Extremly hesitant on beths next game

All of Morrowind, not just the music was diverse and alien. Bethesda makes worlds, not stories. The reason they even screwed up their world-building (as in the environments, not the background), which is their speciality, is because they tried too much to duplicate what the "cool kids" of games, Minecraft and Destiny, were doing.

If they had just focused on what they did best, they might've ended up with a pretty decent, average story and an atmospheric open-world that rivalled STALKER. Too bad their compromises and sales-chasing means they won't be famous for that now. They'll be famous for being just like everyone else, another company lost into the mires of lifeless development. Another one bites the dust...

I found the story for Morrowind pretty good, especially as it played on myth and legend. Sadly it was linear.