EA 'accidentally' announced Command And Conquer 4.

I heard a rumour they're going to throw out base building alltogether.
Apparently the EA fanbase finds building bases too difficult.
Jebus said:
I heard a rumour they're going to throw out base building alltogether.
Apparently the EA fanbase finds building bases too difficult.

What? Serious?!

What the hell is the gaming market becoming? gaming for the mainstream mentally challenged? (I don't want to insult people who are mentally challenged by nature or accident)

First health items are considered bad.

Then weapon selection in FPS games have to be reduced to just carrying two as that's 'realistic'.

And now base building is bad?

I can understand such a mindset when you play a realistic wargame, present day or past as indeed new vehicles and personnel don't just come out of a building on the field, but remove it from one of the games that started it?
Jebus said:
I heard a rumour they're going to throw out base building alltogether.
Apparently the EA fanbase finds building bases too difficult.

Great same thing like in Dawn of War 2 base building was removed...
I could understand if they removed BUILDING THE TROOPS and making them arrive instead as AIRBORNE REINFORCEMENTS on a airstrip or such, i mean how are they creating people in a barracks but you would still need a barracks or ammo depo call them in, but this is mearly a cosmetic issue or more of a non-issue in a C&C game.
But to remove BUILDINGS alltogether in a C&C game ? So, your base building skill becomes unnecessary, and you can just spam unit creation ? If so, WHY IS IT CALLED C&C anymore.
Screw EA. Screw em to deepest, darkest, most horrifying pits of HELL.
Gentlemen, I recommend that you ignore all Command and Conquar games that came into existance after C&C Red Alert (with the ant vrs. ant combat missions).

After that, the series died; like Fallout, after Fallout.

This way, base-building never died! Westwood just . . . faded away.
Tiberian Sun was my first C&C game and remains my favorite.

I'm looking forward to C&C4, but they have to keep base building! How could they just take it away? You have to establish your presence in the area, you have to conquer! What better way to do so than filling up the map with your buildings. Armys come and go, but your base is pretty much tells the people and enemies that this is your territory and will be so until someone comes and blows it up, setting up their own buildings.
Jebus said:
I heard a rumour they're going to throw out base building alltogether.
Apparently the EA fanbase finds building bases too difficult.

They're going for a different playstyle, with mobile bases, you tool.
Jebus said:
They're going for a different playstyle, with mobile bases, you tool.

Mobile bases great...and if they are atacked they will transform into gigantic robot...

Any way someone played RA3? its a lot worse than C&C3...plus those naked chicks in every video better buy porn than next RA4...
I played all the Command and Conquers up to Generals . . . Stay away from the FPS, I highly recommend. I also forgot about Tiberian Sun -- One of the best; Closest to the original as they've ever come, unfortunately.

So, mobile bases, as opposed to fixed bases? I'm kinda curious how that will work, or if it will just be an attempt to make us focus on ultra-cool units, as opposed to our bases . . .

This, "And now base building is bad? I can understand such a mindset when you play a realistic wargame, present day or past as indeed new vehicles and personnel don't just come out of a building on the field, but remove it from one of the games that started it?" I do not understand. How does base-building appear unrealistic? Essentially what you do in any of the C&C campaigns is set up a mobile field operation -- Something that goes away after the battle. Mind you, having little control of logistics is rather unrealistic, but the game isn't Sim Army, either . . . Though, I'd like to play it. :mrgreen:

Edit**Yeah, I misread the quote.
There are three classes the gamers can play, each with a unique deployable base crawler.

Offense is all about units and damage output, defense is focused on defensive buildings and units that can withstand a beating while support is, well, support.
The Dutch Ghost said:
Don't you just love EA?

Every time they have to give up something (intrusive DRM) they find another way to screw you.

Just have some bloody selfrespect and don't buy their games then ellse this market capitalism shit won't even have a chance of working before it developes into oligarchy.
Username said:
Just have some bloody selfrespect and don't buy their games then ellse this market capitalism shit won't even have a chance of working before it developes into oligarchy.

Who says I am buying it?
I am just saying my thoughts on the matter.

I have stopped buying EA games after they made it their policy to clean customers of as much money as possible.
The Dutch Ghost said:
Username said:
Just have some bloody selfrespect and don't buy their games then ellse this market capitalism shit won't even have a chance of working before it developes into oligarchy.

Who says I am buying it?
I am just saying my thoughts on the matter.

I have stopped buying EA games after they made it their policy to clean customers of as much money as possible.

Good, cause then they aren't screwing your over. They are screwing themselves over.
>Willingly gravedigging.

I loved the C&C series but EA has ruined it, imho. Tiberian Sun is my definite favourite, though was underrated back when it was released.

I've come to the conclusion that EA's designers are children:




Another great PC series raped.
The Crawlers look great. What's problematic is the scale and art direction - EA's gone for TF2 recognizability over plausibility and this is colliding with the "grittier, more serious" tone the game's story and cinematics are gunning for.

I'm looking forward to TT, but more for the storyline and cinematics, than the actual gameplay.
Sad how most top-down view franchises today have gone from a serious style to a more cartoony toy-like design, both in models and colors, mostly due to the passage to 3D

Diablo, Warcraft, C&C, Dawn of War, Starcraft, even NWN to some extent compared to the BG series

The list just goes on...

But fact is 3D view shouldn't be a reason to go for candy-like colorful environments
NWN had those "enchanted" special effects and retarded highlights that contrasted with general grittiness of surroundings.
Also bright purple armour.

Well I have every C&C game up to this points. Even C&C 4 as the co-op mode is very fun but I doubt I'm going to get this.
I don't quite get why they are using horrible cartoony graphics that even Red Alert would think twice about using.