E3 Fallout News Thread

What does your distaste for 'sensitivity' have to do with Fallout?
My distaste? There is nothing that affects me personally and me alone, I think I made myself clear about the time difference between old and new Fallouts. There are things in the classic games that are impossible to pull off today because of this age of mass hysteria over the internet and rapid sjw.
Or no scrap that, it is possible but you need to have balls like the old devs, the modern example would be Rockstar. I don't have to explain anything really, it's simple.
The issue and distaste would be something that might happen to whoever might believe Beth will make a decent Fallout, which is not me, I don't care about their shit.
What does this have to do with Fallout you say? Well, everything! It's idea to be more mass appealing and mainstream means it follows today's trends, which are bs, we haven't reached lootboxes... yet, but I think you encountered your version of Minecraft in there already, which is BS again, there are more but I won't spend my precious time listing every one of them.
I guess those apostrophes mean something like irony, but there is clear over sensitivity about everything dumb and stupid in modern age, there's no denying it, and it affects mainstream media directly.
There are things in the classic games that are impossible to pull off today because of this age of mass hysteria over the internet and rapid sjw.

So you want them to redo some of the story beats? Also not sure what reactionary buzzwords have to do with Fallout.

I guess those apostrophes mean something like irony, but there is clear over sensitivity about everything dumb and stupid in modern age, there's no denying it, and it affects mainstream media directly.

Which has something to do with Fallout at some point? The apostrophes indicate that I don't know what you mean by sensitivity. Not to point fingers but it's also the kind of words people throw around because they're too chickenshit to say what they really mean. Which, behind the layers of being offended that people care and think something is bad, often comes down to a bigotry they can't openly defend.
I think Bethesda is going to follow what has been popular/lucrative for the past few years... battle royale, micro transactions, Star Wars, the Fallout brand

So I think Fallout 76 will have some sort of play mode that appeals to the Fortnite crowd and allows Bethesda to have micro-transactions, while still looking enough like Fallout 4 to appeal to most fans.

And then Starfield will be an attempt for them to move into the open-world science fantasy genre, taking advantage of all the marketing Disney has done for Star Wars and no such games from EA.

All they will need then is to have something with the super hero vibe.
I sure would like to see games like Kingpin or Manhunt or Postal 2 being made now. Certainly possible, but the outrage, already strong for the aforementioned games back then, would be glorious now.
So you want them to redo some of the story beats? Also not sure what reactionary buzzwords have to do with Fallout.

Which has something to do with Fallout at some point? The apostrophes indicate that I don't know what you mean by sensitivity. Not to point fingers but it's also the kind of words people throw around because they're too chickenshit to say what they really mean. Which, behind the layers of being offended that people care and think something is bad, often comes down to a bigotry they can't openly defend.
@NMLevesque, please!:whatever:
I don't want anyone especially Beth to redo anything from my favorite games, all that has to be done is to be faithful to the formula Fallout 1 set with it's RPG elements in Post Apocalyptic environment, and post apocalypse means there is, racism, slavery, prostitution, child killing, rape, drugs, torture, gambling and generally many unpleasant thingies around.
Fallout was made for adults that aren't delusional about the realities of the modern world, that's the Fallout standard, I recommend replaying F1 to see for yourself or to refresh the memory in case you already played it.
Fallout was considered highly controversial upon release, being brave and offering true role playing, no BS, while Bethesda games only raise controversy with their horrible, outdated visuals, that being said there is no reason to be controversial on purpose, but in case of Fallout being a politically correct mainstream garbage doesn't fit the name it carries now does it?!
Which has something to do with Fallout at some point?
Yes. Explaining the same thing twice brings me no pleasure so my answer is short
Not to point fingers
people care and think something is bad
What, care and think, has to do anything with SJWs? In my humble experience people that think and care actually DO something, like read history, being a better person, and try making the world a better place in their own personal space.
I always strongly believed that those that are trying publicly present themselves as correct and righteous are most of the time the biggest hypocrites there are!
Just rolling with the masses trying to be something more than a worm they truly are.
Yeah, mainstream man, is such a bullshit thing to be related to in this day and age. ::cough:: ::cough:: Fallout3and4:yuck:

Also my words didn't meant to be taken out of context, I did say that you should scrap what I said and just need to have balls to be pushing boundaries in gaming, especially in RPG masterpiece such as Fallout.
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So you want them to redo some of the story beats? Also not sure what reactionary buzzwords have to do with Fallout.
Why are you guys acting as if you haven't played Fallout 1 and 2? Sledgehammer to the groin? Not to mention you can do it to children? Also, sex slaves? Remember those, guys? Or were you two are insinuating that, if there's any game that's like Fallout 1 and 2 are gonna get released in the Current Year™, they are going to get away like they did in the 2000s?

