ConstinpatedCraprunner said:Pot was a communist. Kissinger, Nixon nor LBJ would never support him.
Islom Karimov is a brutal dictator. The current US government would never support him.
No idea what you are talking about. He instituted a FREE MARKET ECONOMY.Pinochet
Yes, go tell that to his victims' families.
Face it, most of the time American policy of installing "fascist" dictators helped the country in the long run.
Nicaragua is a brilliant example of that. Vietnam's pre-war government was US supported, too ya know? Sure helped them. Iran isn't the only example.
We never offically ruled everybody, and are helping everybody out at the same time.
Yes, now you unofficially rule most of the globe, and are "helping" people with the difficult task to choose their government.
America is now the fountain head of Western Civilization. Anyone want to go against that?
What I meant is that Western civilization isn't only American
You completely ignored my point about birth rates, and rapidly growing Muslim populations. Age and the fact that the only people having kids wear headscarves was one of my main points, so counter THAT, HUH PUNK!?!
Dunno what it has to do with welfare. If you work and pay your taxes for an amount of time (can't remember how many years), you get a 1 year aid from the government to find another job. After that year, you're on your own, with a minimal aid to buy food.
9.1% (2002 est.)
9.8% (2002 est.)
USofA, which is alot bigger and alot more economically diverse
5.8% (2002)
Great, but it wasn't my point. 9% unemployment isn't enough to stop a country from growing nor collaborating with its neighbours.
Bronze is more of a solid then an Elephant dancing on the top of a Crem Brulla (FUCK FRENCH SPELLING!)
Yes, well, you can't compare economically the US and France, for a start.
My point is that while the EU's economy is slowly growing or stagnating, the US experiences a period of recession. Spells Creme Brulee, BTW.
And the KKK and WCotC are RACIST organizations, not Nationalist.
Meh. You won't tell me there aren't *any* separatist militias in the states.
And by the way, racist, nationalist... same scum. They will all have their heads chopped when the Revolution arises.