Vault Senior Citizen

If you are not using BIS header files then it's not a problem at all.
I am using them, but I'm not using the reaction macros and stuff that uses Sex Appeal, since the demo didn't use reaction anyway. Well, each NPC script actually had some reaction procedures but they were not used for anything.
Hell, reaction is barely used in Fallout 2 as far as I could see.
And, well, there is one, since you are using SFall. Just add the following code into the Perk.ini:
Yeah, figured that one eventually after Lexx mentioned Perks.ini
So if I make a new version I'll do that.
However, it seems you can't do Night Person with Perks.ini alone. There doesn't seem to be any way to use conditions... as in -1 to something during the day and +1 to that during the night?
Precisely. Short story: the only thing you should do is to add +1 modifier to PE an IN if(night) and -1 modifier if(day). Everything else does the game engine. day and night are defined in the command.h.
It's slightly more complex actually since you set modifier only and not the value itself. And you should handle situations when Night Person is being fired up or weard off by the Mutate perk as well. I don't really remember if it's feasible in the demo, though.
So, in the version that is uploaded here I'm modifying it with by using the set_pc_extra_stat function. That's essentially like getting stat increases or decreases from drugs, alcohol etc. So increasing intelligence like this it does not affect skill points. So I had to script the skill points increase/decrease.
However, now I'm working on a way to do it with set_pc_base_stat. The scripting is more complex with this one but I think I've got it figured out and the skill points will be adjusted automatically and correctly.
It should also work with Mutate. Current version does too.
If it works, then the only problem will be that the effects won't be visible immediately when selecting it at character creation or through Mutate.
Which bring me to:
Try to set_global_script_type(3) and set_global_script_repeat() with some reasonable value. Implement
procedure on_global_repeat and place all the code which should be ran periodically there.
Something like that:
Thanks for this, will definitely give it a try.
Can you explain what this does, though:
if (metarule(22, 0)) then begin
return 0;
Thanks a lot!