Dustwind - Now with a SP campaign


Sonny, I Watched the Vault Bein' Built!
Staff member
Dustwind is a multiplayer isometric post-apoc real-time combat game. I haven't played it yet but it sure does look pretty good. Is it wortwhile?

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I've played the tutorial now and it plays really good! Let's hope the campaign is decent. Since they have this great combat engine and all these great systems it would be really cool if they ever managed to do a good story campaign with it like ATOM did.
There's a new pacth for Dustwind which adds ten new languages. It also adds some improvements and fixes.

Finally you can play Dustwind in the following languages:

  • English
  • Russian
  • Polish
  • Spanish
  • French
  • Italian
  • Portuguese (Brazilian)
  • German
  • Czech
  • Hungarian
  • Chinese (simplified)

But also, as announced, we have not only added ten new languages for you. We have also fixed some other bugs and made some small improvements. Take the opportunity and play a round!

The fixes and changes can be found in the changelog:

  • Added translations for 10 languages, made minor modifications to the UI to accommodate
  • Added Terrain Palette map editor feature. Pick the terrain textures you want from an extended list of available textures
  • Added Winter tiles, weather and terrain textures
  • Added rain sounds to rain weather FX
  • Added new script triggers: SquadChanged, VehicleEntered, VehicleExited, BuildEvent, GasPickedUp, GasCaptured
  • Added new script conditions: CheckUnitRace, IsUnitInVehicle, IsInventoryEmpty, CheckDoorState
  • Added new script responses: TakePlayerItem, ToggleEffect, StartTrade,OrderUnit_Interact
  • Added outcome filter field to skillused script trigger
  • Added more water tiles and moved them into their own object group
  • Added an MVP display to the post game score screen
  • Added a map warning for missing AI patrol route points
  • Added a dropped item model for mutato
  • Effect objects got upgraded into a togglable entity
  • Improved custom campaign character feature: allowed races can now be selected in campaign settings, and race cost is ignored
  • Improved trigger zone behavior for cars: passengers also trigger enter/exit events individually. Units will now properly get recognized as entering/leaving zones even if they are inside a vehicle
  • Improved UI: self launched custom weapons now show remaining “ammo”
  • Improved map loading performance
  • Improved world map travel, character setup is now restored on the new map
  • Improved save files, character setup is also saved/restored
  • Improved Skirmish UI
  • Improved map editor spawn tab, spawn points are now listed and selectable from the list
  • Improved dialogue topic validation: topics with requirements will be automatically added/removed from active topics after each discussion and on opening the UI.
  • Improved amount dialog window
  • Faster round end respawn when playing offline
  • Portraits were replaced with improved versions
  • Bots are no longer allowed to take titans
  • Sneak balance modified, get detected much slower at max distance, and much faster at close distance
  • Auto-saves moved to level start
  • Made ‘delayed script execution’ an optional script flag, sometimes immediate execution is useful too
  • Nerfed Titan .50cal sniper weapon. less damage, range, more cooldown, aim time
  • Fixed a bunch of bugs in the campaign
  • Fixed dialogue topics not being removed when their conditions are no longer valid
  • Fixed spectator team not working
  • Fixed getting stuck on the loading screen when trying to test a campaign with no locations set up yet
  • Fixed a bug in the terrain smoothing tools that caused the patterns to drift
  • Fixed decoration sub-categories for legs, now you can equip more leg decorations at the same time
  • Fixed some bugs in AI that prevented certain units from attacking the player
  • Fixed trap explosion effect cutting off too early
  • Fixed entities not being reachable in certain cases
  • Fixed pathfinding on Oil tank tiles
  • Fixed some valkyrie animations not looping
  • Fixed corner objectives not filling in fraglimit text
  • Fixed a bug in line of sight checks when both units were moving
  • Fixed a but in line of sight initialization that made enemy units visible at spawn in FFA
  • Fixed getting stuck on slanted ladders
  • Fixed incapacitated units vision not getting properly cleared
  • Fixed hearing range being being too low
  • Fixed a bug in dog animation events
  • Fixed a bug in light-emitter behavior, adjusted default light settings, custom lights may need adjustment in user generated maps

I did play some of the campaign last year I believe and unfortunately it's no masterpiece. However the game ships with a tool that allows for user created campaigns and maps. I sure hope something interesting comes out of this.
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So there is a singleplayer campaign now? Was interested in this until I realized it didn't have that. I'd try multiplayer for it but if I'm buying, I'm buying solely for the singleplayer features any multiplayer is a bonus.
Yeah there's a single player campaign since last summer. Sort of a rape-and revenge story where the female protagonist takes her vengeance. I only played a few maps and it's not great but serviceable I guess. However the combat is fun when you have a squad and there are custom maps for single player to download from steam workshop, maybe take a look at those?

I only played 3.5 hours according to Steam so don't take my word for anything.
A new, free, mini-campaign is in the works according to the two latest updates (1, 2)!

That is good news since the main campaign is kind of crappy from what I played of it. You started with a single character which isn't fun in a squad based tactical combat game. You should have gotten a squad earlier. And also the world building and story wasn't interesting.

I'm very glad that they keep working on this and that they keep adding content.

According to the form of distribution, this would be a free mini-campaign, integrated into the base game. Later on it can grow into something bigger down the road — fingers crossed, that you'll like it.