Fallout 1/2 windowed mode possible?

How, exactly, can I get this to work?

Trying to do this with Fallout 1, I put the "falloutw.exe" file into the program by clicking the little plus icon, and then I click the icon that looks like "play" (the right-facing arrow), and a "hook.ini" file is created. Afterwards, however, when I try to run falloutw.exe, it still runs in the normal fullscreen mode. Does anyone know what the problem could be?

You have to click on the toolbutton that looks like a "My Computer" icon. Or just run (double-click) the executable directly from the program.

But, as dude_obj pointed out, it's SLOW (lagging). Not playable, IMO.
Ah, cool, thank you; it works now.

It doesn't seem to be lagging at all on my computer, though maybe I'm just temporarily lucky. Thanks for the fix, though, and it'll do until we get a true higher-rez fallout like we have for Fallout 2.
Has anyone told an admin about this? It should go in the news (hehe it might already be there, I always check the mod forum before the news :) )
Right now I'm running just a P4 3.0GHz, with 512 MB RAM on a Radeon 9800Pro. My computer's been a bit wonky lately, but it seems to be able to take Fallout relatively well, even in windowed mode. I'm really waiting out for when the Fallout 2 patch is ported over to Fallout 1 so I can run it at 1280x1024.
On my computer (Athlon 1600+, 256 Mb DDR, Radeon 8500) character running with the same speed as in full-screen mode.
Just got this tool from Team X website today to run Arcanum and Torment in windowed mode. Fallout 2 works great too. To allow scrolling in Torment I had to check a box in the last tab of the settings. Anyway, awesome little tool to easily enjoy ultra shrunken 640x480 games!
ratsnack said:
Just got this tool from Team X website today to run Arcanum and Torment in windowed mode. Fallout 2 works great too. To allow scrolling in Torment I had to check a box in the last tab of the settings. Anyway, awesome little tool to easily enjoy ultra shrunken 640x480 games!

Anyone got a link for this file, the teamx website has been down for awhile now
Hmm, I'm having no luck with the direct link myself - any time I try to follow the link I end up at yahoo.co.jp

Could anybody host the file somewhere else, or PM me to send to my email and I'll post it up for others.

EDIT: Nevermind! After trying "one more time" the link went through for me. Guess I was just unlucky before. Still, might be something appropriate to have stored somewhere static on NMA? Also if anybody's figured out what the various options are, I'm stuck guessing and experimenting with them. alt-tab's not working unless I ctrl-alt-del and use the switch button in there. But still, very nice to have it in a window.
anyone knows how to get the Windower program to run Fallout 2 in Windowed mode?
i am unsure... ><
I just downloaded this program to see if it works with another game, Carmageddon 2. The thing is I can't read any of the options, so I don't know which ones to check to get it working. Can someone put up a picture of one that runs Fallout or other programs so I have a starting place. I can't get it to run in a window, just goes full screen.
If we had the game sourcecode everything would be much easeier.
Why developer haven't released it???
It's so old game!
Mayby sht. like petition to BlacIsle guys????

Maybe it wolud be easeier to make F2 run in it's standard res. BUT in wide screen mode???
I & many pople toyads have wide screen displays.

(i don't mean screen stretching but real wide screen where player just see game world (loaded map) a bit wider)
Hi all
Has this high-res mod been abandonned?
Too bad, it was a great idea and seemed on a good way...
PLay F02 in a window?

Is there a utility to allow playing the game in a window in order to accomodate higher resolutions?

I found one at TeamX but it's not for the US version.
I wanted to play JA2 in a window some months ago and found DxWnd in some forum. It worked after experimenting with the settings. I have no Fo right now but will have in approx 3 hrs. try it and tell!

PS: Also maybe 3DAnalyze can help, though unlikely as it's fixed on 3d (d'oh)

PPS: Finally the download of D3DWindower worked. Can be dl form here also