft too. I'll add stuff when I can think straight.

What unit is your husband with? Just curious.
Draft will never pass, too many vets that got burned by it in Vietnam that are on the hill now for it to go through.

Using the argument Vietnam passed so Iraq could isn't a good one, the rest of the world also didn't give a crap about what we did in Vietnam (which was IMHO far less "right" than Iraq) but what we are doing today pisses everyone off (I understand disagreeing with it, but no one cares when country A invades country B unless country A is the US, then we are being imperialist, if it was anyone else it would just be looking out for their own interests, personally I think Iraq is a mistake, it should've been done 10 years ago, by the UN, because it's there job. We weren't in a great economic state for wanton wars with random countries that pose no immediate threat either)

The world is a different place, the people will never stand for it.
Using the argument Vietnam passed so Iraq could isn't a good one, the rest of the world also didn't give a crap about what we did in Vietnam
Historical ignorance of a scale not yet seen before. Jesus H. Christ, the "revolts" of the '60s practically revolved around Vietnam.
(which was IMHO far less "right" than Iraq)
Wrong. Very, very wrong.
but what we are doing today pisses everyone off
As opposed to...
(I understand disagreeing with it, but no one cares when country A invades country B unless country A is the US, then we are being imperialist,
Yeah fucking right. Now that's a stupid remark if I've ever seen one.
if it was anyone else it would just be looking out for their own interests,
So is the USA. And everyone would be protesting then as well.
I think override is trying to make the point that all he sees in this world is anti-Americanism. Tis the way many Americans feel Sander. You, as an educated person, do know that, don't you?
I think override is trying to make the point that all he sees in this world is anti-Americanism. Tis the way many Americans feel Sander. You, as an educated person, do know that, don't you?
Yes, I do know that that's how you feel. But that's because Americans see something that they think they are doing well, and meet a lot of resistance. Somehow Americans tend to fail to see that it is not their being American, but the actions taken that pisses people off.