Evolution/ Evilution vs. God's big plans


According to Gallop-

November 19, 2004
Third of Americans Say Evidence Has Supported Darwin's Evolution Theory
Almost half of Americans believe God created humans 10,000 years ago

by Frank Newport

Only about a third of Americans believe that Charles Darwin's theory of evolution is a scientific theory that has been well supported by the evidence, while just as many say that it is just one of many theories and has not been supported by the evidence. The rest say they don't know enough to say. Forty-five percent of Americans also believe that God created human beings pretty much in their present form about 10,000 years ago. A third of Americans are biblical literalists who believe that the Bible is the actual word of God and is to be taken literally, word for word.

Surely a sign of decline and fall of the US.

What are your thoughts on this?


SO the Grand Canyon was a consequence of Noah's Flood? I always thought it was Paul Bunyon's axe.

and then there is-
So you are suggesting this turn from modernity and it's embrace of logic and reason towards religious faith in supernatural is a good thing?
welsh said:
So you are suggesting this turn from modernity and it's embrace of logic and reason towards religious faith in supernatural is a good thing?
That's not happening smartass. The numbers have always been like this, and maintining religious society is, as history has proven, a good sign.
That's still no reason to believe in something that contradicts the obvious scientifically proven truth. No wonder why the masses in industrial nations and societies fail to see the importance in looking at the long-term results of our ultimately unsustainable resource and energy demands. We might as well go back to believing that everything revolves around the Earth and that everything else was created solely for the purpose of us to manipulate as we please without any repurcussions.
Specialist said:
Hang on... Evolution hasn't been proven. It's still a theory.

Good lord.

Stop being an idiot.


Or I guess all those museums are full with play-doh prehistorical artifacts, right?

*EDIT* If you really believe that, Silencer: don't go studying history. Not only will you fail worse than Wooz trying to be sexy, you'll also be the laughing stock of the entire faculty.
Specialist said:
Hang on... Evolution hasn't been proven. It's still a theory.

Now you are just being silly. Only in the sense that Evolution may still be subject to falsification. So far, no luck in proving it false. Rather, evolution has been proven in laboratory tests.

Once a theory stands up long enough that it disputes all theories and can be empirically tested- it becomes a Scientific Law.

For a discussion-
These kind of things infuriate me, really.

You see, I am a very kind man by nature, and keep a very open mind. There is only one thing that gets me mad, and that's blatant stupidity. Wether it's people like PsychoSniper, people who believe in homeopathy, creationism, faith healing, and other bullshit: they should all be rounded up and shot. Really. In the last two years of my life, I've only thrown one punch... coincidentally to the face of someone who said the exact same thing as Specialist just said.

God I can't stand this.
Jebus said:
You see, I am a very kind man by nature, and keep a very open mind. There is only one thing that gets me mad, and that's blatant stupidity. Wether it's people like PsychoSniper, people who believe in homeopathy, creationism, faith healing, and other bullshit: they should all be rounded up and shot. Really. In the last two years of my life, I've only thrown one punch... coincidentally to the face of someone who said the exact same thing as Specialist just said.
Well, what of people whoare afraid of genetically modified food, at the cost of people starving to death in Africa? Bad scince is everywhere.
As long as they dont start burning down libraries or science labs (they might) Im fine with it.

What bother's me is that Ive never heard an accurate explanation for why dinosaur's exist.

Also, why religious people dont realise that belief in God doesnt necessarily trump evolution. See the Catholic faith.

The Vault Dweller
The reason why dinosaurs existed is simple: why shouldn't they?

They worked out fine until the world changed and smaller animals became dominant.

Meh. Anyway.
You do realise Evilution is not a real word, right?

Americans make my brain hurt. It's not like the US would be representative for any other part of the world. It's not like 50% of the people in all other "modern" nations are religious fucksticks too. That's just you Americans, the same people who forced companies to put warning labels on hot coffee through lawsuits.

And if you still want to claim you 50% are God's only true followers, please explain to me why nature's wreaking havoc in the US all the time with tornados, and whatnot.
There's a way lower density of religious fanatics in Germany and we don't have half as much trouble as you do.

Maybe God exists and tries to make a point?
Ashmo said:
Meh. Anyway.
You do realise Evilution is not a real word, right?

Evilution* is actually a real concept taken with all seriousness by the works of Jack Chick and those who pass on his messages.

* - Mildly non-worksafe**, but rich in discussion and discourse on the subject of faith vs. evolution.

** - Just one avatar.
As long as these ideas are not acted upon and they pay their taxes, creationists should not be too much of a problem. I do wonder how they can ignore the extensive evidence for Darwin's theory though. It can't be a big Jewish conspiracy this time, and there are no Communists left to blame. Or are all these scientists just really stupid, because they are well educated and it is their life work? Maybe it is God's big joke? This stubborn stupidity can be very scary if you are imaginative enough.

