This ghoul has seen it all

No companion in Fo4 compares to either Marcus or Cassidy. Hell even Vic has more character and development than any of FO4's immortal pack mules.
No companion in Fo4 compares to either Marcus or Cassidy. Hell even Vic has more character and development than any of FO4's immortal pack mules.
The only companion in FO4 with a halfway full quest to them other than picking locks until they open their pants to you is Valentine. But you get no actual choices in his quest, can't try to nudge him into any development. You just go to a sewer and kill an old man because a robot thinks he is a dead person. Kinda sounds like the bad ending of a better written character, then you have a sappy moment where he talks about flowers. Lame shit.
But either way Boone is going after closure. You cannot stop him unless you kill him.Why wouldn't you be ble to nudge him in another direction? Boone can be nudged into different paths and the guy has a bigger issue than thining he is a dead guy and talking with a cartoonish accent.
You could have been able to through his quest talk him into finding his own identity, to maybe break his spirit by pointing out he is just holding onto memories that aren't his, to use science checks to force him into a logic loop, maybe just preventing him from taking revenge by attacking him instead or maybe talking out of killing the guy by appealing to the morals of the original guy his memories come from, maybe remember his wife instead of just enabling a guy to commit cold blooded violence and it being the only path etc. It's just bad quest design and the dialogue is pretty terrible and sappy, but that is just FO4 in a nutshell.
What's with this 'sarcastic' tone? Jogre only made this thread to provide a better place to discuss about Fallout 4's writing with Tagaziel. Have you seen how Tagz defended Fallout 4's writing? He deliberately had to brings up past games writing, saying they're just as bad and therefore Fallout 4's writing is fine and, in fact, better (I'm just paraphrasing here, just look up the discussion between Tagz and Jogre on the other threads).TL;DR - Fallout 4 had shitty writing.
Wow. You've figured out the greatest mystery of our time! Fallout 4 has shitty writing! Who knew?
He deliberately had to brings up past games writing, saying they're just as bad and therefore Fallout 4's writing is fine and, in fact, better (I'm just paraphrasing here, just look up the discussion between Tagz and Jogre on the other threads).
And what do you, or rather Bethesda, truly know of what Fallout actually is?Yes, because arguing with what Fallout actually is, rather than someone's impression of what Fallout's supposed to be is... Somehow bad?
Except, your comparing to the past games was more like trying to dismiss the actual arguments made against Fallout 4. What we were talking about before had nothing to do with the past games, and then you tried to bring them up for no particular reason at all.Comparing an existing game to previous entries in the series is somehow bad? Or is it perfectly acceptable, as long as you are bashing Fallout 4?
"Unreasonable"?but since it's Bethesda, it gets constant flak because... Uh, unreasonable standards?
They've done the Pitt right. The best ones they've ever made for the series, the worthy addition to the canon in almost every way, including the writings where it's not black and white, and it wasn't confused with itself like the Institute.But, of course, Bethesda can't do anything right.
And what do you, or rather Bethesda, truly know of what Fallout actually is?
Here's the thing: What Fallout actually is, is the storytelling approach that 1, 2, and NV has + proper RPG. That IS Fallout. Bethesda's approach is different; there's nothing wrong with that. What's wrong with that is they forced their approach to Fallout what they've done to TES. Fallout =/= TES.
Except, your comparing to the past games was more like trying to dismiss the actual arguments made against Fallout 4. What we were talking about before had nothing to do with the past games, and then you tried to bring them up for no particular reason at all.
For instance, we were strictly speaking about how Fallout 4's endings are bad because there are only 2 variants based on whether or not you're supporting the Institute, and also based on whether or not you're male or female. It kinda means there's a total of 4 ending, except the difference between the gender are only the respective voice actor/actress now narrates the ending slides coupled with the appearance of the character, so that means there's literally only 2 endings, not 4.
And then you goes on how New Vegas 'ending' was also about whether or not you're pro-Legion or anti-Legion.
This, however, have no relevance whatsoever because me and the others were strictly speaking about the ending slides, not the events that predates it. New Vegas had different ending slides for when you're a supporter of NCR, Legion, House, or Independent Vegas; Fallout 4 doesn't have ending slides for when you're a supporter of BoS, Railroad, or Minutemen, because it combined the ending slides for them as an ending slide of being an 'anti-Institute'. That was our point. Bringing up the events of Second Battle for Hoover Dam has no relevance to the discussion, which you did.
