Epic doesn't like rentals and used game stores

Kilus said:
That was new Achievements for paid DLC.

No, it wasn't. I never purchased any DLC and I have that achievement, among others, to be unlocked. I never even put a card on XBL, there is no way it came with paid DLC, unless it was free for awhile and I somehow downloaded it without noticing (highly unlikely).

The fact is there was an achievement which required you to purchase stuff to unlock it. Seems shitty to me.
It's a post release title update(patch) the put that Achievement on your system. 8 more Achievements were added to tie into the DLC. These are extra from the 49 achievements/1000 gamerscore that shipped with the game.

The way the achievement system is set up, it needs to add the extra achievements to all systems that are running the game and are signed into live.

Check Oblivion if you have it, it has extra achievements for Shivering Isles. Same with Mass Effect and Bringing down the Sky, and with Puzzle Quest and Revenge of the plague lord.
Kilus said:
Check Oblivion if you have it, it has extra achievements for Shivering Isles. Same with Mass Effect and Bringing down the Sky, and with Puzzle Quest and Revenge of the plague lord.

Achievements for Shivering Isles and Bringing down the Sky came with those DLC, after you already bought them. I just turned on the xbox and there are no achievements for those in the list of Oblivion and Mass Effect achievements. I even put Mass Effect in and saw a message letting me know that new content is available and checked the achievements list after that. It didn't change. They won't be there until after I buy the content. If you have a 360 then turn it on and see for yourself. If you dont, then just believe me, I guess.

Down With Epic is there among other GOW achievements though and I need to buy and play on new maps to unlock it. It's like if Oblivion had an achievement that went something like "put this horse armor on your horse" and it required you to purchase horse armor DLC in order to unlock it. The achievement wouldn't be added only after you bought that DLC; it would be there BEFORE, and you'd need to buy the DLC to unlock it. If this came with a free update, it doesn't change anything. Halo 3 had an update that added achievements and didn't require you to buy anything.
Stupid question perhaps, but what do achievements actually add to a game, other than you running through tried and tested levels again to do some kind of kill or fetch quest?
NO. I did not download Shivering Isles and have Achievements for it. Honestly I can't remember if I got the DLC for gears but I have the achievements. For Crackdown I got the DLC but had the achievements updated before I got the DLC.

Didn't know about the Halo 3 achievements. I had 49 total achievements listed for it. After the update I now have 79. And you do need the DLC for those 30 new Achievements.

Let me state this again:

TITLE UPDATES add NEW Achievements for DLC. That is were you got You Down With E.P.I.C? from.

Edit: The way I see Achievements is that they are basically a record of some the Notable things you can do in games. Of course some intern is usually the one that makes them so they are mostly crap and gamerscore is completely worthless.
The Dutch Ghost said:
Stupid question perhaps, but what do achievements actually add to a game, other than you running through tried and tested levels again to do some kind of kill or fetch quest?

I think that for the 360, they give you points that you put towards DLC or something.

As for the PC? Carrot on a stick, I guess.
Gamerscore is not used for DLC. Just more Carrot on a stick in number form.

Microsoft Points are what used to buy content on Xbox Live marketplace.
So basically it is some stupid little reward with no effect whatsoever, no new skin, weapon or ability that suddenly becomes unlocked.
Kilus said:
Gamerscore is not used for DLC. Just more Carrot on a stick in number form.

Microsoft Points are what used to buy content on Xbox Live marketplace.


Do you pay for these microsoft points (if so, why not buy directly?), or are they linked to achievements?
A few games have special gamerpics that unlock through Achievements. These are your avatars for xbox live and there is no other way to get them(except for using the Xbox Live Vision Camera to take some crappy photo).

With Halo getting Achievements gave you new parts for your customised Mulitplayer character.

With Mass Effect most of the Achievement unlocked a ingame effect. From extra damage to allowing a new character to select cross class skills.

Special note because it's awesome: There is a viral type Achievement that started with I think Small Arms. Basically the Developers of the game start out with this Achievement unlocked. They play online and anyone who kills them gets the Achievement. Anyone who then kills them gets the Achievement and it spreads virally from there. Only a few games have this.

Also the Orange Box has a Achievement for beating episode one with exactly one Bullet and Mirror's Edge has one for never firing a shot.


About Microsoft Points:

They are in no way linked to Achievements.

Basically you either buy a card that has a code to unlock points or use a credit card to buy them. So it's basically like buying phone credit.
Kilus said:
That is were you got You Down With E.P.I.C? from.

However the hell those achievements work, I find it shitty to require someone to buy DLC to unlock them. I'm not talking about achievements that come with DLC, I'm talking about achievements that reward you for simply playing on something you need to buy i.e. just for purchasing something.

Edit: Note that you get the achievement without any DLC, it's simply added to your list and all you do to unlock it is play on the paid DLC, in other words you just buy the DLC. The whole point of achievements is for people to get more out of the games; replay the games to unlock stuff.
You don't get the Achievement for simply playing on the new maps. You have to win on each of the new maps. How is something that rewards you just for buying the DLC?
You're right, you do have to win. It doesn't reward just for buying, I guess. That makes it a little better.