I am agnostic, but I believe that the theory of evolution is far from perfect, and there must be more direct environmental interaction than that which seems to be acknowledged. I may find out more about this in my future university studies or beyond. Still, there is no alternative, unless we want to live in the Dark Ages with our well-meaning friends in the Inquisition.

America just seems to be primitive and uncivilized to a greater extent than other Western nations. This is probably because of the education system and historical background. I don't know enough about American culture to explain the causes. I saw the first episode of this television program which was supposedly a massive hit in the US called Desperate Housewives which was very poor. The humour had all the subtlety of a sledge hammer. 'ha ha, she accidentally set someone's house on fire.' I only found it amusing when they were trying to be serious, 'Where is the woman I married? Why do you have to be so perfect?'. Is this really the height of sophistication in popular entertainment in the US? Please tell me that you didn't love it too. That would be just as bad as believing that we were placed on earth 10000 years ago.
Jebus said:
These kind of things infuriate me, really.

You see, I am a very kind man by nature, and keep a very open mind. There is only one thing that gets me mad, and that's blatant stupidity. Wether it's people like PsychoSniper, people who believe in homeopathy, creationism, faith healing, and other bullshit: they should all be rounded up and shot. Really. In the last two years of my life, I've only thrown one punch... coincidentally to the face of someone who said the exact same thing as Specialist just said.

God I can't stand this.
Some of these have been proven to have effect (faith healing, for example).

Bad science is everywhere. Take, for instance, EU fear over geneticly modified foods or some such frivilous nonsense.

I fail to see how these people would infuriate somebody for pointing out the blatantly obvious; Macroevolutions a nice little theroy with a fuckton of evidence for it, but there are some problems with it.
I am not religious, but I have spoken with people who are both religious and very well educated and intelligent. As far as I can tell, evolution does not run afoul of christianity; it only runs afoul of those who feel threatened by it; and feel that their position of power is threatened by it. They view themselves as gods (or extensions of gods) and simply cannot accept it to be viewed as wrong. They'd argue anything, no matter how ridiculous, if it would make them look bad to be proven wrong. There are also people who are so closed-minded that theories of things like evolution just challenge their fragile little realities so much that they fear change to an unhealthy degree. We can take some joy in the fact that people who cannot handle change tend to live shorter lives and are at a greater risk of psychiatric disorders.
John Uskglass said:
Some of these have been proven to have effect (faith healing, for example).


A placebo effect, maybe. Still, faith healing can be very dangerous if people with *real* diseases - like cancer- go to them.

That said, anyone who actually does that deserves to die a slow painfull death.

I fail to see how these people would infuriate somebody for pointing out the blatantly obvious; Macroevolutions a nice little theroy with a fuckton of evidence for it, but there are some problems with it.

That's already the fourth time in this thread someone said the Theory of evolution has flaws.
Might someone now actually say what they are, instead of assuming I'd believe anything if you say it often enough?
Jebus said:
That's already the fourth time in this thread someone said the Theory of evolution has flaws.
Might someone now actually say what they are, instead of assuming I'd believe anything if you say it often enough?

i assume that they mean the original brainfart of our lil' planet earth & thereby creating one celled life, that would then grow on into us.

i think most people have trouble with the idea of 'there was nothing' '*poof* there is a one cell organism', just like people have problems with the big bang theory.

(as i said, i'm guessing what other people think, so since i'm not Madame Soleil, i'm gonna shut up now.)
John Uskglass said:
Some of these have been proven to have effect (faith healing, for example).

So why don`t they prove it? One could help many people with one million dollar....

John Uskglass said:
and maintining religious society is, as history has proven, a good sign.

How that?

Jebus said:
That's already the fourth time in this thread someone said the Theory of evolution has flaws.
Might someone now actually say what they are, instead of assuming I'd believe anything if you say it often enough?

There was a problem with some small animal (pantoffeltierchen) where Intelligent design people pointed out that there was no possibility that this lifeform could have evolved, since one bodypart was to specialised and at the same time to complicated to exist due to cosmic rays (or how it is called), suprisingly, after this was claimed, many scientists used a lot time to find a prove for this animal evolving into its current form, and found it.
I would not be surprised if something simmilar had been found by the idiotic design people, the problem is that it takes a long time to prove them wrong (if it is not impossible).
And the problem about Idiotic-design is that, by using the logic if our theory is not proven wrong it must be treated like darwinism, are trying to get their ideas into biology teaching in schools, and due to that they are recieving huge sums by people who have realised that creationism, due to law, never will become a school subject instead of biology.