Fallout 1.5: Resurrection

As Said in EcCo thread, it's an Fo2 Restoration Porject/RPU mod. It's likely *not* compatible with Resurrection. Further more if you proceed with EcCo installation on top of your Resurrection install, You may screw up your Resurrection installation.

If You're really want some new gameplay experience, I've tinkered with the game files myself, and I *think* I've made one of the special encounters with certain crafter to craft more than once ( actually as long as you've got materials to craft [some stuff has ingame materials only for one craft anyways] ). this plus three light side party npcs level up each of your levels and as long as you do.

I haven't tested the mod yet, But if You're itching for another Resurrection playthrough, i might as well toss them over to you, as I'm busy with real life stuff, and likely won't be able to test those files anytime soon. it's not problematic, if they don't work just save, quit the game and delete them from data\scripts folder, and the game should be fine *even* on the same savegame, as scripts don't get saved in the savegame, a nev version can be loaded each game start.

Notice me here if you want those files for a testdrive.


Just did a quick check on some old savegames..
-Mcgyver modifcation works He now crafts infinite amount of stuff provided you have the components ( can be annoying for the two recepies that require mentats and psycho, and yeald mostly crappy items)..
- party member mod works only partially
bonus stats unlock works ok, but they level up to level 7 max, so in practice i unlocked only 1 levelup for each of them that's extra 10hp +2 DR + extra bonus to crit chance and some other stuff they get that i didn't manage to pin down ( but they do get something extra acording to the script). so that's it.

if anybody has an idea how i could bypass that 7 level cap in their scripts provide it here.
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Just finished 1st run this excellent TCM mode. I have couple of questions:

1. According to this guide, there is Sedit quest "Get the necessary supplies for Falcon's Flight: 15x beer, 10x fruit, 5x Xander.". I was not able get dialog option for that. Is it possible to do this quest?

2. In Corath, I choose support Nestor side. But I end up with antipathy repuration. Is it possible to get Idolized (or at least liked) repuation in Corath same as in other cities?

3. In Corath, is there any quest related to injured miner (mentioned in this czech walkthroug)? I didn't get it.

4. @gustarballs1983 Is it possible to do small mod, which unlock multiple SPECIAL operations in Albuquerque same as is it possible in Fallout 1: Eu Tu?
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Just finished 1st run this excellent TCM mode. I have couple of questions:

1. According to this guide, there is Sedit quest "Get the necessary supplies for Falcon's Flight: 15x beer, 10x fruit, 5x Xander.". I was not able get dialog option for that. Is it possible to do this quest?

2. In Corath, I choose support Nestor side. But I end up with antipathy repuration. Is it possible to get Idolized (or at least liked) repuation in Corath same as in other cities?

3. In Corath, is there any quest related to injured miner (mentioned in this czech walkthroug)? I didn't get it.

4. @gustarballs1983 Is it possible to do small mod, which unlock multiple SPECIAL operations in Albuquerque same as is it possible in Fallout 1: Eu Tu?

ad 1. the quest is given either by Rene or the ghoul in the kitchcen, or it doesn't exist i don't remember, but if it was present i must have had the nessecary stuff with me already.

ad 2. I've got as high as Liked when going the Nestor rounte. Nestor route guarantees good ending for Croath, but the miners get pissed uncle ( the wet dream hope they belived in) gets killed, as You may have known miners and Nestor don't get along well, as Nestor treats them as dirt. then agin in order to climb up from antipathy/hated in Croath i had to get abbey to brothel ( as getting the twin sister to leave brothel and live with abbey and her husband also gives negative town rep.

ad 3. yes there is such a quest, but you have to settle the situation in Croath, Leave and return after few months time had passed. the quest has quite diffcult checks, so save first, and be ready to pass the task to Lystra if you fail and reload to decide to rescue the miner. high doctor skillcheck, waste of skillpoints for measly xp ad an ultra stimpack.

ad 4. what exactly do you mean? (A) more than one operation on a single stat, or (B) do You want to have all stats operated?

Anything could be achived, provided you give this task to an experienced scripter, however don't look at Me, i barely managed to pull of the trick i did (if You've read the thread about my minimod, you'd find out it was my first succesfull script edit at all).

