First time out of the vault

I have a whole damn essay for you.How so?
The maps are very similar to San Fransisco in F2. Lots of buildings, people and a large map but so few NPC's that can actually say something important. Now in some areas this isn't a problem at all like the suburbs of Albuquerque but this was a problem for most of the game.
The translation is good mainly, tho the beginning and the end could be better.
The lack of resources (mainly caps) at the start. This wouldn't be that bad if the game wasn't harder compared to the originals. In my first playtrough, I played with game diff hard and combat diff hard with no guides and I really had to load so so much. Now I know I made it harder for myself, but I also played the originals on hard as well with no guides and it wasn't really as hard as this. I also hate the lack of good merchants.
Not a problem that is exclusive to this game but some skills are so underused. Like science only is required in PROGEMA and in Rebirth base (tho you can easily finish that area with 0 science). Repair is used... Like 1 time? I like that traps was implemented better tho.
Weird curve with most weapons and armor. I pretty much skipped from leather armor to combat armor and that was because I paid attention to that Pedo's inventory. If I didn't I would go from leather to Power armor LMFAO. Hell even finding leather armor itself was hard. In F2 there was a clear curve with most armor and you knew that you were slowly getting stronger. I went from leather jacket to leather armor to Leather armor mark II to metal, then combat, then Power armor. I also believe some players get brotherhood armor before power armor as well. There is a clear curve here, unlike resurrection. Same goes for weapons. My curve with small guns stopped almost completely when I reached sniper rifle. I was lucky that I found .223 pistol in one of Nestor's mercenaries corpse I guess but If I didn't do that, I would get stuck with sniper rifle for most of the game. I spent 40% of the game with only sniper rifle honestly and while it is a good weapon, it felt very boring after a while. I tried to switch to energy but you pretty much need Tag! to reach to a good skill level in energy. This was with 9 IN btw. Even if I transitioned early, it still would be the same. Most new weapons are bullshit. I like the new big guns additions tho.
The atmosphere gets praised a lot, but I think the execution is off a bit. There are two ways Resurrection tries to get a darker atmosphere. One is by some dark quests and morally grey factions, which is good and appreciated, and the other is by making most people insufferable pricks for no reason. Most people are selfish assholes at best and absolute psychos at worst, with the few "good" characters that have a shred of basic human decency being portrayed as completely helpless and unable to live without your babyfeeding (New Hope, Frederyk's Dream, the ghouls in sedit etc.).
Characters being rude out of nowhere isn't that bad, if it makes sense. In the original fallouts, there are lots of assholes. I am going to use Fallout 1 as comparison since the mod clearly takes inspiration from it. Most people in Fallout 1 are nice enough to you apart from some assholes (like garl), or people who are prejudiced against you (like Set) unless you go out of your way to be an asshole. Kind of like... Real life? But in Resurrection pretty much every person is a fucking asshole. I remember Julian ( the "better" side in Rat Hole) basically sending you into a suicide mission and if you refuse, he tries to kill you (this is also an another problem of the mod, a lot of dialogue options basically end with "You have a minor disagreement with me? I will blow your fucking head off, fuck your wife, and torture all of your kids, bitch!"). I remember the librarian in Sedit being rude, the entire police in sedit being insufferable, the sheriff being insufferable, Lost town being in a state of chaos, and Frederyk being the usuall helpless nice guy. The little hub is unironically the best part in Sedit and that's because it's from F1. There is a bunch of other examples, but I don't want to list them all because it would take so long.
I know that I sound like an oversensitive crybaby, but after a while of everyone being rude to you for no reason even though you are supposedly "Idolized" with a karma of 1000, it opresses you and bores you and makes you go "Why the fuck should I care, go wallow in your own misery for gods sake!". It makes you want to burn the whole world honestly. It would be nice if this was the intention, but it clearly isn't, as the game pretty much forces you to pick your favourite asshole and then want you to pretend you are like them. Being able to go "fuck you" to them would make the game much better.
It seems like the game shows these low-lifes and basically goes "people suck, man" without putting much thought into it.
A minor nitpick, but I would like more varied dialogue options. A lot of dialogue options basically are either "Yes sir, I will not forget the daily bootlicking session ever again!" or "Fuck you dumbass I am going to kill you now lol" ( This option makes the entire faction, or sometimes even the entire town hostile). Being able to be more neutral and not act like a pushover while also not being a full-on pycho would be appreciated.
I also feel like the game relies on a lot of old cliches in order to make the story good. Don't get me wrong, these are good cliches but they are repeated for a bunch of times. The game started good with the rat hole storyline which was excellent. The point was basically two guys fight each other for a stupid ass reason that could all be prevented if they had basic common sense and during the process, turn the entire town to hell. The usual "Humans never change." stuff. It was good.
But the same basic point gets repeated again and again in Sedit, Corath and Albuquerque. It gets boring fast. Not to mention, a lot of towns seem to be like copies of the original locations, with a few differences. Sedit is the Hub but more opressive and the police do nothing, unlike the police in the Hub. Albuquerque is Vault City but they made a deal with Nazis and also there are crazy doctors. The city itself is even worser than Vault City btw. It feels like a very cheap shot at making the atmosphere worse.
The main story is very good tho, the only place where it could be better is the Savior. It is very clear they took inspiration from the Master, but they did it wrong. Basically, a guy gets trapped, goes crazy and thinks that everyone should fucking die. He convinces the ghouls with his IN 10 CH 10 speech checks, and no one apart from a few people actually tries to uncover the lie. Feels very cheap.
So yeah, the game is good with it's good main story and quests, but with everything else being average at best. Definitely is recommended, it is just overrated a lot.
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