Edge Top 100

Brother None

This ghoul has seen it all
Well, Edge released a new top 100 overal best video games.

It's got some great old classics, like Lemmings #82, Secret of Monkey Island #79, Thief: TDP #74, System Shock 2 #64, Pacman Vs #60, Starcraft #37, Castlevania:SotN #33, Deus Ex #29, Super Metroid #10, Tetris #9,

Wow is on #22, Oblivion on #19. Half-life and Halo make #4 and #7. Ocinara of Time is #1.

Fallout? Not in there.

Here you go

The list seems to be focused solely on action games, though. With the exception of a few JRPGs, Civilization IV(?) and SimCity 2000. Oh, and Oblivion. Shows you what kind of games the Edge people play, I suppose. Hell, not even Baldur's Gate 2 is on there, a game everyone seems to like.
Every such list is a bit subjective... but this one is pure and utter crap.

Final Fantasy XII as the eighth best game of all time? Ocarina Of Time as the absolute best? Only the tip of the ice-burg for questionable choices.
Ocarina of Time?! What? What?

I like that game a lot, a lot. But I wouldn't even put that in my top ten, and maybe not even twenty.

Final Fantasy just makes me want to cry.
The top 10 alone made me cry. I've learned to widely avoid any such lists, presented on commercial, and oftenly terribly biased, sites and magazines. OMGZ THEY HEAV NINTENDO GAMEZ THAR!!L!O!1L!!1

Let's see. Two tons of console titles I wouldn't touch with a bargepole... I've played Lemmings, but it's obviously inferior to Lemmings 2... Sensible Soccer? A Kick Off clone. System Shock 2, all right. Chrono Trigger, all right. Blah blah... console titles... Starcraft, all right... An R-Type sequel? Huh? Civ 4? Oblivion? FF7 but not FF6?

W. T. F.

It's even more ridiculous when they try to include a smattering of influential, classical titles to fill out the gap between the shiny console games, and fail horribly to pin down the games that really mattered.
They listed Sensible Soccer? That was the worst goddamn soccer game I've ever played. Only good part was the ridiculous looking score things.
What the fuck is "devil may cry"?

I won't ask what "Mr Driller" is, I probably don't want to know.
Are you joking, Wooz? Wait, don't answer. I want to imagine what a world where you don't have to see 300 pound fat chicks wearing small, tight, Devil May Cry shirts taking up the entire comic section of B&N, so they can look at the newest OMGKANPAIIIIIIIIMANGASLOL!
Gawd, this is retarded. Manhunt? Outrun 2006? Halo? What the fuck? They did list some good games - Darwinia, SS2, Deus Ex, StarCraft - but it's mostly a bunch of console twitch-games. Sheesh.
Looking at the top ten, I am not surprised Fallout wasn't there at ALL.

And what the fuck. Guitar Hero? Are they insane?
Halo #7

Haha. It must be some fanboy top or something.

edit: by the way, Devil May Cry is one of the best "modern old school" game I ever player along with Ninja Gaiden. These games rock.

Sadly, DMC 2 and 3 and crap.
Well I will say that Guitar Heroes is pretty different,but I wouldn't list it on a "Top 100" list. I do agree that most of the "Top 10,50,or 100" lists usually suck donkey dick,and your right,they usually throw a few good games in which is odd. Outrun 2006 is fucking ridiculous. They MUST HAVE gotten paid off for that.
It seems Puzzle Bobble is there alright. They should have inserted a golf manager for the list to be complete.
TorontRayne said:
They MUST HAVE gotten paid off for that.

I think this list should be called "The Top 100 Games with Some Guy Willing to Pay Top Dollar for Position 1".

Or something :roll: