East Coast or West Coast for location and civilization?


Carolinian Shaolin Monk
At least when you think about Fallout in regards to how things played out after the war and preference for location. I might be a bit bias since I live on the east coast but I have to say even after the great war the east coast would still look beautiful. Beautiful mornings and sunrises and the moisture out here is pretty good during the summer so allergies aren't much of a problem unless dry heat comes around. But the downside to this is I think after the war the east coast still wouldn't be much civilized unless you took my own little nation of the Republic of Carolina into the equation. Yeah problem though, everywhere would be nothing more than raiders, tribals, and survivalist communities that have been living like that since the war, very bad winters, winter is allergy season, hillbillies, and all the forests would provide for some pretty adept wildlife. The west coast is nice, great sunsets, civilization is alive and kicking and it's growing very fast. But the problem with the west coast is dry heat, deserts everywhere, way more hostile wildlife, and the stereotype that people on west coast are airheads. Civilization at least by NCR terms has grown fast but it's just as likely to die off very fast as well if the NCR has only been around for 90 or so years. So what do you think? Would prefer the east coast or west coast for location?
The northeast was bombed into oblivion, so I'd say there's no hope for civilization to rise in the former northeastern megapolitan area. Having lived in Florida a few years back, I can honestly say that it's hard to see humans flocking to the south even before the war. :lol:

The midwest had all of the missile silos, so they're doomed. Also consider that winds would blow the fallout across the plains, killing all of the agriculture there. The west coast is in a similar predicament to the northeast, except their cities are more spread out. I'd say, from your question, that the western seaboard has a better chance for harboring life.

Nevada, the four states region and Texas were probably hit the least, so I'd say that the desert is probably the best region for civilization to occur in. What can I say, I prefer everything west of the Mississippi River.
West Coast.
At least I'm not constantly getting buttraped by Super Mutants, Raiders, Ferals, and constantly getting robbed by Slavers.
The East Coast has it bad, especially in DC, but while the West Coast is getting hammered off by the Legion, who in my head canon is getting rekt by The Courier and the NCR, you would get lots of taxes in NCR territory, but if you can survive with them you'd live a pretty good life. About as good as it'd get in post-nuclear 'Murica.
I feel like that's just D.C. Maybe further south reality would make more sense.

D.C itself is south of the commonwhealth (well, southwest) and that place is only marginally sane. I think going south will make common sense (and the laws of reality) rarer.
I feel like that's just D.C. Maybe further south reality would make more sense.
I live in south Florida and this place would be overrun by giant insects since it pretty much is already. Add to that mutated gators and pythons and I would head west, I hear Zion National Park is nice.
It's cool I'm a sneering imperialist.

I personally always felt that perk was kinda useless outside Zion. Whenever I did Honest Hearts in almost all of my playthroughs I've already killed all the Fiends and Junkie's were too few in number for it to be that good.

Meh. I guess the dialogue options for it are pretty nice, especially when you're with Joshua and you attack the White Legs.
West Coast. I'll also point out that the upper Northwest clearly has a lot of open land for the taking, seeing as how in one of the Great Khan endings in New Vegas they venture Northwest, meet up with the Followers, and the 2 of them carve a mighty empire out of the lands up there.
I always found it odd that the Followers and the Khans team up; one's a humanitarian anarchist faction that wants to aide junkies in their rehabilitation, the other's a group of cobbled together raiders that do assassination work for hire and are responsible for most of the drugs in the mojave, yet they're the bestest friends in the whole world?

Anyway East Coast could be a powerhouse if a faction could unite the raiders under a single banner, the only form of governance that could do that in my mind would be Fascism or Caesars form of governance but it's better to live under tyrants then it is to be under the constant threat of maniacs fucking up your shit.
I always found it odd that the Followers and the Khans team up; one's a humanitarian anarchist faction that wants to aide junkies in their rehabilitation, the other's a group of cobbled together raiders that do assassination work for hire and are responsible for most of the drugs in the mojave, yet they're the bestest friends in the whole world?

Anyway East Coast could be a powerhouse if a faction could unite the raiders under a single banner, the only form of governance that could do that in my mind would be Fascism or Caesars form of governance but it's better to live under tyrants then it is to be under the constant threat of maniacs fucking up your shit.

To be fair, not all the Khans are bad. They've been beaten down and forced to move from place to place for over a century. It's a wonder they've managed to stay together as a tribe at all. It's also interesting when you realize the Khans have the same ancestors as the NCR, both of them came out of Vault 15.

Plus the Followers have met up with the Khans before. The only reason the Khans got into drugs is because they're dirt poor. You can easily convince the Khan's main drug-makers to make health-related drugs too, like stimpaks and fixer. The Khans aren't necessarily evil, they're just doing what they can to survive. I think the Followers see the potential for good in them, and thus why they make a decent team. The Khans have a great capacity for learning and knowledge, along with lots of battle techniques and war tactics, while the Followers know all about how to teach people new tricks and how to take advantage of the Khan's battle prowess. It makes sense to me.
I think in terms of the Fallout Universe, the West Coast just due to how it all feels connected.
Traders will travel from a place like the Hub to get to New Vegas, it feels like a living breathing World.

One of the problems I have with East Coast (or Bethesda Fallout) is how isolated every community is.
No one travels anywhere, it's all just one big dump.

In terms of wasted opportunities however, the East Coast could have been interesting to the point of rivalling the West Coast with their World famous landmarks. As someone from the UK, I can possibly tell you more landmarks from the East than West.

But how Bethesda handled it... leaves a lot to be desired.
I personally always felt that perk was kinda useless outside Zion. Whenever I did Honest Hearts in almost all of my playthroughs I've already killed all the Fiends and Junkie's were too few in number for it to be that good.

Meh. I guess the dialogue options for it are pretty nice, especially when you're with Joshua and you attack the White Legs.
It becomes a lot more useful when you use New Vegas Bounties and AWOP, but I use it purely to insult General Gobbledegook.
I can tell you about all the landmarks on the East Coast. I think the east would likely have more hostile wildlife and like what was said earlier. A lot of tribals, raiders, and slavers. I think the east can get connected, but only if Obsidian made it connected or made the next Fallout in Georgia or Florida and made a way to connect it the west coast. Maybe an expeditionary force from the NCR or the Legion shows up there.
West Coast. I'll also point out that the upper Northwest clearly has a lot of open land for the taking, seeing as how in one of the Great Khan endings in New Vegas they venture Northwest, meet up with the Followers, and the 2 of them carve a mighty empire out of the lands up there.
They went to Wyoming. Wyoming would be the absolute worst place to be in the event of atomic attack. They have the highest concentration of missile silos, a few important air bases and NORAD. Add on the already existing factors such as dangerous wildlife and really bad winters, and you have yourself Hell on Earth.

Oh yeah, and just because there was a war doesn't mean that the Yellowstone supervolcano has gone dormant.
West coast because they're actually rebuilding society and not just living in shitty metal shacks and scavenging for pre war food. Like how do people live for 200 years like that?