Dragon's Dogma


Sonny, I Watched the Vault Bein' Built!
Anyone looking forward to this? It looks to me like Oblivion/Skyrim that embraced its' action adventure nature and had fun with it.

I haven't been this excited about a Japanese game in awhile, I must say.


Really looking forward to Dragon's Dogma actually. It's an open world game with combat done right for a change.
combat looks very fun.

Finally decent animations


Is it really possible that someone finally made a game Bethesda is always talking about? That would be awesome.
Looks alright, but I'm still wondering about the depth of the RPG systems.

I doubt it but I don't mind. I expect a love child of Zelda and Skyrim. If you can enjoy something like that, this may be just what you're looking for. If you're looking for a deep RPG, I wouldn't get my hopes up, though I am willing to be pleasantly surprised.
I'm hoping it won't be Monster Hunter grindage, might just be linking the two games from the visual styles though. :P
The first thing I was immediately reminded of was Risen, and Dark Souls.

I'd give it a spin if it was out for PC, but other than that; console RPGs irk me. I can't get over the whole "this thumb-stick IS your mouse!" element.
Wow, thanks for posting this. Had not heard of this game at all. And it looks amazing.