Fallout 2 mod EcCo Gameplay Overhaul (new version for RPU)

i may be interested in the barter code you wrote,mind posting it?interesting mod,maybe play with it when its done

For MegaMod compatibility:
1) make sure latest sfall is installed and damage formula = 5 is set.
2) items.. You need to take only items from my mod, which was already included in vanilla game (from 1 to 531, if I'm correct), THEN adjust prices of all items, added in MegaMod, so they fit.
3) critters... for the moment, I include only vanilla critter files in mod, so no problem I think..
4) pro_item.msg will need to be merged

2.Pixote.: script only work with barter, weapon & ammo changes are all in item PRO files... I will try to divide them in future.

2Nirran: .ssl will be included

Beta version (for testing) coming very soon...
I like the idea of the barter mod, though I am not sure why CH is being applied when it already affects how the barter skill is derived. Unless it's felt that CH does not impact the barter value enough?

Regardless I think this is a great step to balancing the game, the wasteland economy definitely needs improvement.
If we can get the barter system worked out, then finally Fallout might start to feel like a proper Wasteland, instead of a shopping paradise... :roll: (guns and ammo need to be rare and expensive IMO).
Excellent! I especially like the economy part. Remember that you have to edit every critter proto file in the game, and in the RP, for any armor changes to work... a pain in the ass, but I developed a tool to do it, tell me if you want it. Good luck with this, give me a shout if there's anything you're curious about.
phobos2077 said:
- weapons and ammo rebalanced to add realism and more difference between various types of weaponry

Finally someone else who's interested in having more realism. I was doing the same just now and started working on a M-16 FRM then I noticed this thread and red a bit.

You see I have a bit of a dilemma... I can't decide on the spread/damage done by the Frag 12 which is designed for the AA 12 as a military AP/High Explosive round. It's really powerful. So I made the damage (from a Pancor + Frag 12) similar to the Avenger since real miniguns use 7.62mm instead of 5 or actually 5.56mm since there really is no 5mm ammo made for such weapons. If it was someone might as well be shooting with piss at an enemy who's wearing combat armor. Their also hand held (which explains the smaller 5.56mm caliber) so the damage should be similar don't you think? With a slight advantage of the Avenger.

Of course all of this vs a Adv. Power Armor MKII wearing opponent considering the Avenger is loaded with the much more powerful 5.56mm AP.
@phobos2077 - I thought I should give you some feed back on the mod..

The new barter seems perfect...the item costing is much tighter than before, you need to search and scrounge for every little valuable item, which is what the game should be all about. One problem seems to be the Golden gecko pelts...I can sell them for $125 each, same as the vanilla game, by the way my barter skill is at -12%...I'm one ugly mother fucker...so their value should have dropped considerably.
.Pixote. said:
@phobos2077 - I thought I should give you some feed back on the mod..

The new barter seems perfect...the item costing is much tighter than before, you need to search and scrounge for every little valuable item, which is what the game should be all about. One problem seems to be the Golden gecko pelts...I can sell them for $125 each, same as the vanilla game, by the way my barter skill is at -12%...I'm one ugly mother fucker...so their value should have dropped considerably.

its not possible to change prices of dude sales with scripting,timeslip said isnt any code it just uses the base price of the item pro file

WOW, thanks for feedback ;)

2.Pixote.: I did it with gecko pelts (and some other items) absolutely on purpose, because otherwise the gecko hunting/skinning feature (which I think is great idea after all) will be useless.

2Ravager: sorry, I don't get what is "Frag 12"? Did I missed something? O_o anyway, I was thinking yesterday (just before realese) very hard about some weapon stats.. (for example, Bozar Anti-materiel rifle.. In RL, even 12.7x99 US bullet are about 15-20 times more powerful then 5.56x45. If you apply this in FO2, it should give damage about 150-300.. which would be ridiculous..) So I made conclusion - GAME BALANCE goes first, realism second.

