So Old I'm Losing Radiation Signs

That's interesting - we have a lot of women in Infinity Engine modding communities - about (or more than) 1/2 members are women.
Sorrow said:Or, maybe women are more visible than men which fooled me into thinking that there's more of them. Heh... Only male-dominated IE forum that I know is TBG. And polish IE modding forums, of course...
Jay-F said:There are women in the dont actually see them but you can find a pda where some Stalker takls about a woman he did a few jobs for before she disappeared without a trace.
Tannhauser said:Remember, for only $10, you can become a lifetime NMA Premium Member, and receive special perks. Not only do you gain access to hidden Premium forums, galleries, and file sections; but for the next week, we will be giving out a nude patch for S.T.A.L.K.E.R. to all new Premium Members.
DarkLegacy said:Tannhauser said:Remember, for only $10, you can become a lifetime NMA Premium Member, and receive special perks. Not only do you gain access to hidden Premium forums, galleries, and file sections; but for the next week, we will be giving out a nude patch for S.T.A.L.K.E.R. to all new Premium Members.
Nude patch... for S.T.A.L.K.E.R...![]()
euhm, no helicopter has crashed in the game unless i helped them a hand (or unless they were already part of the scenery).Wooz said:Has anyone noticed that the only thing Mi24 helicopters do in STALKER is crash?
yeah, but that is 100% scripted. it is meant to pastorius said:There's a chopper that gets shot down at the Bar (wild territory, actually) where you encounter the army attacking the scientists.
yeah, but why bother. go left after the first hole in the wall, shoot the RPG dude, steal his RPG & have fun!mr. pastorius said:Also, it's possible to shoot down a chopper with a rifle. I managed to take one down with a Vintorez, eheheh.
crashed: yes; crashing: not really unless you help them.Wooz said:Dude. There's *loads* of crashed or crashing Hinds in the game.
Wooz said:Has anyone noticed that the only thing Mi24 helicopters do in STALKER is crash?
only 1? in that part of the game 3 different helo's had it in for me. luckily one at a time, because i don't quite see how you could survive more than one at a time.DarkLegacy said:Actually, when I got the Chernoybl Nuclear Power Plant, a military helicopter focused it's spotlight on me and then proceeded to rain bullets down on me.
Sue said:crashed: yes; crashing: not really unless you help them.
Wooz said:Sue said:crashed: yes; crashing: not really unless you help them.
I'm certain I saw at least two helos crash in the first part of the NPP area, without 'helping' them to do so.
In any case, you're missing the point, ant-neuker.
Of the dozens of times you actually see a Hind in the game, you only see them flying four times without crashing. The rest crash by scripted events, crash because of some other reason, are already crashed, or are in a scrapeyard.
Crash galore!
Or perhaps they were attempting to convey the fact that the Zone is a very dangerous place to even fly over? Not to mention demonstrate the limited abilities of even the well-equipped military in the Zone?DarkLegacy said:I guess that the devs think military helicopter pilots suck donkey testicles. No other reason would explain the amount of downed helos in STALKER.![]()