F1 and F2 Needed More Endings


Look, Ma! Two Heads!
In my opinion, the first and second games could have had more ending slides. Some settlements in the first game had only the mutant invasions for a bad ending. Klamath in the second game had no ending slides. I also don't like how the game blames you for the extermination of the deatchlaws in Vault 13, even if the Enclave invaded the vault.

Here are some new suggestions for ending slides that should have been in the first game:

Shady Sands:

Rescue Tandi from the Khans, but do not wipe them out
Kill Tandi but wipe out the Khans
Kill Tandi and Aradesh and wipe out the Khans


Kill Gizmo but do not eliminate the Skulz
Kill Killian but do not eliminate the Skulz
Kill Gizmo and Killian but do not eliminate the Skulz
Kill Gizmo and Killian and wipe out the Skulz


Decker is alive but the missing caravans aren't found
Decker is alive and the missing caravans are found
Complete Decker's tasks and find the missing caravans
Complete Decker's tacks but do not find the missing caravans


Kill Maxson
Kill Maxson and Rhombus


Wipe out the Blades
Kill the Regulators
Do not kill the Blades or Regulators
Kill the Blades and the Regulators

Gun Runners

Kill the Gun Runners
Wipe out the Deathclaws
Do not wipe out the Deathclaws
Kill both the Deathclaws and Gun Runners


Fix the waterpump but do not kill Set
Fix the waterpump and kill Set
Do not kill the mutants at the watershed

For the second game:


Elder dies on the oil rig
Elder is alive and you have good karma
Elder is alive and you have evil karma


Kill the rat god and solve the cattle rustling mystery
Do not kill the rat god and solve the cattle rustling mystery
Kill the rat god and do not solve the cattle rustling mystery
Do not kill the rat god or solve the cattle rustling mystery

Sierra Army Depot

Do not enter the Sierra Army Depot main building
Enter the Sierra Army Depot but do not build Skynet
Enter the Sierra Army Depot and build Skynet
Infect the Sierra Army Depot but do not build Skynet
Infect the Sierra Army Depot and build Skynet

Vault 13

Enclave invades the vault


Tandi is dead
Westin and Tandi are dead
Westin, Tandi, and Carlson are dead
Complete the deal with Westin dead
Complete the deal with Carlson dead
Complete the deal with Westin and Carlson dead
Complete the deal and kill Tandi


Sell Myron into slavery


Wipe them out
Convince their guide to abandon them

New Reno

Leave the Wrights in charge, do not enter the Sierra Army Depot, do not destroy the stills
Leave the Wrights in charge, do not enter the Sierra Army Depot, incorrectly solve Richard's murder

Use this thread to discuss what other ending slides you can think of and what the ending slide text should read.
Some of these are pretty good, I’d love to see what the Junktown ending would be if only the Skulz were left.

Others I don’t think are possible. Don’t you have to choose between getting a brain or unleashing a virus in the Sierra Military Depot?
Just having more than one ending impressed me but I was just a young buck living in the late 90's.
Vault 13 Ending (Enclave Invades Vault 13)

In a cruel twist of irony, just as life for those in Vault 13 began to return to normal after the computer was repaired, the Enclave invaded and slaughtered the peaceful intelligent deathclaws together with the men, women, and children under their protection. Vault 13 had become a silent steel tomb.
There also should have been a different Arroya ending where if you had evil karma, the Chosen One doesn't become elder, but rather is exiled from Arroyo for having 'disgraced the memory of the Vault Dweller'.

Also, one for Shady Sands where you kill Aradesh, but do not wipe out the Khans.
Why not rule the tribe as evil dude though? Fuck them they can't exile me I will murder them.
Others I don’t think are possible. Don’t you have to choose between getting a brain or unleashing a virus in the Sierra Military Depot?

You can time it if you install the other parts first, then go back for the virus and then get the brain. You'll have very little time to escape if you do it.

On the topic:
Special ending for each location if you've decided to kill everyone, similar to the Vault City, Shi and Reno endings:

The slaughter of Vault City has become the stuff of legend. One day it was a thriving community, and the next, the bodies of its Citizens lay strewn throughout the streets. It looked as if raiders had sacked the city, but no bodies of the attackers were ever found. Their Vault was plundered of all its technology, and refugees from Gecko soon moved into the broken walls of the city.

The Shi, demoralized and leaderless after your rampage through their town, slowly drifted apart. They blended into other towns, hoping to find a place free from the depredations of killers.

The inhabitants of New Reno were slaughtered, and the city collapsed into ruin. No lights shine there now, the streets home only to packs of wild dogs and vultures. The desert tribes avoid the giant graveyard, claiming the city is haunted by evil spirits. Some say the destruction of New Reno was a judgment from a higher power.

