First time out of the vault

Thank you for this wonderful mod.
Is there a version for 1in2 not dependent on RP?
Is there a version for 1in2 not dependent on RP?
Thank you for this wonderful mod.
Is there a version for 1in2 not dependent on RP?
I played EtTu earlier this year, and apart from some minor weapon tweaks (I've uploaded archive on that thread)
https://www.nma-fallout.com/threads/fallout-et-tu-release-v1-8.218045/page-86#post-4500343Could nor find it. Is it in first message of the thread? Please guide me. Thank you.
So anyone is welcome to make their own "remix" mod, as long as you don't try to claim the name "EcCo" for yourself.
Go ahead.Would you be okay with me making a version for the Megamod, once I'm more confident with scripting? As per request, I wouldn't use the name "EcCo" or a derivative and, obviously, give full credit to you.
There is no point in Weapons Redone if you use EcCo. Pick one or the other. EcCo has it's own damage formula (ammo mod). You can of course combine these mods somehow but this requires some modding expertise, they will never work together as is.Does it make sense to apply Weapons Redone (https://www.nma-fallout.com/threads/fallout-2-weapons-redone-v2-3.181694/) mod to RPU + EcCo? I mean could it bring more order to the above combo or RPU inbuilt ammo mod + EcCo already do decent job on balancing?
There is no point in Weapons Redone if you use EcCo. Pick one or the other. EcCo has it's own damage formula (ammo mod). You can of course combine these mods somehow but this requires some modding expertise, they will never work together as is.
See this thread https://www.nma-fallout.com/threads/my-attempt-to-fix-fo2-damage-formula-vanilla-ammo-mod.221817/That's the answer I was looking for. Thank you!
A little bit more about specifics of EcCo ammo mod? I tried to find something in archives on GitHub but not much info about formulas or at least some high level description.
I think it's fine. You encounter light armored enemies throughout the game, also sometimes you can just use JHP to conserve AP even if it's less effective. Because AP is more expensive and less plentiful.Isn't it too much of AP over JHP improvement? I am not saying this need to be repaired. Just thinking.
@gustarballs1983 Sorry, my mistake in previous message formulation - I didn't mean that this way. I mean that DeKRuS's Fallout2MechanicsMiniRework is compatible with Fallout 1.5: Resurrection not EcCo. I want say in previous message, that I discovered EcCo Gameplay Overhaul mod through DeKRuS's Fallout2MechanicsMiniRework (as you mentioned it in FO 1.5 thread). I checked F2MMR GitHub repository and see in compatibility section some (for me) "unknown" EcCo mod. After that I checked GitHub repository of EcCo mod and realize that it is quite interesting mod. I also understand from documentation, that EcCo is only compatible with RPU.@fuzzi
Looks Like I've got to striaghten up some of those ejaculate posts of yours..
1. I never said anything about EcCo beeing compatible with Fo1,5: Resurrection. It's probably *not*. EcCo is most likely only for Fo2 Restoration Project/RPU.
2. I did *not* mention EcCo at all in mentioning of F2MechanicsMiniRework, in that Resurection mod post, so straight up his is fake news..
So please don't spread misinformation further..
@gustarballs1983 Sorry, my mistake in previous message formulation - I didn't mean that this way. I mean that DeKRuS's Fallout2MechanicsMiniRework is compatible with Fallout 1.5: Resurrection not EcCo. I want say in previous message, that I discovered EcCo Gameplay Overhaul mod through DeKRuS's Fallout2MechanicsMiniRework (as you mentioned it in FO 1.5 thread). I checked F2MMR GitHub repository and see in compatibility section some (for me) "unknown" EcCo mod. After that I checked GitHub repository of EcCo mod and realize that it is quite interesting mod. I also understand from documentation, that EcCo is only compatible with RPU.