Edge Online interviews Tim Cain

I don't think you could fit an appropriate amount of bribe money in there.

I'm not a fancy big city OB/GYN, but that's something I just don't see happening.
Per said:
I heard Bethesda bribed Cæcilius Calvert, 2nd Lord Baltimore to found the Province of Maryland so they'd have somewhere to put their HQ!


Is their no end to their evil? Their injustice?

I suppose they won't stop there though.
I bet they will even make Fallout 3.

They will then bribe MILLIONS of consumers into purchasing it with cigarettes and baked pig skins.
They might even make.. Fallout 4! And I bet they won't even be isometric...

(okay I should stop now and spare everyone from hearing more of my corny sense of humor :P )
Paul_cz said:
Its quite depressing read, to be honest.

Maker of the best singleplayer RPGs ever, Fallout, Bloodlines, Arcanum.. plays 4 MMOs and is about to make yet another one? : (

Tim is known as a veteran MUD player so there's no reason to get depressed over it.
not only is it not a good idea to piss off a potential employer, it would also give you a bad reputation if you insulted another developing house.
UncannyGarlic said:
I can kind of see why one would try to target teens but at the same time, most gamers are in their twenties and early thirties, so if you're going to target an age group, why not target them?

If that's true, it's so, so sad. With people in their best years playing games, what will become of this world?
PaladinHeart said:
No I think they bribed his mom to bribe him before he was born. Or would that be Herve's mom they bribed? :P
That wouldn't be possible, since Bethsoft didn't exist by then.
Sorrow said:
I mean, they must read Illiad, Oedipus the King, Antigone, etc. (these are mandatory for 13 year old teens in Poland.) and all that drastic/graphic/perverse/serious/tragic ancient stuff but can't play games like Fallout? That's absurd.

Unfortunately, that's Poland.

In terms of the humanities and topics such as literature you are far and away better educated in Europe than even the better educated Americans. America unfortunately has been catering the the lowest common denominator in it's education for decades now with everything coached towards the stupidest kid in the classroom so no one can get offended. Combined with multiple choice tests being the norm for grading where half the answers can typically be discarded as idiotic and you can flip a coin if you don't feel like thinking about the other half you can largely coast through most schools in America without paying any attention at all to the subject matter.

I actually went to fairly good private schools myself and the Iliad was never on a reading list, hell, they even glanced over Shakespeare as 'too deep' for the curriculum.

As opposed to when I was seeing a few girls in Eastern Europe and they went to a University Exam where rather then a craptacular multiple choice test they actually had to stand up and spontaneously answer direct questions from their proffessor to demonstrate a good grasp of what he'd been teaching. A system which requires you to actually be familiar with what you're being taught and odds are will lead to retention, while in the US you can typically slide by with even a few coherent braincells rubbing together and with little reason to truly retain anything you're taught. Probably why one of my friends fathers who grew up in the Soviet Union could still break down chemical formulas and do geometry he'd been taught before I was born and I just lamely remembered the Pythagoras theorum I'd been taught scarcely half a decade before. Something I had to explain away as unrelated to intelligence or apptitude at the time and simply a matter of being able to pass geometry and chemistry in high school without really having to know any of it in my Country's amazingly lackluster school system.

The appealing to teens comments for FOOL actually kinda concerns me given the 'dumming down' of most things these days. I actually used to watch morning and afternoon cartoons geared towards kids into my twenties and the general level of quality went to hell in a handbasket. I never found myself particularly alone in that respect either, and used to know plenty of adults who once watched a lot of cartoon, but can't say I know anyone who does now without refering to Adult Swim type cartoons such as Venture Brothers which is largely caterd to adults who remember the old quality cartoons they used to watch. Last decent cartoons I could watch were Batman Beyond and Pirates of Darkwater and everything I remember since has been watered down crap, and I fail to understand the reasoning behind it. Admittedly there seems to be veyr few morning cartoons anymore at all, but that's probably because of the general lack of quality anymore. I don't think anything being produced these days would actually have held my attention back even when I was five and cartoons really were geared towards me. Most of the cartoons I actually did watch when I was five though, like the old GI Joe, Transformers, Voltron, He Man, Johnny Quest, or even Scooby Doo I could probably watch today and still find amusing and worth a watch. Ironically all those cartoons have been re-made a few times, which confuses me as it seems more sensible to simply re-aire the old ones again rather than taking an idea that worked well in the past and remaking it for people who probably weren't born when the show was popular so are unlikely to have seen the originals. Makes less sense to me when the remakes tend to cater to idiots or are under the belief kids are too dumb to pay attention to anything but colors moving on a screen and flashy lights, or maybe some poor attempts and japanese anime which never seems to work when done by westerners.

It seems to me we have a lot of idiotic kids and teens in America these days because the shows we make for them are largely idiotic and flavorless crap. Wheras the same such shows produced for me at that age may have been cartoons and may have featured plots with ideas so silly as paramilitary organizations trying to blackmail the world with weather dominating devices, but they didn't treat me like an idiot while doing so. So I can amuse myself even as an adult watching old kid shows, maybe just because the producers figured adults might watch the shows with their kids and didn't want them to have to be drunk or otherwise medicated to sit through it, or maybe cause they didn't think all kids were idiots.

I'm not sure exactly when it started but it seems the whole notion of catering to younger audiences got mixed up with catering to the stupid, so Fallout catering to teens kinda concerns me.

I didn't end up playing Fallout as a teen, cause I missed it first time around, but I woulda loved it as one. At the time though teen didn't necessarily translate as stupid while it now seems to. I'm really hoping that the make the game in a mature intelligent fashion and expect teens to enjoy it and appreciate complexities and thought, rather than dumbing everything down for a younger crowd because you think they'll only understand simple concepts, drives, and humor.
He didn't talk about dumbing down Fallout/FOOL for teens. He talked about how his new game won't be a as dark and mature as his previous games (i.e. Fallout, Arcanum, etc.) because its aimed at teens.
With which I disagree because most of Fallout fans that I personally know, were about 14/15 when they played it first time.
Sorrow said:
most of Fallout fans that I personally know, were about 14/15 when they played it first time.

That is most likely a function of the nature of your own social circles, than it is a statement of the age of the average Fallout 1 player at the time.

CRPGs always skewed older than average gamers. All of the Fallout fans that I personally know were adults when Fallout came out (which of course is also a function of me being an adult when it was released).

I would say that, especially considering the fact of its relationship to Wasteland, the average Fallout 1 player was an adult when it was released. Most of the Fallout 1 fans I know played Wasteland when it was released. Some where already adults, then too.

I'd say if you, yourself were 14/15 when you played it, its not surprising that the Fallout fans you know were are of a similar age. If you are talking about those you know online, consider that gaming message boards, especially when they were relatively new in 1997, skew younger than average.

It all goes back to how you measure the actual audience, vs. the tiny percentage of the audience that you find online. And for gamers that were already older teens or adults when the internet was just beginning, many more of those gamers have simply never felt a desire to participate in the online gaming communities, than those that grew up with the internet.

And Fallout, with its inspirations coming from long before the internet era, in Wasteland & PnP gaming, I think that's especially true. I'd be very surprised if the average Fallout player, back in 1997 wasn't a lot older than the average gamer.
Autoduel76 said:
Sorrow said:
most of Fallout fans that I personally know, were about 14/15 when they played it first time.

That is most likely a function of the nature of your own social circles, than it is a statement of the age of the average Fallout 1 player at the time.
Which is irrelevant to what I was talking about.
Your point being that Fallout clicked with teens as well?

Autoduel's counter-point still stands. It's well possible Fallout and Troika's games were more successful with adults than with teens while teens are still one of the largest and easiest-to-hype audiences. Personal impressions don't really impact that either way.
Have you ever met a teenager (that normally plays MMORPGs and similar games) that would refuse to play Fallout because it's dark and violent?

For some reason my Arcanum box says that it's rated 11+ XD .