Fallout 1 "The most Ineffective Build"


First time out of the vault
Hello,i've got this crazy idea to go through the game with the most ineffective character as possible and record my journey. Since i am just playing the game for the first time at the moment and i am in no way expert or even posses the required knowledge to do so, i am asking for your help. That is ,to give me some advice on how to build the most useless character. I know this may sound pointless to some ,but if you found this interesting in some way feel free to add your 2 cents. Thank you
This is what I would do:
Strength: 10
Perception: 10
Endurance: 1
Charisma: 5
Intelligence: 1
Agility: 3
Luck: 10
I would choose the traits Bruiser and Jinxed
I would tag Throwing, Unarmed and Gambling

Expect to get killed a lot
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I recommend doing Blood Drive. Unarmed only, INT and CH can not be raised from 1, kill everything. Clearing BOS Bunker in leather jacket was great challenge.
This is what I would do:
Strength: 10
Perception: 10
Endurance: 1
Charisma: 5
Intelligence: 1
Agility: 3
Luck: 10
I would choose the traits Bruiser and Jinxed
I would tag Throwing, Unarmed and Gambling

Expect to get killed a lot
This seems about right . Thank you
I expect to die a lot ,but i will try to avoid as many battles as possible.
I will just go ahead and try to complete the game the best way i can without guides and such.
I recommend doing Blood Drive. Unarmed only, INT and CH can not be raised from 1, kill everything. Clearing BOS Bunker in leather jacket was great challenge.

Maybe i'll try that after i complete the game once first with the "useless" character .
What is Blood Drive btw?
This is what I would do:
Strength: 10
Perception: 10
Endurance: 1
Charisma: 5
Intelligence: 1
Agility: 3
Luck: 10
I would choose the traits Bruiser and Jinxed
I would tag Throwing, Unarmed and Gambling

Expect to get killed a lot
Problem is that Luck 10 would actually be somewhat useful with the Jinxed trait. It would mean that your enemies all critically miss while you are shooting fine.

I'd say bring Luck down to 1, move Charisma up to 10(Charisma only really effects skills like Speech and Barter, and since this character has low intelligence, they won't be using either), Intelligence up to 2(Having 2 intelligence isn't much better than having 1 intelligence), and spend the remaining points in Agility or something.
Problem is that Luck 10 would actually be somewhat useful with the Jinxed trait. It would mean that your enemies all critically miss while you are shooting fine.

I'd say bring Luck down to 1, move Charisma up to 10(Charisma only really effects skills like Speech and Barter, and since this character has low intelligence, they won't be using either), Intelligence up to 2(Having 2 intelligence isn't much better than having 1 intelligence), and spend the remaining points in Agility or something.
Thanks for pointing that out
I would drop the agility to 1 and raise the endurance.

Agility define the number of action you can do. The less you have, the less you can do, and the goal is to cripple your ability to do stuff.

Skilled might be a nice trait. Probably won't counter the low intelligence and you get to have less perks, which will get troublesome with the level cap. Also, you can still use those skills points on barter, gambling, speech and repair which will have little to no use. (with 1 Intelligence, you will probably be too stupid to have anyone interact with you)

On the fence about jinxed. Relies on having 1 luck and actually trying to attack enemies. If you just want to run, the trait might actually help.

That SPECIAL 7 10 10 10 1 1 1 can be nice if you take jinxed so you won't be helped by luck, but you risk being able to carry stuff and have the requirements to carry weapons. If you don't take jinxed, then better have 1 10 10 10 1 1 10. So you might have some luck but lacking weapon skills and strenght requirements to use any weapons would ensure ineffectiveness most of the time. The point if for you to miss most of the time. Doesn't matter if your hit become a critical if the rest of the time you don't do a single damage. Might even work with Jinxed. But i would prefer not use Jinxed at all, as it would cripple the enemies as well.

As traits, you can have Jinxed (the problem is that it weakens the enemies, not just you), Skillled (It reduce the number of perks. The skill bonus is negligible with 1 intelligence and dump skills), Finesse (lower your usual damage, at the cost of more critical chance. Since your character has already low chance to hit, i wouldn't count much on a critical), Small frame (reduce your carry weight. Not the worse of the bunch). I would pick skilled for sure. Then one of the other three.

