Exodus images

Got to love those anime eyes. And the cover's Power Gimpmask.

"Punish me.... bweep.... master"
Morbus said:
Nah... Too close to the nose. Not anime by any means. Poorly drawn, or cheesy, but not anime.

Nigga please. The eyes look straight out of My Little Pony.
cool stuff! I feel the pictures are pretty much kind of excellent. it's the name of the game that I don't comply with (feels so 90's). I do think the gasmask picture is better now
Am I the only one who thinks the girl on the left looks like a genie? :P

I really don't like the framing, they should have had something obscure the character cut-off point to avoid the 'genie' issue imo.
Timmy looks like some emoboy, pussy, sissy vaultboy or whateva, IMO cover isn't totally bad, but it does not look good enough for latterday RPG.
Maybe they should forget the cover and focus on what's really important with pen and paper games; the actual content.

Chances are that the cover art is going to be looked at no more than 15 seconds, and then bam. They'll be flipping through your pages, checking out the d20 rules, items, races, etc.

I do like the improvised vault-boys, however. They managed to pull off the 'style' at least. Although, slightly wrong time period.