F2: new change to the damage calculation - hopefully a fix

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Yes, I don't think that the item change has to do with your fix. But it was strange, that both issues above happened in one playtest.

I didn't updated sfall since some days. I will take the latest version and check it out again.
Just a small update, I found a copy & paste error in the code I changed. I have sent an update to Timeslip and hopefully the change will be added to sfall before the release of RP 2.1

Hi, I'm new here.
I don't know whether this is the correct topic to report.
I just tried the latest version of F2 Restoration Project. I heard this fix is included in it, so I edited ddraw.ini, changed damageformula to 1. For some reason, I failed to do any damage to deathclaws with a minigun which used 5mm JHP.

BTW, I'm not sure whether the mod was insatlled correctly (I figured out today the download link to the Installer version in the Files section of this site is actually a Manual install version, so perhaps I should try the alternate download link later).
utunnels said:
Hi, I'm new here.
I don't know whether this is the correct topic to report.
I just tried the latest version of F2 Restoration Project. I heard this fix is included in it, so I edited ddraw.ini, changed damageformula to 1. For some reason, I failed to do any damage to deathclaws with a minigun which used 5mm JHP.

BTW, I'm not sure whether the mod was insatlled correctly (I figured out today the download link to the Installer version in the Files section of this site is actually a Manual install version, so perhaps I should try the alternate download link later).
Hmmm... please let me know if you are able to reproduce this again once you have used the installer version of the latest RP - I suggest waiting until killap releases version 2.1.2

There was a small typo in my code that would cause an issue in the calculation when this FIX was first released, specifically if the net resistance was greater than 100. The next release of the RP will contain a corrected version of my FIX thanks to Timeslip, and thanks to killap for making it an option in his project through the installer as well.

Here's the screenshot.

And here's where I edited (it was default to be 5).
;Choose the damage formula used to calculate combat damage.
;Don't set this to anything other than 0 unless another mod you're using explicitly tells you to!
;0 - Fallout default
;1 - Glovz's Damage Fix
;5 - Haenlomal's Yet Another Ammo Mod.


It seems even with the default value 5, minigun still does little damage to them, hmmm. I wonder whether that is what you guys intend to do? :P



A screenshot of the result using 5mm AP and with DamageFormula=5
You see the normal 29 and the crtical forceful-blow 7, strange.



The last screenshot shows the result using 5mm AP and with DamageFormula=1
It still does no damage, hmm.


*Edit again *

I set it to 0 and a nice critical with 5mm JHP dealt 920 damage!
Hi utunnels,

It seems like that you are using my ammo damage mod instead of Glovz' ammo damage mod. As such, this thread really isn't the appropriate place for your question.

In order to avoid further cluttering up Glovz' thread, could you please re-post your question in my thread (the link is in my signature below), and I'll be more than happy to assist you there.


-- The Haen.
Haenlomal said:
Hi utunnels,

It seems like that you are using my ammo damage mod instead of Glovz' ammo damage mod. As such, this thread really isn't the appropriate place for your question.

In order to avoid further cluttering up Glovz' thread, could you please re-post your question in my thread (the link is in my signature below), and I'll be more than happy to assist you there.


-- The Haen.

Thanks, I've reposted it in your topic.
I tried both DamageFormula=1 and 5, so I guess that covered both your and Glovz's damage mod?
Unarmed damage with this fix is less than in vanilla. My char has STR of 6 and hits ants in the Temple of Trials for no damage, while in vabilla I always dealt at least 1 pt of damage.
Zaius238 said:
Any news on this, Glovz?
The behaviour is correct, it's just that the critters stats are high, so a more affect weapon and ammo needs to be used.

Nevill said:
Unarmed damage with this fix is less than in vanilla. My char has STR of 6 and hits ants in the Temple of Trials for no damage, while in vabilla I always dealt at least 1 pt of damage.
This again seems to be correct behaviour given the critters stats and the characters hit range given a strength of 6. Though I agree this is not ideal.

Now that RP 2.1.2 is out I will be extensively play testing my formula in order to possibly refine it further, and then possibly modify proto files as well. But this will take time so do not expect changes too soon.
Im trying to use the 10mm pistol with AP ammo against the Tyler's gang and i dont think the AP ammo is working properly.

In your chart, you listed 10mm AP as doing 2-9 damage against metal armor. In my tests, i have done as low as 1 damage, and average damage is 1-5 without crits.

I noticed that your 10mm AP is listed as +4 DT, not -4 DT. Is that the problem?

I just did some maths and realised that even if your 10mm AP was listed as -4 DT, JHP would still do more damage vs metal armor.

A 10mm pistol averages 8.5 damage.

10mm JHP would average 12.75 damage due to the 3/2 damage mod. After applying DT (-4) and 30% damage resist, this works out to an average of 6.125 damage vs metal armor.

10mm AP would average 8.5 damage, bypass the DT of metal armor and end up with 5.95 damage after damage resist.

Edit : Wait a sec, i think the weird ammo damage values are beause I selected YAMM when installing the restoration project...let me see if theres a way to fix that
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Okay i did a full reinstall and selected the "glovz damage fix + damage multiplier fix" option when installing the restoration project this time.

I noticed that using 10mm AP with the 10mm pistol was slightly more effective against metal armor at least.

But so far i am not noticing a significant difference with using the desert eagle with .44 FMJ vs .44 JHP vs metal armor. They both seem to average about 10 damage for me and .44 JHP is far more common, so i see no reason to bother swapping to .44 FMJ when I do encounter metal armored enemies.

Is this intended? Still somewhat confused as to how this mod makes it better to use AP ammo vs metal armor and up.

Edit : There also appears to be significant balance issues resulting from this mod.

.223 fmj is even more powerful now, especially when combined with the .223 pistol.

14mm pistols are also ridiculous, i dont know how the calculation works now...but the 14mm pistol easily averages 20+ damage on metal armor. I dont get how this works because 14mm ap still has the 1/2 damage modifier.

The frog morton brothers and gang encounters around new reno are extremely deadly now.
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Looking at your table example for 10mm HP vs. AP.

5 7 3 0 0 0 0
5 6 4 2 1 0 0

HP does not seem to be significantly better against unarmored opponent. What's the point in using it?
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