Elevator systems in FO

Frank Horrigan@BIS

Still Mildly Glowing
Do the "green" hexes which are used for elevators, traps and random messages have any PRO files that you could edit? I'm wanting to add new elevators into Fallout 1 and as I’ve understood it, it seems to me that elevators (both in Fallout 1&2) work in a combination of scripts (elev0.int-elev9 for Fallout1) and the pro file settings of these green hexes.
The green hexes you are refereing to ar known in the mapper as Partial Scripts and do not have any editable pro files that I know of sins pro files are items and screnery and so on...

The Scripts are saved in .ssl (or .ssl :? ) in the script folder in the mapper dir and you need 1 Fallout Script Editor (FSE) and twice the ton of patties to edit scripts...
I know how to compile/decompile scripts (I even know how to script :D!), but I can't believe that elevators only are controlled by one script. I decompiled all the elevator scripts used by Fallout1 (elev0-elev9.int) yesterday and I'm going to introduce what I mean with elev9.int ;

procedure start;

procedure start
if (op_script_action() == 2) then
if (op_source_obj() == op_dude_obj()) then
op_metarule(15, 9);

What's interesting here is the value to the right on the metarule line. The number (9) seems to indicate the following things for the game to do;

1) Which map(s) the elevator should go to. In this case Necropolis vault.

2) The number of levels.

3) The graphics used for the "buttons".

4) The location(s) were the player should be "placed" after using the elevator.

Now what other file tells the game to perform these commands and is it easy to edit them?
A big question mark grows over my head...

I know what the file is...
Damnit I can´t remember I something that resembles to that "controller" you speak of...
It's likely controlled by the game engine which means that I can pretty much forget about it. I could (will) instead use the old elevator scripts which were supposed to be used for the "original" elevators in Vault13.