Fallout 1 and 2: Has anyone here ever got crippled?


Ugly Mutant
I've noticed all four of my playthroughs of the first two Fallout games, (two for each) I've never once been crippled on any parts of my body. I know that there is a crippled limbs system in the game, but I haven't really experienced it myself. And if I did, I was probably already dead.

I kinda found this to be funny considering how often I had to deal with crippled limbs on hardcore mode in New Vegas. :P

What about you guys? Have you ever got crippled in any of your playthroughs of the first two Fallout games? I'm not sure if I'm just extremely lucky or if that game feature doesn't work like it was intended too.
Absolutely, though you see this more often in FOT than FO1/2 (as well as most other awesome mechanics in the game, as mechanically-speaking FOT was the pinnacle of the classic games' incarnations).

It's really nothing of any consequence when you get crippled in FO3/NV, which is why it happens so frequently. Many times I found my Wanderer or Courier would be traversing the wasteland with EVERY "limb" completely crippled, not because I had no way to treat it, but because it was no inconvenience to me whatsoever.

In the classic games, that's a different story. NOBODY ever makes a character that specialized in pistols, so when you get an arm crippled, suddenly you can't use your rifle. When you get a crippled leg, you can't run anymore, and suddenly those 9 hexes you used to be able to traverse per turn becomes 4 hexes. Get both legs crippled and you can't move much at all and any Eye Damage will kill your accuracy. It was a very rare phenomenon in the original games, but that was the point; they were very big problems to face if you ever got crippled. But rare or not, it happened all the same, and I got crippled plenty of times. Of course, like bad turns in combat, unwanted encounters, or most "mistakes" in the previous games, crippled limbs were often avoided altogether by save/reload exploitation.
Hmm. I remember seeing you (or someone on here) say that you liked to play the games on hard mode. I read in the Fallout 1 manual that enemies make more targeted shots on hard mode.

I like to play on Normal, so maybe that's the reason?
Some part of me or other has been crippled at least two or three times per character on nearly all of my F1&2 playthroughs, but I also heavily favor characters with Endurance < 5, so that might be a factor. The Jinxed trait keeps things interesting, too.
scorptatious said:
What about you guys? Have you ever got crippled in any of your playthroughs of the first two Fallout games? I'm not sure if I'm just extremely lucky or if that game feature doesn't work like it was intended too.

I once had both of my arms crippled in F2...and I had a shitty Doctor skill, so I was basically screwed. I think I ran to the nearest Doctor and got them fixed. :wink:
.Pixote. said:
scorptatious said:
What about you guys? Have you ever got crippled in any of your playthroughs of the first two Fallout games? I'm not sure if I'm just extremely lucky or if that game feature doesn't work like it was intended too.

I once had both of my arms crippled in F2...and I had a shitty Doctor skill, so I was basically screwed. I think I ran to the nearest Doctor and got them fixed. :wink:

I once walked from the Den to San Francisco with broken legs, rad poisoning, a spear, and a flare. :mrgreen:
scorptatious said:
Hmm. I remember seeing you (or someone on here) say that you liked to play the games on hard mode. I read in the Fallout 1 manual that enemies make more targeted shots on hard mode.

I like to play on Normal, so maybe that's the reason?
That would be me. But the original Fallout games' difficulty didn't affect the gameplay at all. Enemies didn't get smarter, or take more aimed shots, everything stayed the same. The only difference was skills either got a bonus (if you played on Easy) or a penalty (if you played on Hard), so it made YOU weaker or stronger. Then again, maybe the combat settings changed this? But I would never know, because I never touched mine. But I would always play on Hard, because maxing most of your skills by level 10 isn't fun to me, but carefully managing skill points and tenderly developing my character over the long run is.

As mentioned by Yamu, it might be your EN stat that's affecting your durability rather than anything else. Most players who have a firm grasp of the games (or read Per's guides religiously) play with 4 or fewer EN.
One time, at band camp...

You're not trying hard enough, make a melee pc with 1 luck. And the most difficultt way to play is to get through the game w/o slapping Ian for bursting Dogmeat, again.

In addition, I disagree about the comment about pistols. Ahem, .223 pistol anyone? Best small gun in the game if you ask me, oh it only has a 5 ap base attack and a mere 45yd range...
If we're talking about FO2, I completely agree the revolver rocks early on, especially with the speed loader. But I prefer the deagle for the damage range as well as the 20 round clip when you find Gecko and/or make it to Reno. In FO2 pistols are even more useful anyway, the Gauss pistol (although a bit too sci-fi for my palette) is pretty much the best all around weapon considering the very low AP cost and superior ammunition modifiers.

This reminds me, did the FO bible ever dip onto the issue of the 9mm ball in FO2? Apparently the only gun that could ever use it was only in FO1, Gizmo's very own Luger... And IIRC, doesn't the P90 (spankin' new at the time IRL, thus the discrepancy of ammo) come loaded with the 9mm? Can't remember, must find a PC...
NOBODY ever makes a character that specialized in pistols, so when you get an arm crippled, suddenly you can't use your rifle.[/quote]

My first FO1 character disagrees.
Crippling a limb really screws me over. I never bother with doctor and use rifles. One time I broke both my arms fighting Garl, I won the fight but ended up dying later.. If I'm crippled I have to just pray I can find and afford to pay a doctor to fix it.

I like having crippling in the game though. Crippling a limb would screw you over.
My PC's limbs never got crippled, but my followers would kill their arms and sometimes legs on a surprisingly regular basis.