Escapist Magazine calls Bethesda killers of Fallout

To be honest, the isometric and turn-based combat is a bit clunky,
That's no excuse to shift to a completely different gameplay format.

Not to mention the execution of the new format isn't all that good, and even outright worse, to other games that did it better.
That's no excuse to shift to a completely different gameplay format.

Not to mention the execution of the new format isn't all that good, and even outright worse, to other games that did it better.
Well, to me personally. But I always try to stay out of trouble, like a good boy I want to be when shit's about to hit the fan. You know what I mean?
Yeah, Star Wars was pretty much irrelevant to kids in the late 80's.

Wait, what? It was?! I was born in 82, and I spent all of the late 80s and the entire decade of the 90s watching Star Wars. Probably 40 percent of my toys were Star Wars, and my friends and I wrote crappy Star Wars parodies after school. I never read a single Star Wars book, and didn't know anyone who did. Had a few of the games, but that came later.

Needless to say, I thought the prequels were shite. Nothing has improved since then, either.

Anyway, the point is the movies didn't need any help to remain classics. Casablanca doesn't need a sequel. Fallout didn't need a Fallout 3. Old things are not bad. Relaunches and sequels twenty years after the fact are sending kids the wrong message...
Well, to me personally. But I always try to stay out of trouble, like a good boy I want to be when shit's about to hit the fan. You know what I mean?
Age of Decadence, Underrail, and even the newly released ATOM RPG is the definitive proof that Fallout 1&2 gameplay still works, and plays much better for a Fallout RPG, especially with all the new improvements as a result of 20+ years of experience in the industry.

Hell, let's not get that far and referring to other games. Fallout 1.5: Resurrection and Fallout of Nevada is the definite proof that Fallout 1&2's gameplay are not only the peak Fallout RPG experience, but also peak experience of RPGs as a whole.
Age of Decadence, Underrail, and even the newly released ATOM RPG is the definitive proof that Fallout 1&2 gameplay still works, and plays much better for a Fallout RPG, especially with all the new improvements as a result of 20+ years of experience in the industry.

Hell, let's not get that far and referring to other games. Fallout 1.5: Resurrection and Fallout of Nevada is the definite proof that Fallout 1&2's gameplay are not only the peak Fallout RPG experience, but also peak experience of RPGs as a whole.
Ok then, sorry I have offended you. Just wanting to get used to the Isometric Turn-Based Combat without being frustrated or bored out of my mind due to all the trial and error, but then again I wanted to keep going without falling behind and never look back, just to see the newest day shine like a majestic gem that I haven't grasped before in my whole, somewhat wasted life. Do you get me?
Oh, this thread already has a "isometric turn based is not acceptable now" guy, who also misses the point that even if Bethesda has a Westcoast setting them changing the shared backstory and world still counts as a retcon and that Fo3 and 4 has some of the worst writing in the industry, even compared to porn games.

What "trial and error" in isometric turn based? No idea where this narrative that turn based is hard for people now even comes from, you don't even need to go into indie games, lots of the most popular games making the most money are turn based on cellphones, some of the most enduring and timeless games, not just videogames, are all turn based.
Ok then, sorry I have offended you. Just wanting to get used to the Isometric Turn-Based Combat without being frustrated or bored out of my mind due to all the trial and error, but then again I wanted to keep going without falling behind and never look back, just to see the newest day shine like a majestic gem that I haven't grasped before in my whole, somewhat wasted life. Do you get me?
What part of my post looked like I was offended? I was merely teasing you elaborating my initial point further.

Also, nobody cares about your life and what you do with it. Why would you turn the discussion about video games to about your life? Is this not just your first time in this forum, but also internet as a whole?
Oh, this thread already has a "isometric turn based is not acceptable now" guy, who also misses the point that even if Bethesda has a Westcoast setting them changing the shared backstory and world still counts as a retcon and that Fo3 and 4 has some of the worst writing in the industry, even compared to porn games.

What "trial and error" in isometric turn based? No idea where this narrative that turn based is hard for people now even comes from, you don't even need to go into indie games, lots of the most popular games making the most money are turn based on cellphones, some of the most enduring and timeless games, not just videogames, are all turn based.
By trial and error, I mean that I'm kind of new to this whole perspective. In fact, I've played the first Fallout and I must say, this is the 2nd best Fallout game I have ever played and I adore it! (except with the infamous "Time Limit" that puts me on edge, but then again it's for the sake of challenge right?)
I've never seen a lay person confused as to why Chess is turn based and how come you can defeat a tower with a horse. They understand passively that is an abstraction and a matter of strategy, even if they aren't good at it.

But modern "hardcore" gamers seem to have a sizeable population that just can't get their head around something that simple.