Simply put: (B) is possible already, You just need to have enaugh caps for the operations, and less than 10 in each SPECIAL, and (A) shouldn't be possible anyways since the operation is made from donor organs, and it is said by the doctors that one's body would not survive an upgrade of a given stat more than once, which is enaugh of an evidence to me that the operations should stay the way they are.
BTW have You noticed the huge karma drop from doctors performing an operation on Your char? Have you considered how much of a penalty to reputation it would be, if you'd undergo several more operations? Would your rep survive that much beating without townsfolk or questgivers reacting? Would You consider to talk to tribal shaman for the Spirits opinion on You, ( Lk stat effect) *after* all the negative karma from the performed operations? ;D
this is a karma check basically if you have >+100 karma You get +1Lk, however if your karma is <-100 You get -1Lk, such a double edged sword when someone decides to take the doctors operations before talking to the shaman ( each operation yealds -50 Karma [-100 with Karma Beacon or however it's called in resurrection] )
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@gustarballs1983 related to ad 4. yes, I originally thought about (A) - more than one operation on same stat (for example 2x perception boost from 8 to 10). Typically I'm going to do with operations after tribal (and other quests) are done. Also I have 1000+ karma, but you are right. I must be carefull around karma penalties from this.

@gustarballs1983 also is it possible to do these 2 quest below and still be on ghouls side? In this guide is mentioned, that only "Throw out the drunk for Sanchez" quest is possbile to do and still be on ghouls side.

1. Lost Town: Become a prizefighter - You can fight in the ring. The 3rd and 4th opponents are quite difficult and will require some skill in unarmed.

2. Lost Town: God's Gift - Do some deliveries for Malcolm across the street from the casino.
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@gustarballs1983 related to ad 4. yes, I originally thought about (A) - more than one operation on same stat (for example 2x perception boost from 8 to 10). Typically I'm going to do with operations after tribal (and other quests) are done. Also I have 1000+ karma, but you are right. I must be carefull around karma penalties from this.

@gustarballs1983 also is it possible to do these 2 quest below and still be on ghouls side? In this guide is mentioned, that only "Throw out the drunk for Sanchez" quest is possbile to do and still be on ghouls side.

1. Lost Town: Become a prizefighter - You can fight in the ring. The 3rd and 4th opponents are quite difficult and will require some skill in unarmed.

2. Lost Town: God's Gift - Do some deliveries for Malcolm across the street from the casino.

well offcourse You can do the above and remain friendly to ghouls. However You'd need to do the prizefighter before a certain event if you decide to help the ghouls.
If you decide to work for ghouls, the mexican "throw the aggressive bum out" will be unavailable as well, You'd need to do this before attempting to work for the ghouls.

Anyways at one point when helping the ghouls they'll ask for a mexican genocide, during which the ring master always gets involved, hence why You'd need to do the fighting before helping ghe ghouls to get rid of Sanchez and Rodriguez. Malcolm and his drug quest are unafected. Just stay away from his locker if you don't want to piss of Malcolm, and that's it.
Hi, where can I find the latest version of this mod? And aside from the installer, do I need anything else, like SFALL or a high res patch?
Any chance to get rid off the fores.exe loader?

The mod is running on my iPad in Retroarch with kokeeby's great sfall Win98.
However, only by *not* using the loader and starting fallout2.exe directly.
So I assume I'm missing some elements of the mod (modified perks, ...)...?
i can only play it once cause then it just wouldn't run. i reinstalled it and got same issue: when i quit it wouldn't run again. anyone knows why?
i can only play it once cause then it just wouldn't run. i reinstalled it and got same issue: when i quit it wouldn't run again. anyone knows why?
what's your Fo:resurection version?
a.k.a where did you get it from?
Stuff from drobovik's vault and _Pyran_'s archive are bundled with sfall5 by Mr.Stalin, that stuff comes packed with a trojan, so probably your av software took care of the ddraw.dll when you weren't looking :p

anyways, Don't use Mr.Stalin's stuff if you value your pc's safety..
switch to vanilla sfall asap. I do hope you know how to do this.
if you don't, you can always use orignial english release from czech site with vanilla sfall v3.7.3..
Perhaps I am, but my AV still triggers sfall5 as a trojan, despite some claims that certain other more common and less reliable antivirus software no longer flags it.

but it doesn't matter..
the world will be swallowed by a big radioactive mushroom cloud soon enaugh, when 'ol Vlad Horrigan presses the "game over" button from his tchemadantcheek..

and yes I am tiered to remind ppl to watch their step, when dwelling around stuff made by a imperialist dreaming of a grand return to their country's long lost glory. I actually am sick and tiered to see how irresponsible people can be, by installing his stuff on their PCs, and knowing jack shit about the nuances around the situation, and yet i still try to make them aware, and you know what? After a short briefing a signal lamp turns on in their heads, and they begin to combine one fact with the another, and acually start using that "out of order" organ between their ears...
NMA was always political.

