Dumb idea


First time out of the vault
There are a lot of ongoing or abandoned mods trying to remake older Fallout games on new engines

But has anyone thought of making a DEMAKE?
Fallout New Vegas on F2 engine for example?
It isn't any less work. Mapping and scripting aside, it would also need new art for factions\NPC that don't have anything close to it in the base game or the fallout database, like the legion, people on cross, the kings, ect... And that is just taking a superficial look at it, beside, unless someone is doing it for the fun of modding, with no pressure and certainty that it must be finished some day, for fun, I am not sure that NV in F2 engine would interest many people, even on NMA.

Best to try your own completely new thing if you want to try making a total conversion, in any engine. At least you aren't limited in following a established vision, and so you can change things if some technical issues or lack of art skills is bloking you at some point, among other considerations.
I've had a few ideas on how it could look, but I share a similar sentiment as FDO- it would require so much work, not to mention a lot of stuff would have to be completely changed/cut that in the long run you're just better off creating something entirely new.

It would be also a long project, easily several years. Fallout 1 NV had it a lot easier- recreating way smaller game in an engine easier to handle and it proved too tasking for a group of pretty experienced modders.
I've also wondered how Fallout 4 would look like in Fallout 2 ... or at least, how much more stable AAA games would be if devs stoke to previous gen graphics while using new engines.