By trial and error, I mean that I'm kind of new to this whole perspective. In fact, I've played the first Fallout and I must say, this is the 2nd best Fallout game I have ever played and I adore it! (except with the infamous "Time Limit" that puts me on edge, but then again it's for the sake of challenge right?)

The "time limit" is only relevan for like the first 2 hours of the game. Unless you are actively and intentionaly wasting time you will be in Necropolis pretty fast and would've solved the water chip story line already by the 3 hour mark, even on a first run.
Fallout was already dead. Brotherhood of Steel (and Tactics?) killed it, and that was when Interplay owned the IP.

Bethesda revived the franchise and brought it into the modern era. It's only because of Fallout 3 that I discovered and played Fallout 1 & 2 as well as the 1.5 mod.

New Vegas wouldn't exist without Bethesda picking up the IP either.

Maybe the franchise is going down the tubes and will soon be dead or mutilated into an unrecognizable state.

But no matter how much you guys despise Bethesda, you still have to give them credit where it's due.
Fallout would have been revived without Bethesda's involvement. Troika or Obsidian would have bought the franchise. To Bethesda's credits, they successfully turned a niche restaurant into McDonalds. It is technically a success, but I wouldn't call that a good thing.

Ok then, sorry I have offended you. Just wanting to get used to the Isometric Turn-Based Combat without being frustrated or bored out of my mind due to all the trial and error, but then again I wanted to keep going without falling behind and never look back, just to see the newest day shine like a majestic gem that I haven't grasped before in my whole, somewhat wasted life. Do you get me?
Plenty of recent games use turn based combat though. Xcom, Wasteland 2, Valkarya Chronicle etc. Trial and error is a fundamental part of that kind of gameplay, which is still quite popular even today. Hell, Fallout 1 or Tactics would probably be quite successful, if released today on a current engine.
What part of my post looked like I was offended? I was merely teasing you elaborating my initial point further.

Also, nobody cares about your life and what you do with it. Why would you turn the discussion about video games to about your life? Is this not just your first time in this forum, but also internet as a whole?
Sorry, I'm new to this forum. I'm not a very sociable person, for I'm like a hermit. So it's been a while since I ever had to text with different people I don't know.
I've never seen a lay person confused as to why Chess is turn based and how come you can defeat a tower with a horse. They understand passively that is an abstraction and a matter of strategy, even if they aren't good at it.

But modern "hardcore" gamers seem to have a sizeable population that just can't get their head around something that simple.

The "time limit" is only relevant for like the first 2 hours of the game. Unless you are actively and intentionally wasting time you will be in Necropolis pretty fast and would've solved the water chip story line already by the 3 hour mark, even on a first run.
Just don't be a smartass when it's my first time playing a classic Fallout title, even it's the first one.
I can't tell if you're being a smartass or just being insightful. Because when I read your text in my mind, it sounds like you're being a smartass with a superiority complex built in.
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Plenty of recent games use turn based combat though. Xcom, Wasteland 2, Valkarya Chronicle etc. Trial and error is a fundamental part of that kind of gameplay, which is still quite popular even today. Hell, Fallout 1 or Tactics would probably be quite successful, if released today on a current engine.
I mean I'm not a pro or anything, but I have beaten Fallout in October of 2017 from the 7th to the 14th. Before you ask me anything else, Yes I used a form of guide from the Fallout wikia/gamepedia to help me with Fallout. So I don't screw up and to start from the beginning, even if I have saved constantly.
Looks like someone haven't read the rule for at least once, he have no idea double/triple posting is against the rule.
Oh Crap! Who?! Hopefully it's not me, because I'm new to this forum. So pardon me if I have made a mistake or more. :(
Yeah, don't double post. It's against the rules. Don't worry, you won't get in trouble unless you keep doing it.

If you want to respond to several posts, you hit the "reply" option on the bottom of the post you want to answer, write your reply and then go to another post you want to reply to and hit the "reply" option again (don't post your Reply). This will place the new quote under your first reply and you can continue all in one post. ;-)

Welcome to NMA, by the way.
The "time limit" is only relevan for like the first 2 hours of the game. Unless you are actively and intentionaly wasting time you will be in Necropolis pretty fast and would've solved the water chip story line already by the 3 hour mark, even on a first run.
I played the main quest over a couple of days, but all together it didn't even take three hours for me.
You know which is the most complex Quest in Fallout 4 is?

Paint the Town.

It's the only quest where you have a choice (3 possible outcomes) that also changes something in the overworld. The quest is going to a building, killing raiders and picking up Paint, but which paint huh? HUHU? CHOICES AND CONSEQUENCES! FALLOUT REVIVED!.