Earthworm Jim!


So Old I'm Losing Radiation Signs

Comes out today... I love it.
meh ... I dont get it ... why dont we see such good titles on the PC as well ... they really want me to buy a console :cry:

*though I really enjoyed the games on the SNES in the past a lot !

** also yay interplay :P
XBLA Games should be easily portable to PC. A Steam release might be on its way(And with so many EWJ lovers on PC). It's just those damn exclusiveness contracts with Microsoft to get content on the XBawks before the other platforms.
Been playing it for a bit, and it's awesome. They have some new bonus levels that are fun, and they didn't alter the controls one bit (for good and bad).
I want an Earthworm Jim movie done by drugged Tim Burton with Uve Boll and Bruce Campbell as advisers.
LOL, one of the bonus levels has Keyboard Cat as a boss and you gotta fight him throughout the level. You gotta shoot the notes that come out back at him.

The game is missing a couple levels like Big Bruty and Who Turned out the Lights?. The new art is great.