Duck and Cover is back in business.

On a sidenote, people have grown oversensitive in regard to searching the forums.

When I search the forum for MMORPG, FOOL etc. all I find is:

"Ugh, lock this thread"
"Can't you read the rules?"
"Not again"
"Stupid Noob!"
"Heck, there's been dozens of thread about this already..."

There are indeed many threads, and most of them only mention that people are not supposed to talk about it anymore, and please use the search function to find out why kthxbye. It's so bad that even when I found out about the Archived Boards I first only found this sort of thread. Locked after less then ten posts berating the thread starter.

I have come to think of the Fallout Online debate as a sort of myth. :P
It is a myth.

And it's not allowed simply because noone wants it, and it simply is a topic that serves to make tempers ::cough::ROSH::cough:: flare :P
Don't be simplistic, either of you.

The reason why the search function is referred to so often is that people only want to comment on a topic once, and have one place that contains all the debate about a topic. If the debate gets spread out over different forums and threads, important points and counterpoints can be missed, and the same things can be debated ad naseum seemingly without resolution, cluttering the board and spreading misinformation.

Debating a single topic like FOOL in one place is a matter of convenience and efficiency, nothing more.

Now, with that said, a more convenient method of cross-referencing similar threads would be nice for NMA. I've seen this ability in another phpBB forum somewhere, but cannot recall which one. Basically it links to other threads with similar titles, etc at the bottom.
There's also a link to our Archived Boards where you can read all about FOOL and such..
Rosh is in favor of FOOL. He's the number one fan of the idea. Just PM him and tell him what a great idea you think FOOL is and he'll tell you all about it. Might even give you a custom avatar for it.
Saint_Proverbius said:
Rosh is in favor of FOOL. He's the number one fan of the idea. Just PM him and tell him what a great idea you think FOOL is and he'll tell you all about it. Might even give you a custom avatar for it.
So stupid I do look in your eyes? :P

Seriously though, I wouldn't mind discussing it in only one place if I could find it. And it took me along time to even find a post with even a hint of serious dispute, by no other than Roshambo himself. It only touched on a few of the problems with MMORPGS in general however, and not much interaction.
I was more looking for something like the discussion about the gun skills in Van Buren. (JE Sawyer was totally wrong of course.:wink:)

Hmm, interesting how Roshambo apparently replied to all recent threads but excluded this one.. maybe I should just drop the subject. :?
Maybe because I'm really not wanting to waste my time in pointing out that someone has brought up the Archived Boards already, on this same page in fact. A quick search with "Fallout Online" and with the right search options selected, resulted in a number of hits on the subject.
Roshambo said:
Maybe because I'm really not wanting to waste my time in pointing out that someone has brought up the Archived Boards already, on this same page in fact.
Like me, you mean?

A quick search with "Fallout Online" and with the right search options selected, resulted in a number of hits on the subject.
My complaint wasn't not finding anything but finding too much. It's like searching a specific piece of trash on a dump, which is generally alot larger than a haystack.
I wasted alot of time finding anything even resembling a serious debate on the topic, and that was after I had enough clues.

One thing I can't seem to figure out is an option to search for an actual string rather than keywords.
i am pleased to inform you lot that i'm making progress... now i can DNS the site, but i still cant surf to it *sigh*

i've never had any DNS problems with my provider before and at the moment is the only site stirring up trouble, so it might be due to some other problems...

but if the progress is linear i should be able to surf to it tomorrow *hooray for me* :)
@ brios: i checked cookies, i flushed my cache.

@ montez: i checked ipconfig shite.

@ Saint_Proverbius: yes Firefox is my main browser, but since i've had to do some websitework i also have opera & the latest IE. tried all of them but none works...

for the record i'm no random i-net newby, but thanks for trying to help. ;) i'm actually part of a small local hardwaresite as a newsposter, reviewer and moderator of the graphics card forum. add to that the fact that i study "applied informatics". :arrow: i kinda know my way around computers.

if it continues i'll place a little call to my provider and see whats going on... (which is pretty much a last resort, dont like hanging on the phone for ages even if it s a free number)
But did you deleted the cookies? I had your problem for a couple of days too and deleting them and restarting the browser worked instantly when i still thought it was a dns problem. And i`m not saying you`re a noob in any way, i`m sure you know a hell lot more about these matters than me, just asking if you`ve deleted them or just checked them out of curiosity.
i did i did :)

& i didnt think you were calling me newby or something, just general informatiowise ;)
All they need to do is make me a mod over at DAC, and all will be well with the world.

Also, since I've been gone for a few days, thanks for bringing DAC back to life...Ehrm..Starting to bring it back to life, St.P.

That seems to be the IP of for now at least.
If you got DNS resolving problems and use Windows, just add it to your hosts file (the filename is just "hosts", it's a plaintext file so you can open it with Notepad/Editor), which can usually be found in C:\WINDOWS or C:\WINDOWS\system32\drivers\etc.
Just go to the end of the file and add this line:

The IP might change (although it shouldn't), but for now that should allow you to circumvent the DNS lookup if that causes any problems.

It's NOT a browser issue, but switching to Mozilla Navigator or Mozilla Firefox is always a good decision.