Examples of retarded Fallout 76 weapons

Some People think the AR-15 is out of place. Some think The H&K G11 is just to new to be in FO2. despite being in development since the 60's. The entire Fallout series has being really schizo when it comes to real world guns. then they have things like the OG assault rifle from FO1 were the can't decide if it is an Colt Rifle or an AK.

This discussion has been had in other threads, but I think some modern weapons are appropriate. Real world "Retro" guns and retrofuturistic Resource Wars guns are obvious fits, but I think modern guns have their place too, if handled carefully. I think the focus should be on rare modern weapons, one-offs that never made it into production, prototypes etc to show that Fallout wasn't just in a freeze over from 1959 to 2077, but also that their version of our "modern era" was still alternate to our own. Having some weapons from the 70s-2000s gives some texture to the setting in that it shows it has a long history, because much like in the real world we don't disintegrate any technology that isn't current, and old stuff is floating about everywhere. Same would apply to the Fallout world.
I think the focus should be on rare modern weapons, one-offs that never made it into production, prototypes etc to show that Fallout wasn't just in a freeze over from 1959 to 2077, but also that their version of our "modern era" was still alternate to our own.
I think there are enough guns from the SPIW and AAI programs to fill that order. would have the 5mm cartridge in the game make way more sense as well. Just look at that these things.
Look, a lot of casuals want their Call of Duty guns in Fallout. What do you think is the most popular mods right now for New Vegas and Fallout 4? It's guns from Call of Duty! Call of Duty and Fallout, what a great mix for a RPG!
  • Fallout New Vegas: adds guns "oh cool, nice variety. great job."
  • Fallout 76: adds guns "what the f*ck bethesda?! this isn't cod! FALLOUT'S DEAD"
  • Fallout New Vegas: adds guns "oh cool, nice variety. great job."
  • Fallout 76: adds guns "what the f*ck bethesda?! this isn't cod! FALLOUT'S DEAD"
New Vegas actually added real life guns into the game as well as retro futuristic guns with effects that made sense in the world of Fallout. 76 just adds bullshit legendary weapons like Borderlands into the game with the type of effects you would see from Borderlands. Fucking Bethfag...

you got a link to this claim?
By the way we don't double post here. Can't wait for Hass to ban you like he has with the other Bethfags that come here from r/Fallout.
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  • Fallout New Vegas: adds guns "oh cool, nice variety. great job."
  • Fallout 76: adds guns "what the f*ck bethesda?! this isn't cod! FALLOUT'S DEAD"
Well... They are not wrong... Fallout is indeed dead in this point.

But the problem with F76 is beacuse legendary weapons are not legendary at all. Also, the legendary thing is just plain stupid. How bother to create legendary weapons when you can simply make a unique variant of the weapon... You know, like NV and even 3 did. Also, this is the motive why nobody has problems with NV weapons, not only beacuse they are well made and make sense in the context of the game, but when a weapon is UNIQUE, is beacuse it is, none of this legendary crap with generic effects (which dont make sense at all sometimes) in weapons that are not unique in any way, shape or form to be considered a legendary... That is the real problem.
Well... They are not wrong... Fallout is indeed dead in this point.

But the problem with F76 is beacuse legendary weapons are not legendary at all. Also, the legendary thing is just plain stupid. How bother to create legendary weapons when you can simply make a unique variant of the weapon... You know, like NV and even 3 did. Also, this is the motive why nobody has problems with NV weapons, not only beacuse they are well made and make sense in the context of the game, but when a weapon is UNIQUE, is beacuse it is, none of this legendary crap with generic effects (which dont make sense at all sometimes) in weapons that are not unique in any way, shape or form to be considered a legendary... That is the real problem.
You want to know the realist of problems in 76, if you weren't playing when the game came out or didn't get lucky enough to get a hold of those broken legendary guns you are essentially outclassed in any pvp fight and can't keep up at all with those using them in pve events to the point you can't even land a shot in to get damage credit for a kill because the guy with gatling plamsa that does explosive damage melted everybody.
Because it is. Todd Howard has admitted in past interviews that he wanted to take Fallout into the same direction as Call of Duty. It seems like that is what his idiots fans also want too.
He's not really fundamentally wrong - so long as these games are first person shooters, ideally the shooting should be fun to do, as opposed to Fallout 3 and NV. If you've invested in the proper SPECIAL, skills, and perks, shooting should be fun and smooth, though I think Fallout 4 flattened the difficulty curve way too much - low level players should feel like Fallout 3 or NV shooters, high level players should feel like COD.
Look, a lot of casuals want their Call of Duty guns in Fallout. What do you think is the most popular mods right now for New Vegas and Fallout 4? It's guns from Call of Duty! Call of Duty and Fallout, what a great mix for a RPG!

There's a lot of shit that's fun to mod into your games that shouldn't be there cannon. Like the ranch full of OP married succubi I have in skyrim.

He's not really fundamentally wrong - so long as these games are first person shooters, ideally the shooting should be fun to do, as opposed to Fallout 3 and NV. If you've invested in the proper SPECIAL, skills, and perks, shooting should be fun and smooth, though I think Fallout 4 flattened the difficulty curve way too much - low level players should feel like Fallout 3 or NV shooters, high level players should feel like COD.

Yeah but that shit confuses people. Even when I first played fo3 (and liked it btw) I found it hard to control and thought it was because I hadn't played a video game in years (Fo3 coming out was the reason I started playing video games again. I knew so little about them in that era that I bought my ps3 only because it was the most expensive non-PC device I could get to play it. But it shows how much I loved the first two games). I played for a long time and just used VATS before I realized what it was trying to tell me. I got my friend playing fo3 years later and watched him struggle with the aiming and had to stop him and tell him he was playing the game the wrong way. Maybe it would be better if they made sure it stuck by the end of the tutorial.

It sucks but the direction fallout goes is going to be dictated by bethesdas business goals and fallout's fanbase. As more people get interested you're going to attract more and more people who wouldn't be interested in a fps rpg version of fo1 and fo2 if they were released today and they probably outnumber the ones of us who would want one at this point. It would be really sweet if they just redid the two games in a cash grab, do it you greedy fuckers.

I will stop playing if they're more and more like 76. The rest are pretty good with 4 being the worst but I have no interest in MMORPGS and am not interested in the world fallout might be turning into. I guess that's ok there's a lot of content out there and a lot of good mods being made but yeah it's sad.
Some think The H&K G11 is just to new to be in FO2.
Sadly true... though of course nothing is too new; the series is set in 2077+.

They are not stupid, or stunted. The setting is their 50's pop-culture's anticipated future—not a future obsessed with their 50's pop-culture.
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Sadly true... though of course nothing is too new; the series is set in 2077+.

They are not stupid, or stunted. The setting is their 50's pop-culture's anticipated future—not a future obsessed with their 50's pop-culture.
For me, the ideal is a mix of guns from the 50s through to the 70s combined with guns (both real and imagined) that come off as futuristic or extremely pulpy/overkill-y, and especially concept guns from the 50s through 70s that were futuristic and pulpy. New Vegas, I think, has the best weapon palette of any Fallout game.