quietfanatic said:
Or are all these scientists just really stupid, because they are well educated and it is their life work? Maybe it is God's big joke? This stubborn stupidity can be very scary if you are imaginative enough.
I...can't believe my ears (eyes).
This is one of the reasons I like Sikhs, Jews and muslims better than Christians. At least they kept their faith.
What the hell is this? Do you people have no concept of the word "faith"?
dictionary.com said:
faith ( P ) Pronunciation Key (fth)
1. Confident belief in the truth, value, or trustworthiness of a person, idea, or thing.
2. Belief that does not rest on logical proof or material evidence. See Synonyms at belief. See Synonyms at trust.
3. Loyalty to a person or thing; allegiance: keeping faith with one's supporters.
4. often Faith Christianity. The theological virtue defined as secure belief in God and a trusting acceptance of God's will.
5. The body of dogma of a religion: the Muslim faith.
6. A set of principles or beliefs.
Faith is very rarely supposed to be based on logic. Of course not, logic, science, dialectics, philosophy, etc. are all based upon questioning something, which is the diametrical opposite of having faith in something.
"To have faith" directly implies believing something without questioning. The Christians used to understand this, Sikhs, muslims and Jews for the most part still do.
Christianity somewhere along the road, during the Reformation to be exact, had to take a good look at itself. With modern scientific notion cropping up, it decided it could no longer survive as a dogmatic belief. Essentially nearly all forms of Christianity, with the possible major exception of the Orthodox faith (very debatable), became compromised in its faith by science.
Like it or not, if you say "I'm a Christian" nowadays you are not following the belief system they did during the so-called Dark Ages, let alone following the belief system as set out by Jesus, no more than the extremist part of islam referred to in ways as "Fundamental muslims" is right in pretending that it stems directly from Muhammed, whereas it is actually an invention made in the early 20th century.
These people are closer to Christianity as it was as a form for a thousand years, they are closer to the Bible the faith is based on by taking it in a literal sense. You should admire them for that.
Like it or not, twist your ass around it or not, but if you're a Christian that says "I can unify my faith with evolution", think about where you get that teaching from. It's not Old Testament. It's not Jesus. It's a safepoint Christianity had to grab hold of when science threatened it with such things as facts and evidence, which are again different from actual faith. This is the same as "the Bible should not be taken literally". Bullshit. The Bible is the word of God, hell yeah it should be taken literally. This is a revisionist view of Bible History that was invented for no other purpose than to keep Christianity alive.
You should either have actual faith and count the Word of God above the bible or shut the hell up and believe in science.
Jesus H. Christ. Bloody Christians.
PS: that's why Jack Chick is an asshole too. A Christian with true faith wouldn't try to "disprove" evolution by a scientist's own lgoic, he would understand that proof and faith are seperate things and live with it. The only reply to "Evolution is a proven fact" would be "Doesn't matter, I have faith".
His "evidence " is bullshit anyway