2Glovz: You can make so that Charisma won't give extra effect on prices easily, buy changing CharismaBonusPercent=0 =)

What I really dream about, is making different "buy/sell" price ratio for different item classes (high ratio for weapons; medium for drugs; small for misc items). There are variable in hs_bartermod, that links to a "item box" which contain items currently "on table", what you'r buying. But I can't figure out how to get price (or any other stat) of a specific item in script, even with sfall...
phobos2077 said:
WOW, thanks for feedback ;)

2.Pixote.: I did it with gecko pelts (and some other items) absolutely on purpose, because otherwise the gecko hunting/skinning feature (which I think is great idea after all) will be useless.

2Ravager: sorry, I don't get what is "Frag 12"? Did I missed something? O_o anyway, I was thinking yesterday (just before realese) very hard about some weapon stats.. (for example, Bozar Anti-materiel rifle.. In RL, even 12.7x99 US bullet are about 15-20 times more powerful then 5.56x45. If you apply this in FO2, it should give damage about 150-300.. which would be ridiculous..) So I made conclusion - GAME BALANCE goes first, realism second.

2Glovz: You can make so that Charisma won't give extra effect on prices easily, buy changing CharismaBonusPercent=0 =)

What I really dream about, is making different "buy/sell" price ratio for different item classes (high ratio for weapons; medium for drugs; small for misc items). There are variable in hs_bartermod, that links to a "item box" which contain items currently "on table", what you'r buying. But I can't figure out how to get price (or any other stat) of a specific item in script, even with sfall...

If you can get the proto number or item ID, you can compare this to a list of your own that has the IDs and an associated price. Simple, but it should work. If not... well, what CAN you get from the items in the item box?
phobos2077 said:
2Ravager: sorry, I don't get what is "Frag 12"? Did I missed something? O_o anyway, I was thinking yesterday (just before realese) very hard about some weapon stats.. (for example, Bozar Anti-materiel rifle.. In RL, even 12.7x99 US bullet are about 15-20 times more powerful then 5.56x45. If you apply this in FO2, it should give damage about 150-300.. which would be ridiculous..) So I made conclusion - GAME BALANCE goes first, realism second.

Frag 12


AP shotgun ammunition, explodes on impact. Fallout was missing a proper round for fighting heavily armored opponents.

And ye those shots like the .50 Cal are very powerful. And they do deal around 170 damage within the mod I'm making with 85% penetration, yet the armors are tougher so the Adv. Power Armor will take around 128 damage.

People always thought they could piss on Endurance. When they will start dying faster it will make them think twice while creating a new character.
I actually just finished a 'Ironman' playthrough with the unarmed fighting skill...
It was incredible challenging & fun.
(took 10 endurance, 2 perks of lifegiver... got some awesome health now at lvl 28)
2Ravager: In my version, GAUSS should penetrate almost any armor (as well as AP Rocket). Also bursts from FN FAL or Bozar AMR shots should cause a trouble ;)
So no need for cheat-ammo, IMHO =)
phobos2077 said:
2Ravager: In my version, GAUSS should penetrate almost any armor (as well as AP Rocket). Also bursts from FN FAL or Bozar AMR shots should cause a trouble ;)
So no need for cheat-ammo, IMHO =)

Well you can take a look at my mod.


Everything's on the first page in a few sections.

The only thing that's holding me back are the perk changes since Nirran created the gym mod for me, but I don't think he'll help me a little further so I can get this finished up.

You can also find a few nice FRM's like M-14, M-16.

And same here the 2mm has about 70% penetration thanks to the weapons that use it. Steady damage unlike some other small guns that have a large spread (mainly shotguns).

Besides it's not cheat ammo. Every weapon has a set of advantages and disadvantages.

For example the Pancor with Frag 12 can do minigun damage, but it's got a very limited range - 20 (19 for burst) hexes and the 10 shot ammo cassette is capable of only 2 burst when the miniguns have 9 or 10 bursts.

