First time out of the vault
Hi folks, i just recently registered here in nma. I love the fallout games since i discovered them ( Fallout 3 was my first fallout experience). When i finally got to play fallout 1 and 2 i stumbled upon a mod called fallout 2 ressurection i believe, and the mod offered different type of character models to play with.
My question is... does fallout 1 have any type of mod that allows us to choose our character models? If so... i humbly beg you to list me the name of the mod or method that allows so.
i'm currently streaming fallout 1 and i'm already using the Fixt mod.
My question is... does fallout 1 have any type of mod that allows us to choose our character models? If so... i humbly beg you to list me the name of the mod or method that allows so.
i'm currently streaming fallout 1 and i'm already using the Fixt mod.