Watching the intro for the sony conference, it really reminds me how disgusted I am by these conventions. I've been to Gamescom before, and noticed it there as well. I guess I shouldn't expect much but I just hope they'd have some self respect which becomes clearly foolish to me once I see their presentations. Not only for sony, and in fact probably even more so with surely Microsoft, but Nintendo I can't say yet.
It's a gimmick in the worst way. They think that some pop music and flashing images of their logo and products is a good first impression. They think they need to use the loudest sound and the most seizure inducing lighting, they think that dubstep and a phrase like "drop the base" is a good way to please gamers, they think that you should be glad to witness their awe inspiring marketing party and it drives me mad.
I know perfectly well that this is par for the course, but I can't stop being completely unmoved by their hollow hype and instead completely baffled at their lack of any real meaning.
The worst part is that gamers actually appreciate this and the other marketing diarrhea that comes out of the public faces of these big companies all the time. The journalists as well. It doesn't matter what it is, they'll give it praise. Completely undeserved and retarded praise for the most minute things. It's like a giant money circle jerk. They are actually excited by this snorefest of a giant ad, it seems. I feel intellectually insulted by the meaningless tripe these people are spouting about my favorite hobby.
It's even worse in games. In Destiny for example, AlphaPromethean, from 5 seconds of trailer I can feel like it's a way for Bungie to just do halo again. To just make it a do-over. They don't want to please gamers, or think about what they want to differently this time. They take the same shooter and pretend it's a big and amazing new thing so they don't SEEM like they're just churning out a new shooter. It's just colorful toy monsters and soldiers running around with some monologue only meant to convey the fake scope of the game.
It reminds me of this:
"We're building something, completely new."