The miniguns on the other hand loose out damage because of range and waste your ammo at a very fast rate, yet they have high damage (a bit better then auto shotguns on Frag 12) and can fire more burst rounds.

After all weapons should be different even slightly, but still different.

Do you think you could perhaps help me out a bit? I need a few perk changes:


It's not much really.

The armors are tough so adding even 5-10% more resistance gives quite a damage reduction. If anyone got more then that they would have a near immunity to all attacks and I want the game to be more of a challenge to the player.

Anyway if you can't help at least tell me what you think. Especially about the .223 because a lot of people see it a holy relic and since .223 ammo has the M-16 I could as well make the pistol the way it was, but with less damage.
phobos2077 said:
The rest is balance vs realism.
I agree that balance is the goal here (& is in the name of the thread), vs. realism. Still, it would be awesome to see a "Reality" mod that would make hardcore *really* hardcore. Where you have to really think carefully about getting into armed combat because even one round can kill you - regardless of how heroic or experienced you are - thus your odds of getting iced are about 50/50, all things being equal, so that every little advantage counts ... and sneaking, diplomacy, judicious avoidance, etc. etc. all are much more important skills and habits.

It would be practically impossible to finish such a game, or even to get through any of the major cities probably, but it would be fun to try. :=) I expect that the base game mechanics would prevent the critters from being equally cautious. If they are too gung-ho for the "realism" and pick fights too frequently, then your days are numbered: just a matter of luck and time. ...

Such a game would certainly need to have a more "realistic" economy, too. Firearms and ammo would be super valuable then, and probably all of the drugs that boost you in combat. In fact, merchants might never sell firearms and ammo, except in special scripted circumstances. They'd rather keep the weapons on hand to defend themselves.

Could be interesting! But first, how is the testing going? Any revisions to the mod yet as a result? (I'd help test, but I'm buried in schoolwork right now, and just procrastinating tonight for the message boards, heh.)

If one is truly interested in realism, the doctor skill should be eliminated or severely curtailed. I mean really... repairing your eyesight? Repairing your mangled leg? Without instruments? In the wasteland? I could potentially see being able to use the skill on NPCs, but really shouldn't ever be usable on oneself. What about wound infections?

Of course, it's also unlikely that anyone would invest in doctor skill (or science, for that matter) if traveling from point A to point B was such a struggle. Noncombat/nonsurvivalist characters would be unlikely to survive the hardcore post-apocalyptic environment... and maybe that's the point.
earthdude said:
If one is truly interested in realism, the doctor skill should be eliminated or severely curtailed. I mean really... repairing your eyesight? Repairing your mangled leg? Without instruments? In the wasteland? I could potentially see being able to use the skill on NPCs, but really shouldn't ever be usable on oneself. What about wound infections?

Of course, it's also unlikely that anyone would invest in doctor skill (or science, for that matter) if traveling from point A to point B was such a struggle. Noncombat/nonsurvivalist characters would be unlikely to survive the hardcore post-apocalyptic environment... and maybe that's the point.

I think it should be more usefull in a more "realistic" gameplay. Not only for yourself but also for your companions. Also about the guns they should be really rare as when 1 bullet becomes lethal random encounters would the hell...

Here is my views what I think would fit in a realistic gameplay.

Firearms and ammo being really rare in the game
The user must be skilled useing a firearmsin order to even hit the target.
Targetted shots only for the highly skilled when shooting for a distance (more jinxed effects)
Targetted shots close to the enemy should not be that much harder then non target shots
hit targeted head/eyeshot = death (for most critters)
burst shots from a distance should not be an effective way of killing single critters (since ammo is rare) but more usable when an enemy are in groups.
Sneak, docter and outdoorsman being far more usefull
More viarity of random ancounters (not alsways the same atack patron of the enemy in ambushes)

These are just a few as I could go on for a while :)