Still Mildly Glowing

ST: 4 - I don't work out at all. But I am a healthy young man, so I could probably break a door down if I had to.
PE: 5 - 20/20 eyesight. I pay attention when I need to, but when I am heavily involved in something I tune everything else out.
EN:6 - I can't run for shit but I have a high pain tolerance from constantly wrestling with my friends, and I don't remember the last time I was sick. I am also immune to radiation.
CH:8 - Even though some people think I am sometimes too blunt and honest, I think I am very tactful. I make friends easily, and I can always offer good advice. I am no super model, but I look alright. My charismatic strength is in my personality.
IN:7 - Hard to say if this is book smarts or street smarts, or a mix of both. I couldn't handle a complicated statistics math problem or tell you the half life of a atom of oxygen but I could sure as hell tell you where to get the answer. I have rarely been stumped by a mental obstacle if I had ample time to deal with it.
Luck:10 - When I was a fetus my mother's womb broke and the water leaked out slowly over time, rather than breaking all at once. Nobody knew, and if my mom didn't go to the hospital for a totally unrelated reason I would have died in the womb. I was born premature. When I was a baby I caught chicken pox or measles or something like that at a terribly early age and spend three weeks in the hospital near death, but didn't die. I am an only child in a rich loving family. My parents bought me a car, a computer, paid for my education, pay for my rent, my cellphone and still surprise me with new clothes and gadgets. I have never broken a bone, never gotten in trouble with the law, never had a loved one die. I think thats a pretty good track record of good luck. Oh, I also did pretty well at online poker.
If "Silver Spoon" was a trait, I would have that.
Silver Spoon: You where born into money, and you always have someone to call to bail you out of any situation. This trait starts you off with 500 extra caps and gives a random chance of receiving items as gifts from friends and family. However merchants can smell your money and charge you higher prices. Also some people might get bitter at your good fortune and have a negative reaction to you.
So my traits are: silver spoon and good natured.
PE: 5 - 20/20 eyesight. I pay attention when I need to, but when I am heavily involved in something I tune everything else out.
EN:6 - I can't run for shit but I have a high pain tolerance from constantly wrestling with my friends, and I don't remember the last time I was sick. I am also immune to radiation.
CH:8 - Even though some people think I am sometimes too blunt and honest, I think I am very tactful. I make friends easily, and I can always offer good advice. I am no super model, but I look alright. My charismatic strength is in my personality.
IN:7 - Hard to say if this is book smarts or street smarts, or a mix of both. I couldn't handle a complicated statistics math problem or tell you the half life of a atom of oxygen but I could sure as hell tell you where to get the answer. I have rarely been stumped by a mental obstacle if I had ample time to deal with it.
Luck:10 - When I was a fetus my mother's womb broke and the water leaked out slowly over time, rather than breaking all at once. Nobody knew, and if my mom didn't go to the hospital for a totally unrelated reason I would have died in the womb. I was born premature. When I was a baby I caught chicken pox or measles or something like that at a terribly early age and spend three weeks in the hospital near death, but didn't die. I am an only child in a rich loving family. My parents bought me a car, a computer, paid for my education, pay for my rent, my cellphone and still surprise me with new clothes and gadgets. I have never broken a bone, never gotten in trouble with the law, never had a loved one die. I think thats a pretty good track record of good luck. Oh, I also did pretty well at online poker.
If "Silver Spoon" was a trait, I would have that.
Silver Spoon: You where born into money, and you always have someone to call to bail you out of any situation. This trait starts you off with 500 extra caps and gives a random chance of receiving items as gifts from friends and family. However merchants can smell your money and charge you higher prices. Also some people might get bitter at your good fortune and have a negative reaction to you.
So my traits are: silver spoon and good natured.