EA desecrate Godfather

Ratty Sr.

Ratty, except old
The most evil of all video game publishers has become jealous of Take Two's success with GTA series and decided that GTA-style crime games = $$$. Which is why they announced development of a game based on the Godfather movies. It will have a completely new story only loosely bound to the first movie. The game will feature voices of Marlon Brando, Robert Duvall and James Caan.

Though I would normally instantly tag this game as bullshit, word is EA will make it an M-rated title, which is very unusual for them. Could it be that EA finally came to their senses and decided to start making games that aren't pure commercial kiddie crap, or did they just decide to cash in on license of a popular movie and popularity of driving games and crime theme, put in more blood and slap an M-rated tag on it because San Andreas sold more copies than NFSU 2? Only time will tell.
How would something like The Godfather even make something like GTA? I know a lot of us have played Mafia, but its kinda different.
Yeah. The only time someone drove a car in The Godfather, he got sprayed with bullets.

Not much to go on for a driving game there.
Jebus said:
The voice from beyond the graaaaaave!
The game will feature his voice. As in 'recorded who knows how long ago'. My guess is in an intro and maybe in the endgame sequence. In-game characters will be completely new and probably voiced by living, breathing people.
Ratty said:
Jebus said:
The voice from beyond the graaaaaave!
The game will feature his voice. As in 'recorded who knows how long ago'. My guess is in an intro and maybe in the endgame sequence. In-game characters will be completely new and probably voiced by living, breathing people.

Excactly. As far as I'm concerned Rockstar has taken this genre as far as it can go, and EA will at most succeed in creating a rip-off. If it's based on Godfather, I'm willing to bet that all the famous quetes from the movies are there, done by the right actors, ripped directly from the films;but that's it.

Another film licence turned to crap, if you ask me. Of course, I may still be surprised, but I seriously doubt it.
Flop said:
Excactly. As far as I'm concerned Rockstar has taken this genre as far as it can go
You think so? I can see a lot of room for improvement.

Not that I expect such from EA, quite the contrary.
Ratty said:
. Could it be that EA finally came to their senses and decided to start making games that aren't pure commercial kiddie crap
That's too funny.

Seriously though, this will be another hit. Unless they manage to make the game so poorly that it's even worse than Driv3r, The Godfather + game + EA marketing = $$$. It's easy as pie, people go 'I loved the Godfather'(and rightly so), and then go 'So the game must rock!' (wrongly so).
If EA can manage to make it as good as Mafia, I won't mind playing it at all! It will be a challenge cos they don't make RPG.
OMG OMG OMG!!! The game looks really amazing!!! And Marlon Brando really did do voice-overs for the game, shortly before his death!

Look at this:




This must be a render. It must be.


It's too early to say, but EA might actually have a winner with this one. Graphics look great and style seems to be perfect. I want to play it now!
D'y'know, I haven't seen the Godfather yet.

Meh, if it's as good as Mafia then I shall prchase it, if it's the standard EA fare I shall decline.
Read the info - it's developed parallel for XBox, PS2 and PC (in that order, I imagine).