F2 Weaponz Mod


First time out of the vault
F2 Weaponz Mod

All starting in Den, after killing church guards with Lara band. She will tell about Mercenary Base and recommend you to work there. M.Base is place to show all new weaponz from mod. aslo there will be quests and NPS who can join party. Mr.Fixit and B-Team extended mods including. It all under construction and only bugs there, so I cutted NPS/loca/quest part from mod

Sorry if I used someone pictures, it because I don't have yet another pictures. I promise after drawing my own I will replace it all.


Last test version, weapons only
Download 0.6beta eng version:
Download (half-cutted beta (no NPS,locations and quests, under constr.)):
Requires this s**t to run:
some mini-mods from this mod (!Not all of 'em compare each other!):
It's THE very rail gun from Quake 2, yes. What bothers me more is the BAR which I've made for the Survivor mod (the last weapon in the inventory, in the bottom). He could AT LEAST ask me to use the damn frm, I'd let him use it. But ripping it off just like that... *sigh*
lisac2k said:
It's THE very rail gun from Quake 2, yes. What bothers me more is the BAR which I've made for the Survivor mod (the last weapon in the inventory, in the bottom). He could AT LEAST ask me to use the damn frm, I'd let him use it. But ripping it off just like that... *sigh*

Serious? Well, we're not newsposting or even uploading a mod that "borrows" material from other mods without permission.
Oh come on guys, he's Russian, you know how they are. :roll:

Meh, i agree, that's not very cool, if that's the truth. Bad, uh, Werwolf. Sit!
Madbringer said:
Oh come on guys, he's Russian, you know how they are. :roll:

Meh, i agree, that's not very cool, if that's the truth. Bad, uh, Werwolf. Sit!

@Madbringer and other like M:
Not only Russians could do like Werwolf did. Everybody could use any material from other mods without permission.

However, I do not like this you used Lisac2ks items without permission.

And another point of the matter:
What, if the creator of some mod is not active, and I would like to use some materials form his mod??
The material from mods is not authorized, I think.

I proposal that it could be nice to write some info about source of using materials from.
Brother None said:
As Grim Reaper. I'm ready to let other modders use everything they like from my mods, all they have to do is to ask.

*A bit off-topic*: I've been working on the Jagged Alliance 2 v1.13 mod too. Guess what: there comes a guy from the dev team and shows me a pair of new weapons sprites for the game, among them was the magnum revolver from the Survivor mod. Now, how the hell that could happen :roll: We never used that sprite, since it wasn't... Fitting.
*off-topic end*
Description is added.

About someone's pictures: It from some uncomplete mod by russian guy, I knew he probably used someone other pictures and I have to use my own pictures. But now I don't have another pictures (for now) so I used it on my risk. I really don't know who owner it was, because we have free used pictures kit with a lot of pictures for mods and no way to know who owner! Also most of modders don't care if someone use it for their mods or upgrade their mods. anyway after I draw my own pictures, I will replace it.
Also expanded FrFixit included. Here is some Anarchrist coockbook's recipes, self-made weapons and other funny stuff

Is it you and your wife? =)

F2 Weaponz Mod: List of changed weapons (13:21 14.07.2007)

2 10mmSMG Borz/SMG (Maybe M3A1 or UMP45 ?)
4 10mmPistol Colt.45
11 HuntingRfle Crossbow/bolt
18 DesertEagle ZipGun.44
22 14mmPistol MAC11/SMG/9x17mm
23 AK-112/AR M16/AR/.223
94 Shotgun Shotgun/long
122 9mmMauser FN5-7/5,7mm (?)
143 SniperR ScopedCrossbow/bolt
161 BB-Gun -
162 LE-BB-Gun M4A2/AR/Night
241 .223Pistol SpearGun/bolt (?)
242 CombShothun M1014DWShotgun
261 JonnyBBGun -
268 CAWSShotgun -
283 Tommygun AK-47/AR/7,62x39
287 Hunt/scoped HeavyCrossbow/bolt
296 HKP90c/SMG MP5/9mm (?)
299 PipeRifle -
300 ZipGun 12,7mmBarett/.50cal (Mod only)
313 Revolver.44 -
332 M3A1/SMG LAW/one-time-using launcher
350 Bozar Gauss Bolter/bolt
351 FNFAL/AR M14Rifle
352 HKG11 FNP90/5,7mm
353 XL70E3 ConversedColtM4A1/scoped
354 Jackhammer -
385 Sawed-off -
388 Needler - (Wanna change to something paralytic)
391 HKG11E FNP90/Night
392 GaussRifle -
394 Revol/load Revolver/load norm.range
403 FNFAL/Night M14/Scope
404 DeEagle/Mag ZipGun,12gauge (?)
405 AK-112/Mag M16/Scoped (or Mag.)
500 FNFAL HPFA M24 SniperRifle

6 Minigun Minigun/other/.223
7 Launcher Mitchell/LMDS/AT-Missile
10 Flamer -
355 LightSupprt M249/SAW
387 M60 -
389 AvenMinigun AvenMinigun/other/.223
395 Vindicator M2Browning/HMG/.50cal

15 PlasmaRifle RamjetSniperLaser (?)
16 LaserPistol -
24 PlasmaPistol HandBlaster
28 GatlingLaser SiegeLaser
118 LaserRfile -
120 AlienBlaster - more range
233 TPlasmaRifle RamjetSniperLaser Mk2 (?)
390 SolrScorcher - (?)
393 Phazer Spasm Gun (?)
396 PulsePistol YK78HandBlaster (?)
397 PulseRifle BigLaserGun (?)
401 LasRifle/Mag -
402 MLaserPistol -

Too many "?" in this part, because not sure that plasma and
pulse weapons can be created.
Also maybe need change Gauss Weapons to energy class?
Octuplet Posting - is this guy taking the piss?!?

What the hell happened to modding in the mods forum (and I'm talking about Moderators ...)

I'm wondering if he has permission for Mr.Fixit etc too?

8 posts one after another? Bloody hell. Silencer will be excited.

Btw, I know that you all probably know that, but... this mod looks creepy. :rofl: