First time out of the vault

6 STR (Used to work out on my bow-flex regularly, now its become my inpromptu cloth hangar...2009 new year resolution ftw.)
3 PER (Astigmatism + horrible sense of direction = GPS dependent)
6 END (Avid hiker and rock scrambler. I'd rate it higher if not for the fact that I'm genetically predisposed to kidney stones in my family. My respect for the female species skyrocketed when the doctor told me this is what giving birth feels like.)
7 CHA (Love to make people laugh around me, I enjoy more then my share of attention. Finally resigned myself to becoming bald as its another genetic predisposition among all the males on my mother side... thanks mom! Lucky brother of mine for completely taking after our dad...)
7 INT (Book smart, but generally just not that motivated (aka lazy). I'm also terribly absent minded - I can never remember where I park my car whenever I need to move it for my weekly Alt Side Parking. At one point, even forgot where I parked my car after a first date, man was that really awkward...)
6 AGL (weekly volleyball at a recreational level maintains my hand-eye coordination and then some. Former recreational Ballroom dancer (tango and linde)
7 LCK (Even when crap happens, I generally come out smelling like a rose. Makes me kinda grateful in a religious way I suppose.)
- Good Natured (I have sunny disposition, despite being a slightly introverted arrogant capricorn during my less then social down times.)
- Kuma Sutra Master (I kid, the book's not even mine anyways.)
- Redux: Sex appeal (Get along with females better. My best friend of 7+ years got me to promise to let her be my groomsmen once I get married during one of our drunk "I love you man" moments... still not sure how I'm going to explain this request to my current GF if things get serious enough.)
- Speech (HIGH - statistically significant 95% here... however admittedly I was never able to talk my way out of paying speeding tickets.)
- Unarmed (LOW - former brown belt taekwondo in the little league division aka tagged but no point investment.)
- Outdoorsman (MODERATE - enjoy rock scrambling and hiking, used to be summer camp counselor)
- Noted perks at a quick glance
Comprehension - I love reading books, even ones I read over and over.
3 PER (Astigmatism + horrible sense of direction = GPS dependent)
6 END (Avid hiker and rock scrambler. I'd rate it higher if not for the fact that I'm genetically predisposed to kidney stones in my family. My respect for the female species skyrocketed when the doctor told me this is what giving birth feels like.)
7 CHA (Love to make people laugh around me, I enjoy more then my share of attention. Finally resigned myself to becoming bald as its another genetic predisposition among all the males on my mother side... thanks mom! Lucky brother of mine for completely taking after our dad...)
7 INT (Book smart, but generally just not that motivated (aka lazy). I'm also terribly absent minded - I can never remember where I park my car whenever I need to move it for my weekly Alt Side Parking. At one point, even forgot where I parked my car after a first date, man was that really awkward...)
6 AGL (weekly volleyball at a recreational level maintains my hand-eye coordination and then some. Former recreational Ballroom dancer (tango and linde)
7 LCK (Even when crap happens, I generally come out smelling like a rose. Makes me kinda grateful in a religious way I suppose.)
- Good Natured (I have sunny disposition, despite being a slightly introverted arrogant capricorn during my less then social down times.)
- Kuma Sutra Master (I kid, the book's not even mine anyways.)
- Redux: Sex appeal (Get along with females better. My best friend of 7+ years got me to promise to let her be my groomsmen once I get married during one of our drunk "I love you man" moments... still not sure how I'm going to explain this request to my current GF if things get serious enough.)
- Speech (HIGH - statistically significant 95% here... however admittedly I was never able to talk my way out of paying speeding tickets.)
- Unarmed (LOW - former brown belt taekwondo in the little league division aka tagged but no point investment.)
- Outdoorsman (MODERATE - enjoy rock scrambling and hiking, used to be summer camp counselor)
- Noted perks at a quick glance
Comprehension - I love reading books, even ones I read over and over.