Eurovision Song Contest 2007


Vault Fossil
The grand finale of this gay and transvestite-filled plague that has been travelling across Europe, infesting our minds with bad songs, is today.
It has -as always- somehow managed to find my interest.

So, who will win? Thoughts and speculations, previews and reviews, gossips,or general whining about how gay this arrange *really* is -all is welcome here!
As it goes for me, I think Ukraine will win; a bad (but catchy) song performed by a guy with a discolamp on his head -what's wrong with that?

What do you think?
I hate Eurosong even more now that I can no longer pride myself on living in a country that never took part in this travesty. Fortunately no-one seems to have even noticed our peasant metal sensation, so little harm was done.
I just caught a little of it on SBS here in Australia. Gotta say, some performances are terrible, and even the "good" ones aren't amazing :P
Oh My God! why did you have to infect NMA with euro-crap? There is NO KNOWN cure for this!
I was actually going to go to a 'Eurovision watching party', but only because one of the chicks I dig invited me. She got sick though, which means I'm not going anywhere near that AIDS-promoting gala of poo packing and relentless ear molestation.
The only redeeming feature is the fact that Terry Wogan does the commentary for us Brits.
I can't believe that the biggest newspaper in the Netherlands (De Telegraaf) ran its main frontpage story on the 'fraud' of the Eurovision Song Contest and how the mean Eastern European countries knocked out our emo, little singer.
Bunch of fucking whiners.
Sorrow said:
Eurovision is a prime example of degradation of European culture.

It is european culture. Your culture. Whether it sucks or not is not the point; you all should be watching.

Ziltoid said:
I can't believe that the biggest newspaper in the Netherlands (De Telegraaf) ran its main frontpage story on the 'fraud' of the Eurovision Song Contest and how the mean Eastern European countries knocked out our emo, little singer.
Bunch of fucking whiners.

I guess it's the rise from the east everybody has been talking about since the end of the cold war, only this time they will sing their way to world dominion.

I bet if you play them backwards, you will hear hidden messages.


So far, Sweden has pwnd all other contributions -and no, I'm *not* being preferential since it's my homecountry. I still hope for Ukraine, though.
I don't care for Eurovision, but I bet the Ukrainian trannie wins. Europeans love dim trannies.
Or the Russian lolitas. Mmmm *fap fap fap*

EDIT: Oh god, why did I turn it on...
I take my words back, no way somebody can beat moomins.
Neamos said:
I don't care for Eurovision, but I bet the Ukrainian trannie wins. Europeans love dim trannies.
Or the Russian lolitas. Mmmm *fap fap fap*

Yeah, they were just on; the one in the middle (with short, black hair) is really hot. I sure would let her occupy my privates -Soviet style.

They also got funky lyrics;
Put a cherry on my cake and taste my cherry pie
Surprisingly, western countries make this show suck even more. The fact that Britain or France came like, last, makes it all better.

People actually like this shit, that's what scares me...