Not many people bother to play that way, but it's always nice to see it. Not even the TCs have it for every location (Resurrection has for New Hope, Nevada for Reno and Olympus has one special ending for the entire Radius if you have Evil Karma and murdered a lot).

New Hope didn't survive your killing spree. It took only one person to turn this small village into another dead place in the wastes.

With everyone dead, the thriving metropolis turned into a silent graveyard, avoided even by scavengers and grave robbers.

The new ruler of Olympus used it's vast resources to finally end all life in the Radius.
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Special ending for each location if you've decided to kill everyone, similar to the Vault City, Shi and Reno endings:
It's kinda silly that they have ending slides for the Shi generally tbh, given that your interaction with them basically boils down to "Get their experimenta biofuel, either by stealing it or doing them a favour"

I'm willing to bet that like 99.9% of players got the exact same Shi ending every time they played, because unless you go on a shooting spree, or you killed one random guy who mostly exists as a Hannibal parody, the Shi get the exact same ending.
I thought fighting, defeating 1 of the bosses in San Fran would have dramatically changed the ending for the Shi. I can't remember their names but one stood for ' the individual ' one stood for ' the collective ' kindov. I delayed the fight for as long as possible so I had the arms dealers, either neutral or favourable.

Then the nasty selfish fucker got it haha. ( pity fallout never had combo's when training had your unarmed sky high. )
New ending ideas for San Francisco:

Kill the Dragon
Kill Lo Pan
Kill both Lo Pan and the Dragon

Hubologist Endings

Wipe them out
New ending ideas for San Francisco:

Kill the Dragon
Kill Lo Pan
Kill both Lo Pan and the Dragon

Hubologist Endings

Wipe them out
So basically kill every fucker in San Fran besides the BOS. So after killing Lo Pan, you attack Dragon as I think he refuses to fight ?? ( not sure ).

If you kill the Hubologists, the descendants of Tommy and Johnny fly over the tanker and bomb it.
San Fran is my least favorite location in all the games. Mostly because there is no loot there.
San Fran is my least favorite location in all the games. Mostly because there is no loot there.

Lol, you are a compulsive looter. I got stuff from Hubs if I remember right ! Do you put much into lockpicking ? Also in the BOS base you get all kinds of goodies.
I wouldn't say the games needed more endings at the time, as i didn't have much standard for Choices & Consequences before Fallout.

But if i were to add stuff now.
- I would expand on the unity ending in Fo1.
- I would give an ending to Klamath.

But i would also try to connect more the plots of Fallout 2.
Imo, the game is split into three geographical areas that are also separated plotwise.
- The northwest corner is the poor area in which you learn the ropes of the game without too many tools at your disposal, while getting glimpses of future plots at factions.
- The whole east, with political struggle, connexions between factions, plot points that come back in many locations, and a lot of quests.
- The southwest corners which is mostly about dungeons, high-tier gear, and the Enclave. Less quests, less politic, much less connexions with the west.

Beside investing more in San Francisco, and connecting it more with the west issues, i would like to have an ending that aknowledge more how much time you spend with the other factions and the societal models they propose.

The way i see it, i would have Vic radio made more useful, by having the major factions (slaver guild, Vault City, each Reno family, NCR, Shi, hubologists, broken hills, Gecko ghouls, other tribals, etc...), once they trust you enough, they give you their radio channel, for occasionnal help (nothing too OP). Then, once you blew up the oil rig, have your boat encounter issues (sinking, being stranded in the sea, crash into the desert etc...), and if you want your tribe to survive, you have to call one of the factions for help with the radio (or maybe ask Granite to reach some Enclave survivors from Navarro, if you want to include them in the endings). Then, once you are been saved, the Arroyo tribe and the vault 13 dwellers get to use the GECK to build a new settlement, but they have to do it with the faction that helped them survive the issue with the boat. So depending on the faction you choose to seek assistance from and depending on the fate of that faction at the end of the game, the future settlement would have a very different shape and form, and societal model, which could generate a lot of ending, that directly connect what happens at the very end (getting the geck, saving your village), with what you did throughout most of the game (being confronted with different factions, which represent different societal models).

Also, if you never picked up Vic's radio, nor got Granite to help you, you could still manage to land your boat, but at an higher cost of life (maybe having to choose between the tribes, the vault dwellers, or have the losses evenly distributed), resulting in a tiny village, that will disapear after a few decades.
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Ettu is adding more endings to Fo1. Nobody really cares, though. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