F1/F2 remake?

Unfortunately, I don't see that happening. Not with the time and money that would take to produce.
I'm with RetroAmerica and am in the "good writing comes first" camp. Depth and moral complexity are what make a story worth revisiting, especially when allowing the player to be involved in the decision-making within such a story (e.g., truly an RPG rather than something else). Personally I can't play FPS, so I wouldn't want to see a FPS remake of F1/F2, though such a beast certainly would help expose a lot more people to the great writing from the first two Fallout titles (presuming that the writing translates to the remakes): people who didn't get into the titles originally because they weren't FPS. So honestly, the more I think about the notion of remakes, the better an idea it seems... even though personally, I wouldn't pay for the remakes if they were FPS and would rather see new works with good writing and an RPG focus than anything else.