Also, NMLevesque you're also seems like you are out of touch with what's going on in the Current Year™. Already, a developer from Obsidian quits because his 'politically-incorrect' opinions across the internet were found by, you guess it, SJWs and the likes of them http://dailycaller.com/2017/09/06/g...rriors-crucify-him-for-conservative-opinions/. Now, would you seriously think any game like Fallout 1 and 2 can get released in the Current Year™ and get away with it? Because obviously, they can't, and that's the point Dionis been making all along.
Yeah, the kind of political incorrectness in Black Isle Fallout and the kind of "political incorrectness" you're talking about are in a totally different ballpark. Let's not pretend otherwise.
Except, in the current year Black Isle's political 'incorrectness' are pretty much included in the political 'incorrectness' I'm talking about. Tbh, I prefer to not talk about this whole bullcrap, but Dionis's point was pretty much that stuff you saw in Fallout 1 and 2, like childkiller and the likes, simply wouldn't be present in any games made today. If a developer can be attacked in such a way that he quits the company he worked, simply because of his opinions, do you think they would be attempting to make a game where it's politically 'incorrect', like having an opportunity to kill children? Correct me if I'm wrong, but I would assume having an opportunity to commit killing children in a video game is considered 'politically incorrect', since you can't kill even a single child in Fallout 3, even though you can sell them to slavery but that's just Beth gonna Beth.
Except, in the current year Black Isle's political 'incorrectness' are pretty much included in the political 'incorrectness' I'm talking about.

Child killing, slavery and rape in the context of a post-nuclear setting is completely different to inanely whinging about muslims and women on the internet. You know that, you're just being a bit dishonest for the sake of argument.

simply wouldn't be present in any games made today.
but I would assume having an opportunity to commit killing children in a video game is considered 'politically incorrect', since you can't kill even a single child in Fallout 3

Putting aside the fact that Metal Gear Solid V, a game released three years ago and the best selling game of it's franchise, had African child soldiers in it which you can beat up and recruit to your private millitary company and was about one tiny step away from letting you kill them, and nobody gave a single shit (much in the same way people don't look back on Fallout 1/2 with disgust over it's features). The fears over child killing in Gamebryo games is less out of the principle itself and more out of the visceral nature that would come along with doing that in a 3D setting, and it's less the ess jay doubleyous that developers are fearful of and moreso the soccer moms watching CNN or Fox News telling them about this new kid killing game where you viscerally chop off ten year old heads with a chainsaw. The fact that nobody gives a single shit about child killing mods in any internet community should be evidence enough to this.

As for other topics, 1/2 didn't really do that much more than 3 or New Vegas. New Vegas had rape (although if I recall I dont think the Courier themselves can be raped) in various forms, it had slaves both adult and child and it had in-game lore about child soldiers being used as cannon fodder. Again, nobody cared. Legit the only reason child killer isn't a thing in NV or 3 is because it's a little too visceral for a vanilla widespread release. Not because of SJW oppression.

If a developer can be attacked in such a way that he quits the company he worked, simply because of his opinions,

i.e a dude has his own opinions re-stated and exposed by others, it makes him look shitty and he resigns. That's the way of the world. Chat shit, get hit. Not to mention, as I said, there's a sea of difference between the inane reactionary vs SJW shit and actually dark/challenging stuff that Fallout presents.
Did anyone just see Todd on ms presser? F76 is apparently a prequel to all games. Also the trailer had a super familiar voice. Sounded kind of like negan to me.

EDIT: four times bigger than fallout 4 also, whatever that implies
Was that the (crashed) B.O.M.B. space station in the trailer?
The ring and shit looks pretty much like the concept arts from the design docs. It's a quite liked theme and it wasn't done in any Fallout game yet... and we know that Bethesda picks stuff from the old docs, so I'm pretty sure it's one of them space stations.

/edit: Ok, looking at it again it's not exactly the same. Still, probably some crashed station.