Error loading Cities,help me~plz!


First time out of the vault
help me
fallout2 1.02 + unofficialFO2patch1.02.31 + RP2.33
“Failure initializing input devices."
delete ”EREG"
run the game,show“wmAreaInit::Error loading Cities!"
help me plz!tell me what to do~
The problem has nothing to do with EREG program. It's because sfall or its settings isn't properly loaded. The cause might be your OS & installation directory and/or security software.
game icon
Tim Cain's head, perfectly normal.
It seems you're Chinese. If you have installed 360 stuff in your system, sorry I can't help you. You might check BN13 threads for detailed discussion.
Have the same error with RP 2.3 (error loading cities). Used the mapper fix as the only valid solution i found here in forum. It fixes the error message and allows you to enter the game but i can´t move forward in the first stage of the game in Temple at start. Just stucked there, map doesn´t scroll and can´t move on. Looks like this is a major bug in RP 2.3 that no one, even killaps, know how to fix so, any sugestion??