Fallout 1 Missing Perception Point?

Irradiated Rat

First time out of the vault
Hey everyone,

I seem to have a problem, I just got out of the super mutant base and healed up some eye damage, only to notice I seem to be missing a perception point for some reason. I am not irradiated or under the effects of any chems. I read on a Steam post that The Master can permanently lower your SPECIAL stats, is this true? And if so, do I have any way to restore it? I am well past the point of returning to a save from before meeting The Master, so have I just permanently gimped myself for the rest of the game?

Please tell me the game didn't just drain my stats with no warning for the rest of my playthrough. Thanks in advance.
Yes, the Master can lower your PE/IN permanently if you don't have any protection from his mental attacks.
And no, there's no way in the game to restore it other than going through the "stat+1" surgery in BOS.
Yes, the Master can lower your PE/IN permanently if you don't have any protection from his mental attacks.
And no, there's no way in the game to restore it other than going through the "stat+1" surgery in BOS.
That's what I was afraid of. Pretty bad mechanic since it's given basically no explanation. Is there a way I can edit my character stats to restore it outside of the game?
Well, it's an old school rpg with harsh consequences. Also you are warned a lot in the message log while you walk through the revulse tunnel. :>
Well, it's an old school rpg with harsh consequences. Also you are warned a lot in the message log while you walk through the revulse tunnel. :>
I ended up just using Falche to add it back, not that it really made a big difference in the end. As well as using it to add in the Brotherhood Armor that I missed out on due to bugged quest flags, and gave that to Tycho. I think more could have been done to properly convey the consequence to the player. Instead of just having it appear in the corner of the screen for a brief moment. Losing a Special point for the rest of the game is pretty nasty, not that you'd be playing much longer if you're at that point in the game.
Losing a Special point for the rest of the game is pretty nasty, not that you'd be playing much longer if you're at that point in the game.
Yeah, you're either at the literal endpoint of the game, or got Mariposa Military Base as the very last. Unless, of course, you somehow skipped the other content, but as far as I could imagine it the only skippable content at that point is The Glow, but I doubt it, even though you can skip Lost Hills entirely and still beat the game fair and square. Fallout 1's time limit design, both in the first half and the second half, were all obviously taken into consideration when they put that consequence in the corridor before the Master.

But think about it; the consequence would be even more dire, thus making it even more important for players to properly pay attention, if that kind of permanent stat losses happened WAY earlier in the game, but I doubt we're not (or rather, no longer) ready for that, regardless if the devs conveyed it properly.