Skills you can tag : Barter(with 1 intelligence) , Gambling (only one casino and few opportunity to use your moron caps), Speech (with 1 intelligence), Repair (rarelly used).
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I would drop the agility to 1 and raise the endurance.

Agility define the number of action you can do. The less you have, the less you can do, and the goal is to cripple your ability to do stuff.

Skilled might be a nice trait. Probably won't counter the low intelligence and you get to have less perks, which will get troublesome with the level cap. Also, you can still use those skills points on barter, gambling, speech and repair which will have little to no use. (with 1 Intelligence, you will probably be too stupid to have anyone interact with you)

On the fence about jinxed. Relies on having 1 luck and actually trying to attack enemies. If you just want to run, the trait might actually help.

That SPECIAL 7 10 10 10 1 1 1 can be nice if you take jinxed so you won't be helped by luck, but you risk being able to carry stuff and have the requirements to carry weapons. If you don't take jinxed, then better have 1 10 10 10 1 1 10. So you might have some luck but lacking weapon skills and strenght requirements to use any weapons would ensure ineffectiveness most of the time. The point if for you to miss most of the time. Doesn't matter if your hit become a critical if the rest of the time you don't do a single damage. Might even work with Jinxed. But i would prefer not use Jinxed at all, as it would cripple the enemies as well.

As traits, you can have Jinxed (the problem is that it weakens the enemies, not just you), Skillled (It reduce the number of perks. The skill bonus is negligible with 1 intelligence and dump skills), Finesse (lower your usual damage, at the cost of more critical chance. Since your character has already low chance to hit, i wouldn't count much on a critical), Small frame (reduce your carry weight. Not the worse of the bunch). I would pick skilled for sure. Then one of the other three.

Skills you can tag : Barter(with 1 intelligence) , Gambling (only one casino and few opportunity to use your moron caps), Speech (with 1 intelligence), Repair (rarelly used).
hehehehe this is getting more and more interesting .
I can't wait to try this out ,but first i'll complete the game at least once so i have some general idea on what i'm doing and how will i go around this .
Thanks on explain the jinxed problem.
Man,this build is getting more and more useless every day ,but that's the point XD
Another option is to take the bruiser trait. Unfortunately, it will add +2 strenght, so your strenght won't be lower than 3 (at least in vanilla), but the upside is that, coupled with 1 agility, you will only have 3 action points.

I don't have access to all the AP cost list, but it should prevent you to do many action. You shouldn't be able to use two handed weapon, (i am not even sure you could use one handed weapons), throwing weapons, many melee weapons (including the spear) do aimed shots, use some skills in combat. Simply opening your inventory should require all your action points. And, of course, you wouldn't be able to move much. Only three hexes if i am not wrong. It can possibly counter the strenght bonus.

So you have the choice between losing 20% chances to hit for each strenght point that you don't have (with 1 strenght) or being factually unable to use those weapons at all (with bruiser and agility at 1). The latter might be a bit less fun, although.
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Another option is to take the bruiser trait. Unfortunately, it will add +2 strenght, so your strenght won't be lower than 3 (at least in vanilla), but the upside is that, coupled with 1 agility, you will only have 3 action points.

I don't have access to all the AP cost list, but it should prevent you to do many action. You shouldn't be able to use two handed weapon, (i am not even sure you could use one handed weapons), throwing weapons, many melee weapons (including the spear) do aimed shots, use some skills in combat. Simply opening your inventory should require all your action points. And, of course, you wouldn't be able to move much. Only three hexes if i am not wrong. It can possibly counter the strenght bonus.

So you have the choice between losing 20% chances to hit for each strenght point that you don't have (with 1 strenght) or being factually unable to use those weapons at all (with bruiser and agility at 1). The latter might be a bit less fun, although.
well, i don't want to be prevented from using weapons and items ,that would stop me from using most of the ingame mechanics. Im thinking if i prevent myself from using the inventory,let's say,that would lead to a lot of quickloads which would just make the game insanely annoying to play .