Duke Nukem Forever

Actually, the first Halo game wasn't so bad as a ripoff from Unreal. It's every game after that.

I don't think there's anything criminal about making shooters following this model; the problem is that other models are being abandoned for it and so there's less and less variety.
I don't get the problem with only being able to carry two weapons at the same time. you're limiting your ammo reserves and you have to stop and think what the best combination of guns would be at the moment. plus, it leaves room for a lot more variety in guns and not just one for each number key on your keyboard.
aenemic said:
I don't get the problem with only being able to carry two weapons at the same time. you're limiting your ammo reserves and you have to stop and think what the best combination of guns would be at the moment. plus, it leaves room for a lot more variety in guns and not just one for each number key on your keyboard.
Yes but at the same time it removes a lot of the old-time-shooter feel for a new, more tactical, realistic feel.

Duke was never meant to be realistic
...or very tactical.
People seem to forget Halo 1 had medkits and the shield was pretty crap.

Wonder if it's going to be as moddable as the old Duke.
duke was one of the last real shooters that let you have all the guns at once

im going to really miss that. very bad choice on their part.

part of the fun of the original game was using multiple weapons to kill things.

very dissapointed they are going to consolize this.
One weapon that the original Duke got right IMO was the pipe bomb. Many games have had their own versions of throwable bombs but I always felt that Duke got them right. The way you could trigger them from a distance and the satisfaction of hearing those pig cops die, lol.
aenemic said:
I don't get the problem with only being able to carry two weapons at the same time. you're limiting your ammo reserves and you have to stop and think what the best combination of guns would be at the moment. plus, it leaves room for a lot more variety in guns and not just one for each number key on your keyboard.

On the other hand the limit limits (ahem) the approach you can use in any given situation. It also means that, outside of particular "scripted" situations, you'll never use the more exotic but less "useful" weapons.

Also, I hope that the desert eagle will always be available. That way you could go around with half the weapons you had in Duke3D.

-Mighty foot
-Desert eagle
-Switchable weapon 1
-Switchable weapon 2

By the way. I think that back in the "unreal engine" phase they said they would have kept only a couple of enemies and weapons from Duke3D, but now it seems they brought back every enemy and weapons. :lol: Not that I'm complaining.
TheWesDude said:
duke was one of the last real shooters that let you have all the guns at once

im going to really miss that. very bad choice on their part.

part of the fun of the original game was using multiple weapons to kill things.

very dissapointed they are going to consolize this.

Half Life 2 says "Hi!".
aenemic said:
I don't get the problem with only being able to carry two weapons at the same time. you're limiting your ammo reserves and you have to stop and think what the best combination of guns would be at the moment. plus, it leaves room for a lot more variety in guns and not just one for each number key on your keyboard.

A lot of people seem to miss the fact that this was pretty much the reason for this system in Halo and it worked well. You had your plasma weapons and regular weapons. They served different purposes and were suited for different enemies, depending on whether they had shields, vehicles, etc. There was some strategy involved there as you had to think about your approach a little before entering the next battle area.

The problem is that every other FPS is adapting that system for no good reason. In most other FPS, you aren't trying to decide between a plasma pistol and a machine gun, it's usually a question of picking up a less powerful weapon or a more powerful weapon and then what's there to think about? In COD, you have to drop your weapon to pick up an RPG. Usually, you will want your weapon back after a shot or two so it's nothing but annoying. It remains to be seen how this works out in DNF.

Also, I was reading the demo review and they said that the health system was an EGO bar. If it's the same EGO system as DN: Manhattan Project, then it's not exactly regenerating health. Duke's health increases when he kills enemies or interacts with chicks or something, it doesn't go up by itself, while he's in cover.