And seriously, we were genuinely asking you where are these 'happy endings' you saw in Fallout 4. If even that means 'bashing Fallout 4', I think I'd rather not continue discussing Fallout 4 with you.
Proper RPG system;
good dialogue system;
writings that's on par or, at the very least, close enough to Fallout 1, 2, & NV;
clear cut ending slides instead of the TES approach they forced upon the game.
That, unreasonable?
They've done the Pitt right. The best ones they've ever made for the series, the worthy addition to the canon in almost every way, including the writings where it's not black and white, and it wasn't confused with itself like the Institute.
Why can't they do that again?
"I was here longer, therefore I know what it's supposed to be better than you"Two decades of playing Fallout, starting when you were still learning to speak. Knowing the game's lore like the back of my hand. Countless discussions exploring the concepts presented in the game, which also provided me with an in-depth knowledge of the story structure and systems.
I mean, four railroady questlines over which you have very limited, almost 0 control over the direction they go(Compared to previous games where every main quest event could be approached in different ways, and you could take it at your own pace)Not to mention, arbitrarily limiting the discussion to just the ending slides, ignoring everything else in the game is pretty much just bashing for the sake of bashing. Nevermind four storylines, four quests, four ways to end the game, it's only the endings that matter.
Are you seriously arguing Fallout 4 has better RPG elements then previous Fallout games?Number one is cute, given that it would be a first for the series (well, second, FNV did pretty good there; the glorification of SPECIAL is predicated on ignorance of the actual design of the first game, which was steeped in the much more replayable GURPS, rather than one-size-fits-all-and-does-everything diplosniper).
Personal Preference?, So a dialogue system which limits you to at most 4 dialogue options, and frequently goes to less, rarely if ever allows you to ask long chains of questions like you could in previous Fallout games, doesn't let you even see what you are going to read, ect. Is personal preference?Number two is personal preference and you can change it arbitrarily to fit whatever you don't like (not to mention you forget that the vast, vast, vast majority of NPCs throughout the games you cite in Fo1/2/NV have very shallow dialogue trees).
A. I'm sorry, but Fallout 2 literally allows you to join the Slaver's Guild in the second town in the game, which will completely change how you are treated for the entire first act of the game, even up to Vault City(By making it easier to get a day pass), and NCR(Vortis is far more open and willing to hire you, the NCR Rangers are completely unwilling to talk to you). A game that allows you to make a major decision in the second town in the game that will effect future interactions doesn't actually have consequences for actions?Number four is also personal preference. I don't mind the absence of ending slides. Hell, if you remove ending slides, it becomes obvious that much of Fallout 1/2/NV don't actually have consequences for the choices you make. That is, unless you actually think on how they impact the world at large.
I mean, I've got a response for every defence you used of it on this thread, but you've yet to respond, and are assuming you've won because you think I'm too stupid to bother with.They quite did.
Oooh 4 endings. What's that in comparison to new vegas 186 unique ending slides?The very fact there are four distinct end quests and endings in the game contradicts that point.
These endings are actual movies with narration, not some static pictures, alright? Show some respect to franchise holders, peasant. /sOooh 4 endings. What's that in comparison to new vegas 186 unique ending slides?
Tbh, there's nothing to hide from in commonwealth for BoS as it is intentionally written to be a always hostile playground of destruction with some farmers and settlements as an exception. The only viable defense is attacking first. The problem lies elsewhere, the world around BoS. Blame Todd Howard or whoever ordered BGS to force a first person shooter upon players.I'm tired of people cheering how the Brotherhood are back to there roots. They're fucking not, Brotherhood ideology in 4 has nothing to do with Brotherhood ideology in classic Fallout. They have none of the isolationist charm or the collecting old technology to preserve it or anything. Fallout 4 just made them genocidal, and assumed that any change to make them edgier makes them have the same charm as before.
Let's not kid ourselves, Bunker Hill is a settlement like the other 30, only bigger and with more build-up and presence in main quest. Sounds like a good and proper settlement which this game lacks.Bunker Hill.