Now stop this bs or we will start deleting.
what's your Fo:resurection version?
a.k.a where did you get it from?
Stuff from drobovik's vault and _Pyran_'s archive are bundled with sfall5 by Mr.Stalin, that stuff comes packed with a trojan, so probably your av software took care of the ddraw.dll when you weren't looking :p

anyways, Don't use Mr.Stalin's stuff if you value your pc's safety..
switch to vanilla sfall asap. I do hope you know how to do this.
if you don't, you can always use orignial english release from czech site with vanilla sfall v3.7.3..
thanks for info, i appreciate it. i think i got it from moddb, so it would be v1.5. now i deleted it so screw it. but i have same issue with olympus. screw it either. maybe vanilla fallout is the best lol. though i have modded f2 and it is fun. having combat control i see how much npcs can suck. but cassidy with his sewed-off shotgun is quite dope
thanks for info, i appreciate it. i think i got it from moddb, so it would be v1.5. now i deleted it so screw it. but i have same issue with olympus. screw it either. maybe vanilla fallout is the best lol. though i have modded f2 and it is fun. having combat control i see how much npcs can suck. but cassidy with his sewed-off shotgun is quite dope

no need t turn panic mode on.. simply put replace whole sfall5 pack with vanilla branch sfall. Mainly ddraw.dll and ddraw.ini plus sfall-configurator have to go, otherwise there isn't much to wory about, at least *my* AV says so.

it's up to you, however i haven't noticed too any bad things hapening, while i have a pelthora of Russian-made mods on my pc.. i just tend to get rid of the shady stuff.. so when my AV says something has to go, and i find it disposable/replacible, then to McDonald's it goes..
no need t turn panic mode on.. simply put replace whole sfall5 pack with vanilla branch sfall. Mainly ddraw.dll and ddraw.ini plus sfall-configurator have to go, otherwise there isn't much to wory about, at least *my* AV says so.

it's up to you, however i haven't noticed too any bad things hapening, while i have a pelthora of Russian-made mods on my pc.. i just tend to get rid of the shady stuff.. so when my AV says something has to go, and i find it disposable/replacible, then to McDonald's it goes..
it wasn't exactly a panic mode. i wasn't into modding fallout before and i just got fed up. afair russians were always good modders or crackers if you prefer to say so. lately i've installed f2 npc extension and my old saves stopped working. too bad cause i was already in vault city and heading to new reno. the npc armor extension doesn't work though. (i see many simplifies in f2 after time. i think the modding scene could make it a definitive edition, but for example gecko with few characters, vault city with few characters. i remember playing fallout and i was actually surprised with the coherency of it cause i played f2 first. like the hub really felt like something. the main city, but there was a war of gangs going later on in l.a. obviously screwed up but who cares. probably 2 the most bugged games before cyberpunk)
Could anybody guide me?
I am having trouble setting up the BISmapper to work with Resurrection maps. mapper opens up vanilla maps and only sees the resurrection ones when they are in data\maps folder, however the mapper crashes once i try to open resurrection maps.
Seemes weird since i just recently edited Last Hope maps with basically similar setup and it was working..
Hi @gustarballs1983 and everybody, I'm playing another Resurrection playthrough, but I'm having trouble with the configuration. I can't seem to set [CombatControl] Mode=2 to fully control all party members. The same setting works correctly in Fallout Et Tu. Has anyone successfully configured Fallout 1.5: Resurrection to fully control all party members? Thank you for your help and feedback.
so what seemes to be the problem? describe what's going on to give us a lead what is wrong..
how are the party NPCs behaving, what sfall are you using? is it Resurrection vanilla 3.7.3 is it sfall-extended/sfall5 from Drobovik's/Pyran's archive or have you updated sfall manually?

actually i never had problems wiith this setting besides one point in sfall history where the function was beginning to be outsourced and the script was fucked up after an update..
If You've updated sfall than i have my suspections of what you did wrong, however I'd like to hear Your story first before pointing fingers at something..