EA 'accidentally' announced Command And Conquer 4.

I hope that C&C4 will have decent soundtrack, why only the RA series gets good soundtrack? its like the only tiberium C&C that has good soundtrack is the first one.

I also hope that they eventually do a connection between the Red Alert and Tiberium universe (as pointed out by RA1) but ..... pfhh...... who i am kidding they will never do that.

Probably i am going against most here but Tiberium Sun sucked in my opinion, its just damn depressive and boring storyline. Best C&C's in my view are the original ones (RA1 and C&C1) and RA2, Generals doesnt deserve to be a C&C game and i hope there will not be a sequel, C&C3 was mediocre to say at least.... and its not hard like someone said, on hard dificulty you can get to ACT3 in both campaigns without any challange. RA3 was quite good for a EA game, i guess my expectations were so low that the game turned out fine for me.
BR4ZIL said:
I hope that C&C4 will have decent soundtrack, why only the RA series gets good soundtrack? its like the only tiberium C&C that has good soundtrack is the first one.

Really now?

And you're saying you liked RA3 more than Tiberian Sun!?
Reconite said:
BR4ZIL said:
I hope that C&C4 will have decent soundtrack, why only the RA series gets good soundtrack? its like the only tiberium C&C that has good soundtrack is the first one.

Really now?

And you're saying you liked RA3 more than Tiberian Sun!?

:| well..... i seriously dont like Tiberium Sun's soundtrack, i mean compare it to this:




I know its all about taste, but yes, i do prefer RA3 over Tiberium Sun.

if i had to do a favorite C&C list it would go like this:
3-C&C (tiberium dawn)
6-Tiberium Sun
7-Tiberium Wars (C&C3)
8-Sole Survivor
and finnaly Generals.

So... yeah i put Tiberium Sun over C&C3 sorry if i didint made that clear on the first post and actually the only reason why i dont put Sole Survivor above C&C3 is because there is no one playing it anymore (but its still fun on LAN :D).
You rate Generals that low? It wasn't as bad as some of the other games, IMHO. Had some decent mods too.
I just rate is that low because it doesnt belong to the C&C series, it has LITERALLY no plot.

like this:

Makenshi said:
Leon said:
C&C3 was okay

No it wasn't, I couldn't get past mission 5 because it's F***ING IMPOSSIBLE.

The C&C 3 was too easy to me.

Anyway, the Red Alert 2 Yuri's revenge was the best.

Is it true?

Command & Conquer 4 ALWAYS Needs to Be Online: Even in Single Player

This is sounds retarded. What if I have an Internet failure. Or what if I have NO Internet? :shock:

I have the C&C Decade, but there is no way I buy the C&C 4, if they do this online thing. :roll: