Evaluate your personality based on the "Fallout"-s

6 STR (Used to work out on my bow-flex regularly, now its become my inpromptu cloth hangar...2009 new year resolution ftw.)
3 PER (Astigmatism + horrible sense of direction = GPS dependent)
6 END (Avid hiker and rock scrambler. I'd rate it higher if not for the fact that I'm genetically predisposed to kidney stones in my family. My respect for the female species skyrocketed when the doctor told me this is what giving birth feels like.)
7 CHA (Love to make people laugh around me, I enjoy more then my share of attention. Finally resigned myself to becoming bald as its another genetic predisposition among all the males on my mother side... thanks mom! Lucky brother of mine for completely taking after our dad...)
7 INT (Book smart, but generally just not that motivated (aka lazy). I'm also terribly absent minded - I can never remember where I park my car whenever I need to move it for my weekly Alt Side Parking. At one point, even forgot where I parked my car after a first date, man was that really awkward...)
6 AGL (weekly volleyball at a recreational level maintains my hand-eye coordination and then some. Former recreational Ballroom dancer (tango and linde)
7 LCK (Even when crap happens, I generally come out smelling like a rose. Makes me kinda grateful in a religious way I suppose.)

- Good Natured (I have sunny disposition, despite being a slightly introverted arrogant capricorn during my less then social down times.)
- Kuma Sutra Master (I kid, the book's not even mine anyways.)
- Redux: Sex appeal (Get along with females better. My best friend of 7+ years got me to promise to let her be my groomsmen once I get married during one of our drunk "I love you man" moments... still not sure how I'm going to explain this request to my current GF if things get serious enough.)

- Speech (HIGH - statistically significant 95% here... however admittedly I was never able to talk my way out of paying speeding tickets.)
- Unarmed (LOW - former brown belt taekwondo in the little league division aka tagged but no point investment.)
- Outdoorsman (MODERATE - enjoy rock scrambling and hiking, used to be summer camp counselor)

- Noted perks at a quick glance

Comprehension - I love reading books, even ones I read over and over.
strength: 5
I can't throw a punch, but my weight gives me a certain advantage.

perception: 7
I notice things most won't, mostly by keeping quiet and watching carefully. I'm good at remembering little detals.

endurance: 4
Umm... I'm fat. Things like staircases and long forest hikes take my breath away. I'm not proud with it, but it's true.

charisma: 7
I always have a funny line that would make you piss your pants. People love being around me and find their life dull and meaningless when I'm not not there. I'm also modest as hell.

intelligence: 6
A little smarter than the average Joe. I'm smart enough to know when to keep my mouth shut and that a hell of a skill, trust me. I didn't get the high grates in school, but that was mostly because im one lazy guy.

agility: 4
As I already said, I'm fat. That means I'm not the most agile person around.

luck: 7
I'm a lucky one. I can play pool with no skill and win, I can find something on the street and stuff like that. The more unlikely, the better. Call it karma, call it luck... back home we call it shano. And I have plenty. :D

My traits: Left-handed. Junkfood Addict.
- Strength - 5
I'm certainly no athlete, but I'm strong enough not to be a wuss.

- Perception - 6
I wear glasses, but my overall perception is quite high, I'm pretty sure if I had a stat increase due this would get put to 7.

- Endurance - 4
Cant run any decent sort of distance, my pain threshold is low, aww geeze im gonna have crappy hit points.

- Charisma - 6
I would also add the perk 'smooth talker' into this as I'm supposedly quite a charismatic person, but only when I'm in the 'right' company.

- Intelligence - 7
I would have put an 8 here, but its been some time since I recieved my 'offcial' IQ results that claimed I was at genius level (perhaps even a 9...) but I figure being as its been so long I must have become dumber over time.

- Agility - 6
well I'm not exactly 'limber' but I have good hand-eye, quite dexterous fingers and my balance is ok.

- Luck - 6
it has been said more than once I'm a lucky S.O.B, in many different ways.
Huh, interesting idea. Never really thought about it, and it gave me a nice diversion while I eat some pizza. Let's see:

Strength - 5 ( I'm not strong, nor am I weak. I excercise when I feel like it.)

Perception - 2 (Astigmatism, myopia, I say "what" alot when people talk, I get lost a lot, and don't notice the obvious half the time. I have a good sense of smell though!)

Endurance - 5 (I just left this alone. I have decent stamina can run a mile in 15 minutes or so. I have a ridiculous pain threshold. Ever been lit on fire? Not pleasant. I can take a good beating. Been hit in the head with a lead pipe and the face with a baseball bat and stayed concious. However, I have a debilitating back problem and likely other chronic diseases and a very unhealthy diet. So, I just left this alone. Figure it evens out.)

Charisma - 7-8 (I'm pretty unnaproachable. Once people get past that though, they love me. I'm not hideous. I have "gorgeous eyes," which is not my description. I can thrive in cultures I don't even understand or relate to.)

Intelligence - 8-9 (I was branded gifted in school and took advanced and honor classes, through high school and college. My IQ ranges from 145-155. People always call me smart much to my dislike. I was lazy too, but I'm not going to reduce my intelligence score because of it. Ever hear of cheating? Works wonders.)

Agility - 7 (Great eye-hand coordination, great reflexes, great balance, pretty inflexible though.)

Luck - 5 (Another stat I leave alone. How do you gauge luck? I found $15 on the ground the other day, and then got hit with an outrageous phone bill $80 more than what it should have been due to an error in the system.)

Speech - Minored in communication studies, have a lot of experience talking in front of large crowds as well as interpersonal communication.

Steal - It wasn't until took this little endeavor that I realized a lot of the things I have were never paid for.

Sneak - People have threatened to attach bells to me.


Throwing - Yeah... this would probably be my tagged combat ability. As I spend the majority of my day throwing small objects into small boxes at good distances. I think my character would be more viable with sneak. Though it would be funny to have a dude in Advanced Power Armor Mk. II storm the Poseidon Oil Rig with a sack of rocks.

Chem Resistant - I gave up on drinking as it's too expensive to get drunk. Pain killers are also a waste of money.

Skilled - When I was trying to pick out tag skills I realized I had shot plenty of small arms, had a yellow belt in taekwondo, a year of fencing and archery, experience with retail and basic economic principles, a good knowledge of biology and physics, but nothing I actually invested enough time with to be really good at.

Karma: Somewhere below zero, so I'll be seeing you as a cockroach.
str 4 (army is changing that... slowly)
per 7 (better than average hearing, vision, tactile sensitivity)
end 6 (I can take a thumpin)
chr 2 (I spek goo. Actually its social skills are a difficult thing for me. I just don't see things or pick things up most people do.)
int 8 (140)
agl 3 (clumsy as fuck and limber as a board working on that... parkour XD)
luc 9 (lucky bastard)

Kamikaze (clumsy, stiff... parkour, kick ass)
Fast Shot (bit of a twitch shot, sometimes I shoot better taking shots fast.)
- Strength - 4
I think I have potential, but I never work out or use the strength skill for anything. In the heat of battle, I think I could get a pretty good strength boost, but I don't think I'd do very well in a carnival strength measuring test.

- Perception - 7
"I always know when someone's uncomfortable at a party"... But yer, I usually always take notice to the little things. I also *love* it when I get unique perception dialogue options IRL. If you think about it, it's not that uncommon.

- Endurance - 3
I was going to type 2, but I think that would be stretching it, even for me. But my endurance sucks, 'tis that simple.

- Charisma - 7
I'd say I'm quite charismatic. To people in my circles of friends, I am very likeable, and I'm somewhat of a diplomat by nature. I was going to make this a 6, but since I have the special perk "Good Drinking Buddy", I added a +1. I grew up with one older and one younger brother that were always fighting, leaving me in the middle trying to get everyone to get along. I always make a point to be nice to strangers (even though, in my experience, most people I come across are not as well mannered as I am.)

- Intelligence - 9
I'm a fucking genius. Politics, philosophy - whatever the subject, I always totally agree with myself, and I'm more times than most surrounded by idiots.

- Agility - 4
Again, physics fail me.

- Luck - 5
Average, I guess. Sometimes, I've been really lucky, and sometimes, it's been the opposite.
I know there are more than 40 points here , but the purpose is to be as accurate as possible to the RL... don't pay attention to the remaining points and to the percentages :


ST 8 : Yeah, I'm strong. I do a lot of sport. People don't mess with me.

PE 8 : I have a good eyesight and hearing, and I'm particulary proud of my reflexes

EN 8 : Yep. I run a lot; what would be the point of big muscles without a good endurance? Plus, I can bear physical sufferance.

CH 4 : huh... people quickly get on my nerves. I know when something has to be said, and how to impose my point of view... that's just I'm not much of a big mouth.

IN 6 : Let's just say that I'm smart enough to know that I'm not that smart.

AG 5 : well, well... "suppleness" and "grace" wouldn't be the best words to talk about me. I make a lot of noise when I do something. But hey, I'm improving!

LK 5 : strangely, it's the people I know who have to deal with the shit. As far as I'm concerned, almost nothing bad happens to me (except the dog story which is really exceptional... the exception that proves the rule I guess).


Bloody Mess : By some strange twist of fate, people around you die violently. You always see the worst way a person can die. My favorite.


Well, to give you an idea of why that trait describes me well : I can say I've known 3 persons who died in a car accident (not the same car accident for the three of them). Let's not mention the blood, sufferings, violence and all the dead humans and animals I've seen with my own eyes.

Gifted : You have more innate abilities than most, so you have not spent as much time honing your skills. Your statistics are better than the average person, but your skills are lacking.


Well, my teachers always used to say that I have a potential (although I'm sure they repeat that shit to everyone). But the fact is that I too often rest on my laurels.


Big Guns :


I just love weapons.

Unarmed :


As I said earlier, nobody messes with me! I'm not a violent person, but just in case, I think it's necessary to be able to fight.

Outdoorsman :


I just love nature. I just couldn't live in a place where there wouldn't be trees, a see, lakes, etc...
Str: 7 (I'm pretty strong and tall, visit the gym often. People don't really mess with me and I know some mhui thai moves.)

Per: 3 ( My eyes are really messed up, I can't see the forest nor the trees. I do have glasses, but I never really wear them.)

End: 8 ( Know a lot about the outdoors, rarely get sick and can take a lot of pain. Ou and I jog a lot too so I have a pretty impressive stamina.)

Chr: 7 (Most people want to be around me, I'm pretty talkative and I talk some interesting shit too)

Int: 6 (Got a great mind for learning stuff, good memory, but lately I've been struck by laziness. Still I'm pretty streetsmart and I've read a lot of books. Hemingway kicks ass!)

Agi: 8 (Always been good at sports. Handball, basketball, volleyball, inside hockey and soccer. I'm best at soccer, I'm in a team and everything)

Luck: 2 (Up yours you lucky bastards, I've never had a lucky brake in my life. Seriously, no luck at all. I put down 2, because I'm lucky that I haven't died in some freak accident.)
- strength: 3
- perception: 4
- endurance: 3
- charisma: 8
- intelligence: 8
- agility: 4
- luck: 3

I think I'm weak :( , but people likes me and my knowledge+wisdom is good. 8-)
Mine would be:

ST: 4= I'm not an athlete but I do pack a punch ( But i don't intend to fight someone ).

PE: 7= Good music ear, have a good sight, and a good taste when it comes to food :P.

EN: 5= I get tired rather quickly, but I have a strong skelleton build so I can take a beating to.

CH: 8= I know how to dress, how to talk to the opposite sex, argue much and I always succed in influating other people.

IN: 8= I was born smart, I know much about the outside world, I can speak 5 languages fluent (pretty good for a young teen :D), I learned math when I was at the age of 3. I listen carefully to and i always ask questions.

AG: 4= I run a little fast, but I get tired quickly. Not so agile to =_=.

LK: 4= Good and bad things happen to me, mostly bad but hey, shit happens ;).


Good natured= I'm polite and nice to other people. I rarely fight, instead I solve my problem with words.

Gifted= I was born as an unuseal baby. I reacted to music and light during my early ages. I learned things quickly too.


First aid= I know how to cure minor wounds and I have a good knowledge in biology.

Science= I'm an A student in science. ( Don't intend to brag here )

Speech: My favourite. I have a way with words. I always succed in convincing people about right and wrong. I speak loudly and clearly and people understand me.

I'm not much of an fighter ^^.
Str: 3 - Built like a 6 year old girl. I blame drugs.

Pec: 3 - Barely aware of what's going on around me. See above.

End: 3 - Fitness not my thing. See above above.

Char: 3 - Being social without drugs is a challenge. Give me them mentats. People annoy me.

Int: 6 - Smarter than the average for my hometown, not so big-headed as to think that's anything special.

Agl: 9 - Did some skating, parkour, and a lot of running from cops as a kid. Ran for the country.

Luck: 5 - 2 arms, 2 legs, good health (if not fitness), home, bit of coin for my scran. Not bad.

Tagged: Speech (i can debate, but i hate small talk), Sneak (i wont go into that) & barter.

Chem reliant: Well, to be quite honest, i am.
Karma Sutra: I blame cocaine for the decadence of my ways.

Haha. I'd be a pretty awful character, eh? It'd head straight for New Reno and become one of those annoying addicts with 8 million AP.
Awesome topic.

ST: 7 - I used to excel at arm-wrestling, push-ups, pull ups and all that crap. Despite my small frame, people call me when a fridge has to be moved. Used to do 120+ push-ups, now I wouldn't bother.
PE: 7 - can tell the difference 'tween a sharpened and a regular spear. (I'm an artist. I notice things.)
EN: 6 - Above average, but hate to force it. Bike some, walk a lot.
CH: 4 - People generally like me, despite me being an asshole. And yes, as someone said, I can make one person and a dog follow me, but for someone else It'd take a perk.
IN: 6 - Or so claim the tests. Might be a tad higher, but the inherent laziness brings it down one point. I speak two languages fluently, I fare OK with German and know some Russian.
AG: 8 - I have excellent hand-eye coordination and suspect I'm ambi-dextrous. Martial arts also helped a bit. Run fast, not long. Excellent reflexes.
LK: 10 - I couldn't win the lotto if I wanted, because my luck doesn't work like that. But I somehow always know what to do and when to do it to make best use of circumstances I'm unaware of. (e.g. I avoided a car accident by not meeting with friends, even though I wanted to; coincidentally went to see Monty Python on the same day, when Michael Palin was a guest of honor in the theater etc.)

Small Frame

Tagged skills:
Melee weapons
St: 7 -come from a hereditary line of muscled men, never even worked out and I can 600 pound beds with my legs
PE- 4- Im aware, im just blind, and too poor to afford glasses
EN- 6 got great stamina, would be higher if I didn't smoke
CH- 7 - If i want something bad enough, my silver tongue makes sure I get it
IN- 9 - Hate to toot my own horn, but I could join mensa if I didn't hate their arrogance
AG- 5 - I'm too lazy to move around quickly
LK - 2- I get screwed over by so many coincidences it shows me I have bad luck

Chem Reliant

Tagged Skills:
St: 5 - I'm a heavy metal drummer so I'm kinda strong.
Pe: 6 - I notice many things yet I still manage to trip over shit.
En: 3 - My stamina suuuucks.
Ch: 6 - When you know people who try to kill them selves (Oregon is fucked up) you learn how to be a good speaker
In: 6 - I have an array of large words at my disposal.
Ag: 2 - I'm too fat to be agile.
Lk: 3 - I have been lucky maybe once or twice in my entire life.


Chem Reliant

Tagged Skills:
Small Guns
Strength 3:
5-8 years ago would've been around 6...
But back pain and weakness from sleeping in bed mostly has downed it.

Perception 7:
This stat suffers because of poor eyesight and the need to wear

Endurance 2:
I cannot survive long in any physical encounter.

Charisma 3:
Below average due to anxieties, depression and inability to
interact with people well much of the time.

Intelligence 6:
Above-average, though far from genius.

Agility 4:
Below-average, if I'd lost 50% of my current weight
my agility could sore as high between 6-8.

Luck 6:
Above-average in the luck department.
Gambling luck is good.
Life luck not-so-good.

31/40 points used.

New trait; The Gambler, grants a bonus of 50points to the gambling skill and a 50point bonus to Speech for the purposes
of gambling only, and a 3-point bonus to Perception for the purposes of gambling only.

New trait; Lucky man, adds 2 points to luck for gambling purposes only.
Strength - 5
Strong enough, but nothing special. I've never tried to build up strength at all...

Perception - 5
Slightly poor eyesight, not much attention to detail unless the situation demands it.

Endurance - 6
Not a huge amount of physical endurance per-say, but a respectable pain threshold...

Charisma - 7
Quiet, but most people seem to think i'm an alright person

Intelligence - 6
Generally quite bright, but not skilled at mathematical or logical tasks.

Agility - 4
I'm not fast or particuaraly co-ordinated

Luck - 7
I feel quite lucky, things seem to just about go my way...


Night person [If fallout 1 traits are allowed]
Good Natured
St: 6 - good leverage due to long limbs, but not big on muscle mass. Done plenty of physical work despite trying to avoid just that.

Pe: 5 - short sighted and partially deaf. Balanced by being a picky bastard with generally good spatial awareness. Go figure...

En: 5 - I tire easier than I'd like despite being in physically decent shape. Smoking doesn't help.

Ch: 6 - I'm a nice guy most of the time, but also into a lot of wierd shit that puts some people off. Oh well fuck 'em. The ones that hang in there find I'm a nice guy.

In: 7 - straight A's at school, then parents split just before my exams (see also: Luck). Got first degree based on 6 months work and 30 months partying. Second degree in unrelated subject I'd never studied before. Detest whole concept of Mensa so I've never bothered. Mentally lazy though except when obsessed.

Ag: 8 - fast reactions, flexible (oh yeaaahhh), rollin' and tumblin', jugglin'. It just comes easy. Always found gymnastics dull though.

Lu: 1 - usually broke (I never earn above the poverty line). Always fall for the wrong woman. Lost all my worldly goods in a house fire and spent a year homeless. Had my car burned out when I was away and the garage that towed it got the insurance money... you get the idea.

38/40 points. Dropped two for bad luck.

Chem Reliant
- WTF do you expect with luck like that? Mainly nicotine nowadays though.
Skilled - I get good at anything I get into. But it makes no real difference (see also: Luck).

Tag Skills:
- freestyle really, but I've learned a bit from a number of martial art styles at different times.
Melee Weapons - anything is a weapon really. But I love my wakizashi.
Outdoorsman - can survive in the great outdoors. Don't want to though.